
God's Mercenary!

In his last life, he never felt anything concerned him. Always lived in shadows he didn't have anything special going with his life. But the day he died protecting a woman, he felt like the protagonist of his life, and a smile crept on his face as his last breath arrived. He didn't regret dying nor any kind of expectation for new life. But gods had a different plan for him. Hiring him as his agent he sent him to a world of fictional comics in the role of a character mercenary. He never asked for this that doesn't mean he won't enjoy the ride. ______________ Enjoy the adventurous journey of the Mc as he travels in a different world filled with dangers. He might be killing your favorite character there or can steal your favorite waifu too... _________________...___________________ Hey, this is my third Fanfic and still, I ain't perfect so expect some grammatical mistake. Now for the fiction. Mc won't be cold blooded psycho so dont expect him to kill every single person he finds irritating. He won't hesitate before killing if it comes to his life or his loved ones but won't be ever like the Chinese protagonist. Mc won't be stealing girls' anime he visits so dont complain. But he will get a harem of exceptional waifus. Not a big one tho... Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the story and support it like my other novels.

Svneighter · 漫画同人
24 Chs

Pool of flames!

It was the third day since Ijin crossed the portal and entered a universe with which he only was conscious through anime. In just three days, he has become a little familiar with the geographical features of the area, along with familiarizing himself with the people residing in the mansion.

Three days never went uneventful for him as without fail he trained his swordsmanship along with physical prowess. Concentration breathing had become a habit and now he doesn't feel any jacks upon using it all day long without break.

During the three, he went through the different tests Shinobu presented to improve his senses and help improve his natural fighting capabilities. She knew what to trigger to get an efficient result, so she did. And Ijin knew what he received was for his own good, so he took whatever she gave.

It was around midnight when the fourth day would be arriving. The nocturnal creatures were on the run as the night sky became dyed raven with small pearly stars shining at their distance.

Ijin after having dinner and ensuring that every single person inside the mansion has gone to sleep through his special eyes, got out of the mansion and dashed away. He had his katana hung on his waist and the yukata adorned on his body in which he came to this world.

He was rushing toward the forest situated northeast of the mansion. It was highly suspected that a demon was wandering these days near the forest in search of prey that's why until a slayer doesn't inspect it, no one was allowed to go there after the downfall.

Ijin leaped roof after roof as he marched at a furious speed toward his destination. He noticed how in mere three days his body have improved tremendously. It wasnt possible for any human to adapt to such changes in so short time, but anomaly was something that could represent this silver-haired guy.

His soul was made to be altered so these normal changes were wholeheartedly welcomed as a sign of his soul becoming stronger day after day.


With the minimal sound possible he landed on the ground, in the middle of the forest with his eyes instantly taking an abort shade as veins became visible around his eyes.

His heightened senses informed him what creatures were flocking around and how far they were. But Ijin wasnt here to hunt rabbits tonight. His sole goal was to unleash the new power he got just a moment before he entered this world.

'Domain expansion.'

Ijin had no idea how he would activate the said skill but from what his admin said, he have to be in a life-threatening situation to trigger what he desires.

'Okay...this one is on a completely different league...' He wouldn't have come here if the admin didn't inform him what kind of demon have been spotted here. So after perceiving the presence from some kilometers apart from him, Ijin didn't get surprised much.

"It's fast..." Ijin senses got fixed on the incoming creature which was moving more than 70 kilometers per hour in his direction. Calculating the distance he knew Ijin would be facing the demon in a mere one minute.

'Fuuu....it sure is different from the training I did...' It was the second time he would be facing something inhuman so naturally, his heart was beating at a furious pace with a corner of his mind alerting him to retreat in the time he have left.

But despite all alarms, he held his ground and took a comfortable stance waiting for his opponent to arrive.

He called back his Byakugan as he now was able to hear the heavy and furious step incoming in his direction. He inhaled deeply before bringing his left hand to his blade.

'Here it comes....'


As he expected the said demon like a raging bull attacked from the front with a bodyweight surpassing two rhinos. Just it was about a meter apart from Ijin, he shot upward dodging the monster flawlessly. The place he landed was the same as where he was taken off from. This was the precision he have been training about which was showing results in actual battle too.

"Ah...these things look gross through and through..." Ijij saw the monster who had his head plunged into a thick log of the tree as it understood its position. The said demon was about 10 ft in height with a bare upper body and instead of two the hand it had four hind limbs. Its body was black all over with countless cuts visible at various spots.


With its bare hand, the demon tore the bark of the tree like it was a bundle of spaghetti before turning toward its prey.

The demon had sharp fangs coming out from each side of its jaw with a mouth curved into a hideous smile. Its body was bulky yet the speed it carried betrayed all the outer appearance. Ijin looked at the inhumane figure for a moment before he heard a loud growl.

"It seems not all humans are easy to obtain." This demon was relatively able to talk with fluency. Ijin raised his brows before a reply came from his mouth.

"But demons are the same. Sam old brainless." He made sure to use his most provocative tone as he knew these chicken heads get agitated easily.

And he was right.

"I will make sure to tear each of your ligaments before you count your last breath." The demon was furious but wasnt foolish. It knew the human in front was waiting for it to lunge toward him so instead of rushing forward the demon lifted its left foot before landing it on the ground with all his body weight transferred with it.


The earth trembled and the area in the range of 30 meters transformed into a crater with the demon as its center. Ijin naturally would have fumbled and tripped but if only he would have been in the contact with the surface.

As soon Ijin's perception caught the demon's intention he jumped forward and in the meantime when the demon used his whole strength to level the ground, Ijin was actually in mid-air toward the demon.

As result, at the moment Ijin's blade was an inch apart from the demon's nape, and before the creature could have backed away, Ijin plunged his blade into a clean horizontal slash.


But instead of piercing through, his blade just got deflected from the skin of the creature.

'Fuck...' His eyes widened as he realized how underestimated he took the demon for.

"Cheeky aren't ya.." The demon picked the moment when Ijin was in its closest contact before it threw the punch right in the bottom of Ijin's abdomen.


A thunderous booming sound erupted in the surroundings as Ijin was sent flying hundreds of meters away. Tearing every tree regardless of its size in the way, Ijin felt himself losing as he finally landed on the rough ground.

"KWHAWK* As soon he fell on solid matters, his abdomen raged with pain as a mouthful of blood was thrown out of his mouth. Ijin felt his vision becoming blurry as he clutched the burning muscles around the area he was hit.

" Hah...hah...fuck...what is this..." Ijin never thought that his opponent would be this savage, but again the admin said 'life-threatening' situation, so this should have been expected.

[Host, retreat if you aren't sure of-]

He didn't let her complete her words as he interjected abruptly.

"No...not gonna happen. I shouldn't have been lenient on it so much...and even I want to retreat you think that thing would let me go..?" The clouds of dust swept away by approaching figure, which was moving at an even more rigorous pace.

"Hupp!" Ijin's internal was bleeding but he knew if he doesn't stand up now then there wouldn't be anything left to feel pain about.

Regulating his breath, he stood up and dashed away laterally, to invade the attack.


The demon again missed its prey but didn't strike a tree and halted its feet not so far after.

Ijin stood up somehow with his lips covered with blood. His hands which were holding the blade were trembling profoundly. He shook his head and dropped his blade intentionally.

"Lost already?" This time the six-limbed demon provoked the human in front of it.

Ijin didn't reply just calmed his nerves and delivered all his strength in his arms and legs before he shot open his eyes.

"HOH!" With a fierce howl, Ijin disappeared from his spot and the place he appeared was just above the demon's head.

'He is fast...' The demon turned instinctively just enough agile to bring its hand above its head which clashed with the heavy hand of the human which unexpectedly felt like a huge boulder.

'His strength...is he even a human...'

Ijin pushed his limit but wasnt able to break the contact and failed to land his fist on the creature's skull.

Upon realizing the strength behind the resistance, Ijin retreated and leaped back some meters away.

With a huge inhale of air, he lunged again, and instead of his arm he turned his body like a passing flash and applying the inertia landed his foot just above the demon's torso, which the latter one was unable to block.


A thunderous blow erupted as the Ijin strike landed as he desired and the demon got blown some meters away but it never left the ground and held its body firmly.

"Hooo! I think we are perfectly matched to face each other." The demon got out of its pain not so long after because of its extraordinary regenerating capability.

Ijin landed firmly on the ground with his eyes fixed upon his opponents intently. After that, neither of them said a single syllable as the red bloodied eyes stared at the grey orbs. The air flew violently as it howled even louder passing the destroyed forest before blowing rumbles around the two.

Like it was prior agreed, the two left their ground and clashed at the midpoint.




The ground shook fervently as the surrounding cried with the violent attacks which these two entities were inflicting on each other. The animals around these two already sensed the danger as they left the parameter as soon as possible.

The heavy impact created by their constant attack made several cracks on the surface and the nearby trees got destroyed without leaving a trace behind.



Both of them were feeling tremendous pain in distinct parts of their body but neither of them faltered from their lethal strikes which nearly missed the vital spot of their opponent.

The exchange went for only 7 minutes but the surroundings got thoroughly renovated in this mere small time.

"Hah...hahahh!!!" The demon laughed while panting a little as they got separated after an impactful blow on each other.

"Hah...hah...hah...hah..." On the other hand, Ijin was on the far worse side. His whole body from head to toe was screaming in pain as his left hand felt numb because of the bones that got broken a minute ago. Blood from a different spot was dripping constantly with his once handsome face in a condition where his ajumma might not identify properly.

He knew he was reaching his limit but his opponent was far from its end rope. A chuckle left Ijin's lips as he finally understood how it felt to be overwhelmed.

[Host, please retreat. Use the equipment you have brought along and escape as soon as possible.]

The admin nearly shouted in worry but none of it reached Ijin as he stood motionlessly in his spot with his focus on his enemy, which was aiming to attack any second now.

Ijin opened his mouth slightly and let the blood drip before he released his concentrated breathe along with the rigidity with which he was pulling all his muscles together. The slightly subdued pain rushed back daring to break Ijin in half but he just ignored everything and stood with his right leg forward and eyes fixed at constant.

Countless things passed by his eyes before a resolving image formed inside his mind as he brought his right hand upward toward his right eye.

He felt it for the first time.

The presence of his soul power surged inside him as all his focus got diverted into a single direction. The sheer flow of energy residing in each of his tissue and violently pulsing under his flesh.

He felt all of it.

Suddenly he felt what he wasnt able to do before could be achieved at this very moment. Slowly he brought his fingers toward his eye as he saw his enemy on move.

Everything around him slowed by ten folds as even the demon's steps looked like a crawling turtle from his view. He held his breath, concentrated his energy, and used the imagination he have built in these three days to unleash his final weapon.

"Ryōiki Tenkai" Circling his eye behind the adjoined ring finger and thumb, he straightened all his other fingers slanted as he activated his domain.


Like a sea of water pouring on its body, the demon halted just some feet away from its prey as it saw the change in its surroundings. A flashing image of something terrifying passed by the demon's enhanced retina as he got frozen in its place.

The night sky got dyed in crimson as flames erupted from any corner and to any extent the demon got a glimpse of.

Even the surface which previously was composed of slightly damp soil was raging with fire as the demon stepped back only to meet another zone of flames.

"Wh-where am I? WHAT IS THIS!!" The demon screamed in fret upon witnessing the sudden change of event. It never thought that something like this could unfold.

"Hahaha! Now laugh! LAUGH!!" A furious shout reached the demon's senses as it turned its big head toward the direction and saw the person whome it regarded as prey previously. But now the human was nothing more than a lunatic from whome the demon wanted to get away as soon as possible.

There was a life-scaring smile on Ijin's bloodied face with his only left eye barely lifted, giving him an image of something petrifying . Ijin was walking forward with his staggered steps, decreasing his distance from the demon who suddenly fell on its butt.

"S-stay away from me, you monster!!"

"Hoh! Talk about irony. Oh, that reminds me...didnt Demon was ignorant of the word known as fear. Then why the heck you are acting like a scared kitten..eh?" Ijin inched slowly as suddenly a sword of flames formed in his right hand.

The demon knew it was impossible to escape from the human..no, the monster in front, who seemed insane thoroughly. So instead of backing away, the demon rose on its feet and lunged toward Ijin at a violent pace.

"Don't dare you PROVOKE ME!!" The demon brought both of its hands above its head and intervened with its fingers, advancing to destroy Ijin's head into mush.

But instead of getting frightened, Ijin smirked as he disappeared in flames making the demon baffled, resulting in a fruitless blow on the burning land.

Suddenly the demon felt danger nearing its mortality thread but before it turns it's body abort to dodge the incoming blow, its eyes saw something unimaginable. The demon saw with its own eyes how its body fell to the ground lifeless before its head flew far away.

Ijin slashed its burning blade which was devoid of any blood marks as the raging flame evaporated the last drop of liquid it absorbed.

"Fucking big-mouthed basta..."


A/N: I will work on Ijin's chunni mid-fight taunts so cope with it now.

Anyway, I hope I was able to detail the fight. If you think it was entertaining then let me know in the comments~