
Grim: The Despised Saint of Life

He was merely an orphan that lived in isolation due to being a bringer of misfortune. Lost and distraught unto his fate, he cried and despaired alone. But he met her and the moment he reached out to her hand, his life began to enter the season of spring. The memories they made was reminiscent of the heat of summer. Intense and unforgettable, the blinding ray of light made him forget who he once was. She held his hand and it brought warmth to his palm. Yet that's also why, the moment she let go of his hand everything was lost and his hand cooled down. The season of beautiful lush green leaves, was dyed in red enveloped his eyes. "Live...! Don't... ever give up... on your... life...!" Years passed and he continue to brave the icy storm of winter that froze his heart from within. Will this season ever pass? When all hope was lost he was given a chance. {I believe I could grant you a wish.} He was tasked to save another world. Together with the 5 Miracles he delved into world of swords and magic. Where angels, demons and dragons where no longer a fantasy. There was a puppet that sought for redemption. There was also a fool who seek for acknowledgement. A sinner who wished for forgiveness. And a weakling who desired to be the hero. However there he was, A crazy nobody who just wished to remember. The face of the one that held out her hand when he needed. ............... .......... ..... I wish to relive those moments that made my heart skip a beat, so I take up this quest. I wish to see that face cloaked in my memories, so I held this holy staff. I wish to see that smile that brightened my world, so I wore this cursed ring. I wish to remember that name, so I chose to fight. Even if the world grew to hate me, I wouldn't care. Even if the world abandon me, I won't give up. Angels may sing in sorrow, demons may howl in anger and dragons may roar in fear. This is no legend of a great hero nor a mythical ascension to godhood. This is merely a struggle of a crazy guy, who wish to escape the cruelty of fate.

Ori_Gin_Lazywriter · 奇幻
12 Chs

The 5 Miracles

In Kaiōshin Highschool, there exist a group of students of unrivalled talent and are also the most prestigious students in all of Japan.

This 5 students are known as the 5 Miracles.

The future leader of Japan, the monstrous textbook of knowledge, the undefeated god of fighting, The protagonist of the era, and the most infamous gamer.

Together this 5 are currently gathered in the student council office.

* * * * *

"As per agreement you 4 will take 5 exams in 5 subjects namely English, Math, Japanese, Science and Social studies. However the examination will only be conducted within 3 hours of time starting as the longhand strikes 30. The school have provided some countermeasures to some cheating students hence the reason for the alloted time."

The student council president explained as he glanced at the dumbfounded guy with an intimidating aura. The student council president distributed the papers to the 4 of them and glanced at the clock which only has a minute to go to reach 30.

Tick~ tock~ tick~ tock~

As the clock strikes 30, the student council president gestured with his hands and announced, "The examination officially begins!"

And so the 4 of them focused on their exam papers and began to answer the questions one by one.

Before starting his exam, Akashi turned his gaze towards the student council president as he noticed earlier that the students gathered here we're actually the 5 Miracles.

Hayate Daichi, publicly known as the 'King' is the current student council president of Kaiōshin Highschool. He is also known as the son of the Prime minister and heir of Japan's leading business conglomerate. He established the order of Kaiōshin Highschool in his first year and is respected by both students and teacher due to his skills without taking note of his background.

'A personification of a perfect human being huh? Is that truly so...'

Akashi turned his head towards the man with the glasses in the right and coincidentally met his eye but the guy in the glasses turned his gaze immediately to his paper.

Sugo Shin, most known as the 'Genius' is a person who has an IQ of 180, as smart as Leonardo Da Vinci. He is a person of unrivalled knowledge in Kaiōshin Highschool that even teachers couldn't compare to, yet is not exempted in examinations. He is the leading figure of Japan in academic standards of a high schooler yet he claims to not want to skip Years.

'An unpredictable person by nature? He's just plain eccentric if you ask me.'

"Argh.."A low groan slipped out of the intimidating guy as he clutch his head and let out a sigh.

Murokawa Tsukasa, best known as the 'Boss' is the leader of Japans greatest known crimefighting gang. He's someone who ensures stability in Kaiōshin Highschool with his strength hence his amiable relationship with the student council president. He's someone born with innate survival instincts and able to harness it to supplement his fighting capabilities.

'A no-brainer who only knows how to fight. It's a mystery how he could get into this school.'

Beside him sat the ikemen guy. With a smile in his face. The ikemen guy continues to jot down his answers while nodding to himself.

Shouko Ryunosuke, greatly known as the 'Prodigy' is the leading figure of every athletic sports in Japan. He's a person of Kaiōshin highschool who represents the archery club and also the campus crush of the school. He's also a person proficient in every sports and capable of achieving various things with unimaginable ease.

'A very mysterious and annoying guy with no background but is well-liked by many. Like the main character of a light novel.'

After surveying the room Akashi switched his gaze towards his exam papers and began to focus his attention to it.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Akashi, the other 4 Miracles also began to examine Akashi from head to toe.

'Kageyama Akashi.' With his hands clasped together, Hayate Daichi stared at the interesting kid. And so the others too recall Kageyama Akashi's background.

' The 'Dead' huh, what's with the super cool alias!'

' The greatest gamer in Japan and a top gamer of the world.'

'The most infamous student of the school. They say he's an exact opposite of me...'

Kageyama Akashi, also known as the 'Dead'. They say his alias' came from the fact that his appearance resemble that of zombies and of some other matters too. He's the greatest gamer of Japan, able to conquer any genre in the gaming industry yet does not stream his videos.

In year 20XX, the e-sports industry began to take shape in modern society and is one of the most competitive sport in the world. To be able to enroll to this school Akashi signed a contract to participate in international tournaments with the school's name as the trademark. In his first year Akashi snagged a total number of 3 trophies from different e-sports tournaments in the world.

However Kageyama Akashi is a person known for his laziness ever since his freshman days and only attended school for examinations like this but it was generally conducted by a teacher. Because of this his reputation began to stagnate and everyone began to detest him as the worst person could ever get into.

Yet his background was supposed to be ordinary as it could get to be but his life began to spiral out of control right before his 3rd grade in junior high school.

Like his whole life was flipped over in an instant.

* * * * *

"Times up! Please flip your papers in your desk whether you're finished or not."

After saying those words, Hayate Daichi began to collect the papers.

"Ahh! Just a little more and I'll finish the social social studies you know?!" Murokawa Tsukasa expressed his frustrations as he wildly scratched his silky white hair.

"We can't do anything about that Murokawa-kun."

"Well what do you expect from a monkey. Even if you cheat using that ear communicator, you still can't finish this simple test. Truly pathetic." Sugo Shin said with a straight face as he snorted at Tsukasa.

"Whaddya say huh?! Wanna come and taste your daddy's fist huh?! And I didn't cheat!"

"No thanks I'll pass, I'm not a violent monkey like you. And you think president won't notice those Bluetooth earphones you hurriedly took off."

With a flustered look Tsukasa glanced at Daichi but Daichi ignored him and proceeded to check the exam papers. Seeing Daichi without reaction, Tsukasa smirked provokingly at Shin but Shin simply shaked his head and dismissed him as he opened his laptop.

"Pres can I dash off now, I have someone to meet." Ryunosuke said akwardly.

"No. Just wait for 10 minutes. I told you stop hitting off my secretary. My work gets inreased with you around."

"Haha, then I'll wait for it then."

Akashi was about to stand up but upon hearing their conversation he sat down and continued playing his game.

He stared at the scene in front of him. This everyday arguement and conversation they had was too surreal for him.

He nostalgically remember that this scene often happens in his days in the orphanage and as he continue to reminisce about the past, he was hit by the reality of what he lost and his stomach began to churn.

After a few minutes Daichi stood up from his seat.

"Now I will announce the following scores of each of you!"

"Sugo Shin. English: 100, Math: 100, Japanese: 100, Science: 100, Social studies: 100!"

No one seem to be surprised of Sugo Shin's scores. It looks like they'd be more shock hearing his score any less. Following him, Hayate Daichi announced the scores of Tsukasa and Ryunosuke which seems pretty average.

"Murokawa Tsukasa. English: 65, Math: 52, Japanese: 63, Science: 59, Social studies: 66!"

"Shouko Ryunosuke. English: 81, Math:76, Science:85, Japanese: 84, Social studies: 91!"

Although his grades are nothing in front of Shin, Ryunosuke's grades are pretty high for an average high school while Tsukasa could be deemed as below average.

However as Daichi was about to announce Akashi's score, for the first time he lost his composure. He stared enough to drill a hole towards Akashi in which the latter just ignored him.

"Kageyama Akashi... English: 50, Math: 50, Japanese: 50, Science: 50, Social studies: 50...!"

It was truly quite a nonsensical score that it's obvious as heck as delibrate. Hearing those words Ryunosuke was greatly confused as he stared at Akashi with a dumbfounded expression while Tsukasa covers his mouth to rein his laughter but it bursted out.

"Hahahahaha, seriously dude! What are you some degenerate manga protagonist who hides his strength for no reason Hahahaha! I feel like dying!!"

Surprisingly the retorts of Shin didn't come out this time as he was too, frozen stiff from Akashi's scores.

"...impossible ..."

"I know but it's his laziness is what will shock you to the point of impossibility."

It truly was something that can't pe coincidental since the scores were plain obvious too unreal.

"Guess we're finished. I'll go home." Without waiting for a reply Akashi began to walk towards the door.

Yet just as he's hand touch the knob, a glowing purple circle with bizarre unknown patterns was carved out in the floor. This didn't merely shocked Akashi but the others as well.

The purple circle began to emit strange lights that bend to different angle and the proceeding light swallowed the 5 of them.

The Fate of the 5 Miracles that changed the world has now started to run loose as they eventually come together.

The gears of fate that interwines them together has come and their destiny began to grow as one.