
Green Carnations(BL)

Adonis Arnall lived his whole life being controlled by his cousin Isolde Elton, thinking it was sister's advice. He trusted, loved and admired her the most. But she brutally betrayed him. His whole family and households were destroyed. He too was sold to some high ranking Noble's brothel like place. He died while trying to save himself from those animals. It was a miracle that he was reborn. This time, he swore that he'll make themselves powerful enough to not be able to be trampled so easily. He swore to protect his family. He makes the first move by taking help of Duke Magnus Bloodworth, who was also killed by Isolde's and First Prince's conspiracy. Adonis will take his help by getting his knights trained by him and decides that he'll save him. But as they start interacting more he finds himself taking glances at him, thinking about him, time and again. His child calls him 'Mommy'. He has to keep everyone safe from Isolde's evil plans, hoping he never meets the man of his terrors who he recognises only by the smell of his perfume. [This novel contains come contents that might be disturbing to some readers.] (The cover picture doesn't belong to me, I downloaded it from Pinterest. If the artist has any problems with it then, please contact me. I'll take it down. Credits to the rightful owner.)

VirgoVenus · LGBT+
42 Chs

Beautiful night followed by a nightmare.

Drunk Adonis giggled again, looking at the face of the most handsome man he had ever seen.

"Do you also think I'm cute?"

Magnus nodded his head after a while.

"Then give me my Cute Kiss."

Magnus slightly widened his eyes.

"Like our Osiris said."

But Magnus didn't move.

Adonis signed and said,"Why are beauties so hard to pursue?"

He suddenly sat up and kissed Magnus on his cheeks.

Magnus didn't move for a while and just kept on staring while Adonis kept on staring at him.

Magnus tried getting up to leave but the drunk man was somehow faster than him.

Adonis snaked his arms around Magnus's neck and lied down, taking him.

"Stingy Handsome Man, you think I'm cute but won't give me a Cute Kiss? So stingy, so stingy."

Magnus's head was buried in Adonis's chest which was a bit suffocating. 

Magnus held Adonis's hands and swiftly pinned it.

Adonis kept on staring at the handsome man with wide eyes.

"You have no idea what you are asking for, do you? If you knew the consequences, your innocent self would want to run away far away."

Adonis didn't move and kept staring without struggling.

Magnus was about to loosen the grip thinking he might have scared the curios cat.

But the curios cat broke into a smile.

"So strong. How could Duke be so strong and handsome and powerful and intelligent and rich? You are perfect."

Then he pouted his light coloured lips and said,"No no, you lack a thing. You are stingy. You won't give me a Cute Kiss."

Magnus couldn't take his eyes of those lips but when he heard that, he got courage to become impulsive.

He lowered his head, inches away from Adonis's.

Magnus was still hesitant so he stayed still, while drunk Adonis was awfully playfull.

He brushed their noses.

He raised his head and brushed their cheeks, time and again.

He then kissed Magnus on his cheeks again.

Magnus held Adonis's face still.

Adonis stayed, looking at him with his innocent but hazy and seductive eyes.

He caressed Adonis's face, which made the latter close his eyes. Let go of those pinned hands, which soon came to his back.

Magnus then caressed his lips with his thumbs.

They were smooth. Magnus couldn't stop. He wanted to know what it would feel like if he touched those lips with his own.

Magnus bend down and pecked those lips with his own.

Adonis's hands pressed on Magnus's back.

Once wasn't enough, he pecked twice, thrice, kept on pecking at a slow pace. 

The more he did, the more his appetite for those lips grew.

He couldn't help but take those lips. He lightly sucked on those petals like lips. When he was about to pull out, Adonis held his lips with his own.

Both of them shared a sloppy kiss. One was drunk and the other had a bit of conscience still left.

Adonis lightly nibbled on Magnus's lower lips.

Magnus moved down to his neck. A subtle sweet smell along with the smell of alcohol was making him feel intoxicated.

He had the urge to bite hard on the snow-white neck. 

He opened his mouth but didn't bite. He signed and rested his head on that shoulder instead.

Adonis was caressing his hair making his eyelids heavy. Magnus fell asleep, pressing down Adonis.

Magnus woke up due to the sound of heavy panting. 

He got up and saw the one panting was Adonis. He was sweating and murmuring something.

"Ummmmm.....no...let me go…... don't…..touch me..... don't..... someday save....save…..me."

Magnus clenched his jaw and fist. Who would have done what to this nineteen years old Young Master to be haunted like this on his dreams. 

Magnus saw tears fall down from the eyes which looked at him some hours ago and unclenched his jaw and fist.

He wiped the tears from those eyes. And held those trembling hands.

After his hands was held, Adonis stopped trembling. He snuggled near Magnus, hugging his waist, he said,"Save me....please…...save."

Magnus caressed his hair and whispered in his hair.

"Shhhhhhh, I'm here. Right here. No need to be scared. I'm here."

After a while, Adonis's sobbing stopped and he was asleep peacefully, once again.

Magnus lied beside the sleeping Adonis but didn't fall asleep. 

When the sky started getting a bit lighter, he reluctantly removed Adonis's hands from his stomach and stood up.

He caressed his cheeks one more time and said,"Sleep well."

He fixed his clothes properly and went out of the room, as dignified as always.

He called for a maid in his study and said,"The Young Master was quite drunk yesterday. Take care of his hangover when he wakes up."

The maid nodded his head and exited his study.

Adonis woke up with a sharp pain on his head. He clutched his head hard.

"Owwwww. What the heck."

He looked down and saw he was still on the clothes he wore to dinner.

"I didn't even change the clothes. How did I even get here?"

He sighed.

Adonis went straight to the bathroom and took a bath. When he came out of the bath, a maid was standing with a Teapot in his hands.

When the maid saw Adonis come, she lowered his head and said,"Young Master, please have this Camomile tea. It'll help you with your hangover."

"Did-did I make a scene yesterday? How did you know?"

"No, Young Master. I came here because the Duke ordered me to help you cure your hangover."

"Oh. Okay."

[So the Duke sent me here yesterday. *Blush*]

He straightened his back and said,"Thank you. You may leave now."

The maid left the room.

Adonis smiled pouring the tea in his cup and it sat in the chair beside the window.

He tried remembering what happened yesterday but couldn't. He got a headache instead so he gave up.

While pouring another cup of tea, Adonis's eyes widened as he quickly put the pot down. He remembered the dream he had yesterday. 

Yesterday he had dreamt of the time he was locked up, eyes blindfolded and hands and legs tied with chains, in that place.

A man would occasionally come to him and touch him. The man would hold Adonis's chin, tilt it and start moving his finger from his face. He then, would hold his waist and pinch it.

Then he'd chuckle. A dangerous sound.

Adonis would start sobbing by then.

Then he'd bend his knees and move it up his thigh, eventually resting it in the middle of it.

Adonis would cry, beg him to stop and let him go.

Those touches would make him filthy and want to die so that didn't have to feel anything again.

After hearing Adonis cry much, he'd leaves leaving a peck on his blindfold.

He couldn't see anything but he'd always know when the man entered the room. It was peculiar smell of his perfume. It was a very strong smell along mixed with other smells of papers, metals, cigars, alcohol. Remembering that smell made Adonis want to throw up. 

He quickly ran to the bathroom and threw up.

After wiping his face, he lied down in his bed.

But yesterday was different than other nightmares. He saw someone had come to save him. Someone came, wiped his tears, set him free, hugged him warmly and kissed him gently.

He saved him.

Adonis fell asleep cluching the pillow near him.

"Hmmmm. Smells nice."

He fell asleep in no time.

Green Carnations is probably going to be a short novel.

How are my beautiful people liking the story so far???

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