
Begins the Counterattack (Part-2)

The only way to skin discover the limits of what is possible is by going through and beyond them, to the impossible


Renji never believed that he would be alive once he will get caught by the Suna Shinobis, did he felt angry for being a scapegoat? did he felt remorseful for he was going to die? The answer is no, this is war, and this is what happens in a war, people make sacrifices... the pawns, the Rook, the Knight, Even the mighty queen is there to save the king... the king is most important...

And he is not even a Queen...

For 3 years, he traveled the world with Sakumo, They traveled everywhere, for 3 years, they completed the missions, for 3 years they killed people, did they felt nothing? no, they felt remorseful, they felt the pain of Killing the innocents, those who could not fight, those who were not even Shinobis, they even killed pure children, even the parents were killed by them, and their children were left Orphans, he created kids like him... Like Kushina, Did they felt cold? after killing so many innocents, maybe yes, Yet they still Kill, for both of them understands that this is only how they can protect the king...

People call him a hero, a prodigy, who is just 13 years old, yet despite being so young, he made it into the Bingo book as an A-rank Threat.

People always like him, for he is always there to protect the back of his trusted comrades, They call him the Second coming of Hatake Sakumo, The great hero who always protects his comrades.

Yet he knows, all he does is to Protect the King... At least that's what Sakumo Sensei, always told him...

The king that he always believed to be the Hokage... After so many years, he finally understood... He finally understood the Meaning of his teacher...

He does not protect Hokage, he does not kill Innocent Peoples in order to protect Hokage, Hokage is just another chess piece of the puzzle... He Kills in order to protect the King...

The King... that is---


A huge explosion took place, as Countless Hands from inside the sand came out and caught the legs of the Suna Shinobis.

They were caught by a surprise, That's when a Flying Sword came and directly attacked Lady Chiyo, in a tight battle


She barely hangs on with her puppets... as she slid back...

But she didn't have much time to think as she started fighting another Konoha Shinobi

The flying sword came back towards the Sakumo Hatake who was running at an extremely fast speed towards them.

From inside the black smoke, a boy with the naked upper body with torture marks all over it, jumped

The chains were coming from his back as they started covering him, and in just a second, he is totally covered in chainmail armor.

The chainmail Hulk thrust his right palm forward, as 8 wisps of water, out of thin air just went forward, and starting to make the meat mince of the people.


Rasa looked up only to see Jiraiya in his sage form was coming on to him from above as he raised his sand to protect him...

"Sand Shield"

Jiraiya Punched...

"Kenjutsu Arts: White Sword Technique"

A white horizontal line was drawn, as Sakumo killed any who came in front of him.


"Commander we are taking too much damage from all side, please help us"



5 Suna Shinobis came forward and made the hand signs...

"Wind Style: Fujin Trap"

By taking the aim at their opponent(s). The air around their body begins changing color to black color, swirling around them rapidly. Remaining in their focus stance the air quickly encloses the area that their opponent(s) occupy, creating a dome of air denser than steel.

The Area near Sakumo is sealed...

General Ichiro sighed a huge sigh of relief before starting his massacre yet again.

No one got time to help Sakumo side, they are busy fighting and saving their asses

"White Sword Technique: Rupturing Method"

Came the voice from inside... the dome

By utilizing the white sword technique, and pinpointing its functions to decipher the level of stability that a barrier has, through looking at the concentration of chakra within a given volume of space.

Once this has occurred, Sakumo targets the weakest point of the barrier and subsequently uses a variant of chakra sword to create a precise incision through the barrier's chakra, thereby allowing him to completely deconstruct it.

The entire formation was destroyed as Sakumo was standing there in the front.

In the sand, he stands, like a true warrior, like a true hero that he is... The White Fang Hatake Sakumo

He raised his right arm and...


From behind him, a plethora of Inuzuka clan, alongside the Uchiha, Hyuuga and Aburame Clan charged...


The Suna General saw the upcoming wave of Konoha Shinobis and decided to take the matter in his hands, as he made the hand signs...


There are chains bind his neck as he was lifted up in the air...


He was struggling as he was having a hard time breathing... with the chains tightening on his neck harder and harder.

If that was it, it would have been slightly less problem but the more realistic and urgent problem is... His chakra is being sucked dry by those chains...



With the Adamantine chainmail armor covering his body, he is in absolutely invincible mode... no one can hurt him during this time...

Absolute Defence is what these chains are, with absolutely no way of breaking, melting... Of course, if there is real General fighting against him, Like that of Rasa, He would have died under those gold sands...

Pity, their 3 Kazekage Died and Their General had to become Kazekage instead, or people Like Ichiro would never become General at this point of time...

"p-p-pakura, m-my D-daughter, F-forgive m-m-me"

General Ichiro of Suna died in the 'Battle of Sand'...

Renji closed his eyes, another Child, he made another child like him and Kushina, she will have to live without father and maybe without mother as well.

Revenge, why is he taking it? His revenge was to avenge the death of his fellow clansmen, his revenge was to avenge his parents, isn't that's why he was getting stronger in the first place, to protect his clan and to have his revenge? His revenge wasn't to make more children like him, His revenge makes him feel... empty.

Maybe he is already a piece of trash who kill innocent, What's the difference between him and the people who massacred the Uzushio, he murdered innocent children or parents just like them, Maybe he sold his soul to Satan in exchange of being heartlessness.

Yet he still kills without blinking, he didn't even once show a remorse sign, he didn't even once stop killing the General Ichiro.

For, every kill he does, he is one step closer to protect the king--

With no one to stop him now, Renji let go of the adamantine Chainmail armor, as he danced

He dances beautifully, like an angel that descended on the earth...

And the water wisps danced with him on the battlefield, the hydromancy arts showed its greatest effect...

The wisps of water, just float the entire field and make the meat mince of everyone present...

Rasa didn't expect that his newly appointed general would be killed so easily, true the Sand's General wasn't someone of General level yet, but, he was no novice either, it's just that Renji's adamantine Armor happened to be the counter of his fearsome flames, and thus Ichiro wasn't able to fight at his full strength.

After Renji started his dance, everything changes, Suna began to be on the defensive end, they couldn't attack even if they want to, The Hydromancy Arts controls all their movements.

Match between Rasa and Jiraiya was the same as well, with Rasa had to be on the defensive.

On the other side, Sakumo was also close to scoring a victory over Chiyo. She was starting to get tired.

The overwhelming White Chakra and that fearsome Sword is not something to make light of... Sakumo was already a Pseudo Kage, at such a young age, a feat never done before, truly, a prodigious Teacher of a Prodigious Team.

The momentum was totally on Konoha's side...

The 4th Kazekage wanted to support his army like he always did during 3rd Kazekage's time, but he sighed of frustration when looking at Jiraya.

Rasa was already beginning to retreat. He turned to see Chiyo and he found her out of breath and on the verge of defeat.

"Sand Ninjas, Retreat!" Biting his teeth, the 4th Kazakage issued the order to retreat.

Konoha's Ninjas were not chasing their enemies. In such an environment, they would just get themselves in a trap if they do that.


Sakumo and Renji fell to their Knees, the seal did their work, they were at full strength, a night and a day, even their heavily poisoned body was moving around like normal.

But that was it, they looked at each other, and they smiled knowingly...

Their visions blurred as they fell face to sand...


That voice was echoing through their ears...



With a thump, with a thump-thump, he heard an echoing voice as he opened up his eyes a little though with great effort...

He saw himself inside the main camp, they are treating him just like they are treating Sakumo.

There he saw the blurring figure of Mikoto, yelling something he can't understand, everything was echoing...

The seal had a very serious Drawback, it was to let them suffer the horrible pain for full 24 hours, yet, they were being poisoned... using this seal means, the poison will be able to act more efficiently.

The Hero of War... Hatake Sakumo.

And another hero... Uzumaki Renji.

They are dying... in the Deadly battle of Sand