Born and raised in the Sinnoh region, Cheryl Fir finally reaches of age and is able to obtain her trainer license! Watch her adventure through the region attempting gyms and most importantly... The Sinnoh League Circuit! Disclaimer: Updates are random but I'll try update whenever I can. Ps. horrendous thumbnail is drawn by me ;-;
As Cheryl's command rang out, an air of determination surrounded Seedot; its small form shimmered with a golden hue, as if gathering energy from its surroundings. The anticipation in the air was palpable as I watched, eagerly awaiting the outcome of Seedot's efforts.
For what felt like an eternity, Seedot focused intensely, channeling his inner strength and the golden glow intensified, radiating with a newfound power. And then, with a resolute expression, Seedot finally accomplished what it had been striving for - he successfully performed Harden.
"Seedot, you did it!" I said jumping up and down, rubbing his round head.
"See-dot!" Seedot replied.
Whipping out my Pokédex, I scanned Seedot to see harden now in his movepool.
Seedot: the Acorn Pokémon
Gender: Male
Nature: Modest
Ability: Chlorophyll
Moves: quick attack, bullet seed, bide, and harden
"Cheryl, It's time for dinner. Come back inside!" My mom shouted from inside the kitchen.
I rushed back inside, Seedot still nestled in my arms, and I carefully set him down and shook off my worn-out trainers to set them aside. Taking a deep breath, I walked over to the table and sank into a chair feeling the cool surface against my skin.
As June approached, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and anticipation. It marked the beginning of a new chapter in my journey as a Pokémon trainer, as I would soon be eligible to receive my trainer license from the League. However, the path to obtaining that license had become more challenging and regulated in recent years.
The League's decision to implement the mandatory attendance of the Pokémon Academy was a direct response to the rising crime rates and the disruptive activities of Team Galactic. It was a way to ensure that aspiring trainers were equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate the wild and face the challenges that lay ahead.
In the past, obtaining a trainer license might have been as simple as turning a certain age and demonstrating a basic understanding of Pokémon care and battling. But now, the Academy had become a prerequisite, serving as a gateway for trainers to receive their licenses and venture into the world of Pokémon training.
Attending the Pokémon Academy meant immersing oneself in a comprehensive curriculum that covered various aspects of Pokémon training, from battling strategies and techniques to caring for Pokémon's well-being. It also delved into the intricacies of the natural environment, teaching students about the diverse Pokémon species they were likely to encounter in the wild and the potential dangers associated with their habitats.
This year would be especially busy with thousands of trainers attempting the Sinnoh's League Circuit. I wonder how I could match against them...
"Cheryl?" Mom said setting aside a bowl for Seedot.
Snapping out of my trance, I replied with quick reassurance and switched on the T.V. Much to my surprise and annoyance, there was an ad about ultraballs. As if anyone could afford that... I muttered indulging myself into my mom's homemade lasagne.
* * *
Trees and rocks spiralled uncontrollably, disappearing with reality twisting and bending creating a surreal otherworldly landscape unlike anything I had ever seen before; the colors in this dimension were strange and vibrant, with hues of purples, blues, and greens blending together in an ethereal display. The air felt charged with energy, crackling with an otherworldly power that sent shivers down my spine.
"Cheryl Fir... Join us..." A harrowing voice sounded throughout the dimension.
"Where am I..?" Immediately the sky began to crack swallowing up all color. Gravity seemed to have lost its grip as I fell.
I jolted awake, my body drenched in a cold sweat. My heart pounded in my chest as I tried to catch my breath, disoriented and confused. The remnants of a vivid nightmare still lingered in my mind, leaving me unsettled.
"Seedot?" Seedot nuzzled towards me sensing clearly that something was amiss.
I reached out and gently rubbed Seedot's tiny head, providing a comforting touch - its smooth, nut-like surface felt warm against my fingertips. Seedot looked up at me with its large, innocent eyes, seemingly appreciating the gesture of reassurance.
As I continued to stroke Seedot, I could feel the tension in my own body melting away. The softness of its exterior and the gentle movements of my hand formed a connection between us, a moment of solace and understanding.
Seedot, in its own quiet way, reciprocated the gesture, nuzzling closer to my hand. It seemed to sense my need for comfort and responded with a calming presence. reminding me of the simplicity and beauty of nature, grounding me in the present moment and reminding me of the bond we shared as trainer and Pokémon.
Together, we found solace in the act of connection. Seedot's presence reminded me that even in moments of uncertainty or fear, there is always a source of comfort and support to be found. The rhythmic motion of rubbing its head became a soothing ritual, allowing both of us to find peace and reassurance.
As the last remnants of the nightmare faded, replaced by the warmth of Seedot's companionship, I felt a renewed sense of strength and resilience. Seedot, with its unassuming presence, reminded me of the power of simple gestures and the importance of finding simple pleasures in the small moments of connection.
With a grateful smile, I continued to rub Seedot reassuringly, cherishing the bond we shared and finding comfort in the knowledge that we would face whatever challenges lay ahead together...