In Harry Potter: A New Battlefield, Harry finds himself in a high-stakes chase through the desolate streets of an unfamiliar U.S. city after a mysterious encounter with the Veil in the Department of Mysteries. Transported to a new dimension, his magical abilities make him both powerful and a target. Dressed in strange clothes to blend in, Harry is on the run from heavily armed military forces and helicopters. Despite his exhaustion and the limits of his magic, he uses his wits and a few desperate spells to stay one step ahead. Amidst the chaos, he meets a mysterious man in a blue suit who offers a cryptic clue and a brief moment of respite. But the danger isn’t over. As Harry navigates this unfamiliar world filled with mutants and superheroes, he must find allies and confront formidable enemies, all while trying to survive. If you're excited to see how Harry’s journey unfolds, you can read advance chapters on my Patreon! Join me at for early access to new content and exclusive insights. Don’t miss out on this thrilling adventure!