
Godlike Demon

Fake name and fake self In search of his lost memories he transferred to a new magical school which are the students enrolled in to have some extraordinary powers. Alongside some challenges up ahead, and people who gets on his way, will he be able to solve the mystery of his past?

No_Name69 · 奇幻
13 Chs

Chapter 0: School Infiltration Project

The low borns are treated as nothing but slaves for the high born, no, even lower than slaves and trashes itself which is 'nothing' they work their butts until the end of their lives all chained and locked up after labor work. only a bite of food a day, enough for you to survive another day.

While, on the other hand, the high borns, lives their lives in a luxury, baths in golds, sleeps in a comfy bed and eats a feasts of foods on every meals. on top of it all they are free to do what they want, and they get all fat all day doing nothing but eat, sleep and spend their money, golds, jewels on women to satisfy their desires

People who are at the bottom and people who are at the top. Everyone treats each other base on their status, how wealthy they are, how wealthy can they be in the future, they looked up to those people who'll bring the world a better peace and make their life comfortable. But they looked down on the people at the bottom, they do not even think; how useless they are or how useless can they be in future. they do not even lay their eyes nor breathe in the same air as them. They're graded as nothing but lower than trashes.

The same hierarchy was implemented In the North high academy. A school where knowledge means nothing but strength is all it takes to survive.

The higher your family's position are the higher your position can be in this school. however, if you're weak, you're out as well, your families status doesn't matter if you're weak as the low lives. Your other fellow students will look up to the stronger one and look down on the weakest.

So every youths who attends this school with a rather strict hierarchy as well as poor treatment. are doing their very best to be strong, so that no one will look down on them anymore.

They struggle for their lives like the low born, and used the weakest as a stepping stone in order to reach the top.


(Present time) YEAR 5050

Somewhere in a tall building in United States.

A bald old man in an expensive suit sitting on a wheelchair, with a cigarette on hand. He stared at the city downtown, with peace showed in his eyes.

Light footsteps came into close as there appeared a young man in black suit, the shadow covers his face.

"It has been 20 years right?" The bald old man said.

The young man in black suit nodded and replied, "It really is, sir"

"I wonder if what is he doing right now, well I don't even now if he is alive and well. everyone is scattered around the world, and some of them have already forsaken our long time friendship and battles we did in the past. each of them has families of their own and children to feed. while I, have nothing but loneliness... " The old man put on a saddened look as tears flows down from his eyes.

Suddenly the door banged opened as there entered a lady in white suit with a long blonde hair and green eyes, she is a beautiful young one, she seemed in a hurry as she was breathing heavily with sweats flowing down from her forehead.

"Kusanagi! KUSANAGI!!!" She hastily spoke.

The old man was quite surprised that for a very long time no one have casually spoke his name, Kusanagi that is.

She was holding a paper on hand, she said, "Kusanagi! here! see this! look at this! I FOUND THEM!!!" She looked very happy.

The young man in black suit lend his hand on helping the Kusanagi to turn his wheelchair towards the lady.

"What is it, Rana?" he said.

"Here!" She handed the piece of paper to Kusanagi.

The paper was in a mess and the paper seemed very old. there are traces of folding it into four. A messy handwriting of ink blood was in it. It was a long lost letter.

Kusanagi's eyes grew wide as he read the letter continuously. A bucket of tears was brought once again into his eyes. "I can't believe it!"

He wouldn't stop crying as the lady and the young man comforts Kusanagi.

"Yeah! He is...



In a certain sweet store.

"Dear customer, would you like another box?" A middle aged man said as he was persuading the customer in line.

In front of the counter, the customer, which has the look of a celebrity, replied, "Yeah plea-"


When a sudden explosion in the road in front of the sweets shop. all of the windows were broken into pieces and some of the broken shards pierce into the people eyes and some were stuck in their skins.


They screamed in pain as the people around were in dire panic.

"Healer! Healer!"

"Is there a healer around?"

The sudden explosion was done by a terrorists' attack of a certain vigilante group. One of them has the magic of explosion which is closer to the fire attribute. Also, with bombs in their hands they could cause a lot of ruckus in the building near.

Thankfully the national police guards came in time and the terrorists where taken care of in a short time without losing a single life.

The injured people were immediately sent to the hospital.

The terrorist were carrying a massive and dangerous foreign weapons inside their truck, the weapon was immediately sent to the government for investigation as well as the terrorists.

The government said that the military force should temporarily imprison the criminals on their base at the further location until, they spit out the information regarding the reason of their attack.

With some suspicious evidences on hand. they wouldn't let them go away that easily, it can also result in decapitation of their heads.

In the underground base of the military in a further lands. Currently, an investigation is going underway. In a room with an advance surveillance, a beaten up man with a lots of cuts throughout his body, tied up with a special magic rope and a metal chair.

A fierce, hard boild looking, soldier with a tobacco on his mouth, spoke in a deep intimidating tone, "Who sent you here?"

He walks back and forth.

The criminal stayed silent and once again a punch coming from the soldier sent a tooth flying. A mouthful of blood drips down as he looked at the soldier with a piercing eyes.

"I... w... won't... tell...y... yo.. you... k.. kill.. me.. in.. instead..." he roughly spoke.

"That's a no, man!" The soldier replied, and loudly spoke on his ear. bringing his ears dripping blood, breaking his ear drum apart.

The man screamed in pain but he is determined not to spill a single bean.

"Tch! you're so persistent" He kicked his stomach five times and the man fainted.

"Hm?" The soldier crouched down and feels his pulse, his expression suddenly took a U turn, he spoke, "Shit! This guy is dead, he lost too much blood. I never got a single information"

"These guys are carrying a massive weapon inside their truck, and exposed themselves to the public by causing a trouble they even managed to injured a lot of people. and they won't say anything even if they are standing right in front of death. What are they up to?"

A sound of footsteps came into close towards him, a wimpy looking kid in a military black uniform with a gray hair, orange innocent eyes, saluted to the man.

"General Kim Jung Soo, sir. First lieutenant Lee Yoo Ri is here per your command, what shall I do, sir?" With a polite words and tone, he has a kiddy look and height despite being a first lieutenant. He is 29 years old.

The soldier man was the General in charge in this military base all this time.

"You know how to speak Japaneae right?"

"Yessir! I watch anime all the time! sir"

"You mean? you skipped from your duties???"

"N-no sir! I meant when its my day off sir!"

"Your Mother is a Japanese and your father is a korean, hmm then!"

"Lee Yoo Ri, you'll be going to school again!" With a serious look on his face he pointed his index finger towards Lee Yoo ri

"E-eh? sir? m-me? school?" He fumbled his words in his reply.

With a confuse mind he has he agreed and received his orders without thinking a single thing.


Carrying a ton of stuff and luggages, Lee Yoo Ri put up a face of a realization of his recent actions, he heavily sighed, "What did I just agreed on?!"

Standing in the sideways, General Kim Sung Soo in a casual attire composed of a shirt under a thick leather jacket, and normal pants. "Wish you good luck Mister Yoo Ri! please review the documents inside your luggage on the plane. Okay?!" The way he spoke is very different from usual and he had a peaceful look instead of a hard boiled look.


"Farewell!" General Kim Sung Soo waves with both if his hands while Mister Lee Yoo Ri was embarrassingly walking away from his view.

The people around witnessing this scene whispers to each other;

"What a great father he is, coming all the way here just to send his son..."

"Yeah, what a great dad!"

In Lee Yoo Ri's chaos mind, "Waaah~! So shameful!" He is still hung up about it.

He entered the plane and sat on the VIP seat on the VIP room on the furthest back prepared by General Kim Sung Soo.

"Uwaah~ Sir is so considerate, preparing all this stuff for me..." he sat in awe as he looks around the luxurious VIP room.

He sat on his reserved seat, and opened the document Kim Sung Soo gave.

After reading the title his eyes grew wider as his pupil became small, "W-what?! what the heck is this!!!"

"Project School Infiltration In North High Academy In Tokyo, Japan"


That's what he was surprised about?