
Great Labyrinth's Chosen

[WSA 2024—ENTRY] Thousands of years into the ancient past, several mysterious megastructures throughout the Mazendria Continent were erected from various points of the earth, reaching the vast cerulean skies. The Seven Labyrinth of Wonders poured its divine blessing to the civilization as the process of divine awakening known as the "Calling" began. The "Labyrinth System" has been engraved in the souls of those who passed the trial of the Calling, marking the beginning of the Era of Genesis. The Seven Races—Humans, Angels-borne, Dragonbloods, Elves, Dwarves, Vampires, and Beastkins—have been competitively united more than ever. The Seven Sovereignty progressed rapidly with their own set of technical and magical innovations. The Seven Churches have been founded, and the eyes of the Seven Deities gaze at their representing race, occasionally sending divine revelations. It was simply the perfect era amidst the blood and sweat. * Thousands of years later, in the Sovereign Era, a mistreated seven-year-old young boy named Zero Ariad underwent the same divine process of awakening, putting him into a deep slumber as he was sent to the place of the test. However, through a twist of fate, in a place that seemed to have been a wartorn world, something that could not be found in the records of history, Zero Ariad met an enigmatic and divine entity whom he later came to know as the Goddess of Labyrinth. Being with "Her" for around ten thousand years, honing his body and soul to the extreme while gradually learning the truths of the world, Zero Ariad then finally opened his eyes. Armed with unimaginable strength and wisdom, his eyes are set on his first mission, which can be achieved by admitting him to the most prestigious educational institution known as the Labyrinthos Academia. Not as a student though. *** [GENRE/TAGS] FANTASY – ACTION – ADVENTURE – SYSTEM – MYSTERY – KINGDOM BUILDING – ACADEMY – SUPERPOWERS – MAGIC – OVERPOWERED – SUMMONS – GODS & GODDESSES – CHURCHES...

OriginalDimension · 奇幻
116 Chs

White Rose

Even though the opportunity to continuously thrive through labyrinth explorations that could simultaneously taken as a gold mine and deathtrap exists, there were Explorers who had chosen to gain the power provided by the mysterious labyrinths but avoid risking their lives.

Instead of exploring the confines of bountiful yet risky labyrinths, these Explorers settled in mercenary work concerning various tasks based on their commissioner's wishes.

But this time around, the Dual Guardian Mercenary Group had been informed by their Boss, Guardian Emric, who managed to become a knight of service of the Ariad Household through a stroke of fate, that the mission was to thrash the entire Villa of Ariad located further south of the Thread City of South Ariad Marquisate.

They were aware that their Boss, including his partner, Guardian Racan, the other core member of the Dual Guardian Mercenary Group was not faithful to the Patriarch of Ariad but instead to his first wife. After all, the brotherhood was bare in each other's eyes; no secrets were concealed as each lived the same benefits through thick and thin, life and death missions.

After several hours, an hour or two before the sun hid through the horizon, around twelve men, six for each refined wooden horse carriage engraved with a symbol depicting an overlapping dual sword, found themselves discussing what the future held as they journeyed side by side for the rainforest of the South Thread City hiding in plain sight.

"How much do you think the pay will be, Sir Hakan?" The driver of the carriage asked with a tinge of anticipation.

"Boss hasn't said anything yet but considering it's a matter concerning the concubine of the Marquis, I think we can assume our commissioner's identity who ordered it. What I'm saying... is we should expect a large sum from Boss!" Hakan, the acting leader in the absence of Guardian Emric and Guardian Racan, shouted in delight. His voice contained the certainty of the awaiting prosperity.

Even though this group of mercenaries wasn't aware of the inner affairs of the Ariad Household, they were at least aware of the dispute between Elizabeth Ariad and Icaria Ariad, especially when they were celebrating a commission's success, prompting either of the two Guardians to blurt out several matters concerning the Ariad Household under the influence of alcohol.

"—Yeah!" A collective celebratory shout of anticipation emerged, hearing the assurance in Hakan's voice of ease.

After around thirty minutes of unobstructed journey, from the Naira District of the West Thread City to the South Thread City, the Dual Guardian Mercenary Group left the city's gate under the scrutinizing gazes of city-guards, who were also Explorers but had chosen to devote their lives to the service of civilians, to maintain order within the scope of territory.

From here, the time to reach further south, which was composed of rainforest and intersections leading to another city gates, all still under the Ariad Marquisate, was around another thirty minutes. But it was of no concern since the road was smooth, making the two wooden carriages traversed forward through the single wide path with two intersections, walled by towering trees of tranquility, savoring the chilling winds of the afternoon dimming sun.

Sometime later, after passing through the two alternative paths, the Dual Guardian Mercenary Group found themselves in a serene area, secluded from the eyes of mundane life, at least a hundred meters away from the main gate of the Villa of Ariad.

"Tell the Boss that we're here, waiting for his order," Hakan commanded one of the two carriage drivers.

Nodding in response to Hakan's order, this particular mercenary retrieved something from his planar pocket, which was a paper of sorts carved with mysterious runic characters.

[Bird Messenger]


A byproduct of labyrinths, who witnessed the struggles of Explorers to achieve meaningless prosperity. It's merely an illusory bird used by Spirit Creatures to indirectly observe the wisdom and foolishness of some.

Category: [Miscellaneous]

Rarity: [Uncommon]

Function: [I See You! I Hear You!]

— Delivers a message according to the Explorer's will.

Status: Useful [Single-used]

"To Boss Emric, inform him that we're now here at the designated location, waiting for his order."

At that moment, the lifeless paper transformed into an illusory white dove. But before the subordinate managed to release it, a familiar voice echoed, gaining every mercenary's attention:

"I'm here. There's no need for that."

It was Guardian Emric in the flesh.



The twelve men recognized their discreet, well-built leader as they collectively prepared their respective weapons, waiting for the order to begin the mission as per their commissioner's wishes.

Donning a full-plated armor, with a sword in his side nestled within a delicate hilt of unknown labyrinthian history, Guardian Emric addressed ominously his crew:

"You will be joining me and Racan soon."

The plan was simple — to craft an excuse to be away for some time from the Villa of Ariad, leaving it unprotected and finishing the mission of destroying the home. However, hearing what Guardian Emric had said, the expressions of Hakan and the eleven others turned from resolve into instant puzzlement.

"Boss, I thought—"


It was one of the carriage drivers, one that Hakan ordered to deliver a message of their arrival and readiness, whose words were just cut off as his vision flipped, seeing the earth above and the heavens below, followed by a splattering crimson fountain bursting from his doll-like body that gradually kneeled similar to a penitent hoping for forgiveness.


Before the remaining eleven mercenaries processed what had just transpired before their very eyes, Guardian Emric's cold voice reverberated, "The reward's so astounding that I cannot possibly share it with any of you. The one thousand Labyrin Coins will be mine!"

Labyrin Coin — the universal currency of the Mazendria Continent, which was first procured within the treasures of labyrinths. It became one of the central parts of the continental economy concerning trade and business between labyrinthian products.

'There's something wrong with him!'

Hakan muttered in his mind, scrutinizing the seemingly maniacal Boss they had sworn their allegiance to. However, hearing the reward of one thousand Labyrin Coins, the several years of bond could turn into ashes in a second.

For Hakan, the reason he became a mercenary instead of constantly risking his life against labyrinth monsters, was to live a financially stable life. Such a thousand Labyrin Coins would amount to more than lifetime expenses for the average family and around six months for a nobility. That's just how the difference yet significance of one thousand Labyrin Coins pertained to, allowing its commoner possessor to live a luxurious life.

Even though he could rationally think, concluding that something was wrong with their Boss in this situation, Guardian Emric spared no time in letting him decide his next course of action. Overshadowed by greed, Hakan shouted, ordering the remaining mercenaries, who were busy dodging and fending off the rampage of the one they had trusted:

"Subdue and interrogate him about the location of the reward money! Don't kill him yet!"

Even though Guardian Emric was indeed strong, it didn't mean that he could win against the fully prepared eleven mercenaries as they also possessed the Labyrinth System, blessing them with the power of the labyrinths.

But the possibility of winning... was a far fleeting dream as Guardian Emric responded to Hakan's remark, "You are unworthy of it!"

Without concern for defense, Guardian Emric rushed towards Hakan; the latter wielding an igniting blade. With a swift, instinctual reaction because of how abrupt the former's action was, a line passed through their Boss' neck.

In less than three minutes since Hakan and the others arrived, everything they had built over the years — reputation and bond — turned upside down, seeing the headless body of the one who led them. But a moment later, realization dawned upon each of them, causing horror to settle in their minds as their eyes widened in bewilderment.

It was because there was barely an amount of blood that gushed out of Guardian Emric's body!

All of a sudden, atop one of the towering trees, a woman's indifferent voice echoed through the rainforest, "This is boring."

Unable to process what was happening or determine the woman's location, in that split moment of curiosity and disarray, everyone's limbs, excluding Hakan, scattered through the area, painting the fertile soil and several sturdy trunks crimson.


It was the symphony of agony; a song of the grim reaper.

Hakan, deliberately spared by the formless shadow entity, who gradually transformed into an otherworldly maid beauty, slumped down in terror as his eyes witnessed the dying mercenaries through blood loss that no amount of effort could afford them to respond by retrieving a Vitality Potion from their planar pocket.


Unable to mutter a single word, a brown pouch was thrown in front of him. Within it, every coin was engraved with seven stars circulating a towering pyramid, similar to a boundless tower — Labyrin Coins!

"One thousand Labyrin Coins. If someone interrogates you, tell that person that everyone here became greedy and started killing each other. I don't need to elaborate further, do I?"

Understanding the intention behind the order, Hakan, whose countenance turned pale, nodded frantically. He wasn't even curious about the woman's identity as he just wanted to survive and not be crushed by the pressure the lithe figure was exuding.


"Good then. Go back."

A sigh of relief escaped his quivering mouth as he turned around. Yet, that subconsciously performed expression instantly transformed into fear, hearing the maid's voice, who was gradually turning into a formless entity:

"Ah, you can't go back unscathed."

Another scream echoed once more, followed by 'another' order at the expense of his survival.


Villa of Ariad, within Zero Ariad's luxurious room.

Sitting on a refined wooden chair beside a delicate glass round table, Mai queried, "Master, will it be alright to let him go?"

Two seconds later, realizing her somewhat needless question, Mai swiftly retracted her words, "It was uncalled for, Master.

"On a different note, Master, what do you plan on doing about them?"

"About who?"

Zero Ariad's mind was wandering about certain matters, especially about the Patriarch, that he had to inquire in regard to Mai's question.

Standing by the window, after observing the spectacle of the starry night's arrival, Zero Ariad cast his gaze towards Mai, who was in her 'maid form.'

"About Emric's and Racan's families, Master," Mai replied as she straightened her back under his scrutinizing gaze.

"I see. What did their memories have shown you?" Zero Ariad queried, turning his back from his pseudo-summon as he witnessed the first night since opening his eyes to this world.

Mai's ability wasn't limited to "Impersonation" as she also had the ability of "Possession", allowing her to control a dead body, inheriting the body's memories. Hence the case from earlier's bout against the Dual Guardian Mercenary Group.

Just for the sake of learning and garnering information, Mai had also possessed Guardian Racan's body, albeit shortly, before cleaning up the mess that happened in the dining hall.

Pondering for a moment, Mai shared the significant memories pertaining to the two:

Guardian Emric had a wife and a daughter, whilst Guardian Racan had a wife and two sons. Both were neighbors living in the Caldire District located in the West Thread City. The former was a loving husband and father. On the other hand, the latter was a neglectful husband and father. Both possessed a certain psychological tendency.

Listening to everything, Zero Ariad decided on how to approach the matter, prompting him to retrieve a 'white rose' from his planar pocket.

Seeing the mysterious object, Mai lowered her head, her right hand on her chest before solemnly saying, "Your will be done, Master."


The illumination of the heavens had gone down, and the bluish moon unveiled its majestic presence.

At the balcony of her room, Icaria Ariad, the Matriarch of the Ariad Household, glanced at Butler Daradnon with her sharp golden eyes as her voice echoed, "What did you say?"

"Matriarch, both Emric and Racan perished. It seems the men that would take the blame betrayed them upon hearing the hefty reward."

Listening to it, Icaria Ariad squinted her brows, "And how did you come across this information?"

Butler Daradnon couldn't open his mouth, prompting him to release a sigh as he lowered his head.

"M–Matriarch, rumors have spread in the South Thread City; it's about the attack aimed towards the Villa of Ariad. But Matriarch... your name's included in the rumors."

Without waiting for her to respond, whose expression was gradually turning colder, Butler Daradnon continued, "It says that the two Guardians of the Matriarch were too weak, unable to deal with several mercenaries with no backing."

With a calm demeanor, Icaria Ariad responded in confusion, "That's a strange rumor, don't you think so, Daradnon? The only concern will be my husband, who will learn that the two men he assigned to guard his mistress were in fact loyal to me."

"Yes, Matriarch. On the other hand, the city-guards have confirmed the scene of the battle, a hundred medire away from the villa's entrance. Since these mercenaries are well-known in the Thread City, they have confirmed that one survived."

Pondering about the strange rumor that would barely affect her reputation, Icaria Ariad said, "I see. If he already ran, find a way to bring him to me. It's highly likely that mercenary was the one who also spread the rumors."

"Yes, Matriarch."

Before he turned around, she casually continued, "Concerning the families of both Emric and Racan, send them a gift. I don't have time for someone pestering me for compensation for their deceased loved ones."

Comprehending the meaning behind her words, Butler Daradnon raised his head, followed by his firm voice of absolute subservience:

"Your order will be done, Matriarch."