
Global Transmigration: Frozen Perished

Young Rising Dawn, is a small boy with ambitions everlasting. He is vindictive and desires revenge, and he will not stop until he does. Earth is transmigrated into another world. Humans are given territories and Lordships. People awaken talents too. But Rise? He got the strongest one, Rise the Ice King. His conquest is filled with blood and power. He will not stop. His will is stronger than even mankind's indomitable will. He shall be eternal! [Note: Rise is a small boy, so please be lenient on him. He is also one of the only protagonists I've made that is that age and somewhat evil. Please give me leniency.]

Vincent_Gamzing · 奇幻
12 Chs

6. Lord of the Scarlet Volcano

Night finally set itself in the world. Rise was currently trying to fall asleep, but visions of his past haunted him. Why couldn't he get rid of them!? Stupid memories. He couldn't fall asleep, so he lit his infinite candle and sat on his desk thinking. But he couldn't think of anything but his old life. He cursed silently, Snowy leaned against the wall, several cuts and rips in him. Rise tapped his table repeatedly, waiting for something to happen.

Maybe he could go with his new skeletons to hunt- "My Lord?"

Polly entered, she was sixteen currently, four years older than Rise. Rise frowned at her. "What are you doing up? You should be resting."

"I could ask you the same thing." Polly told him.

"Just... a little thinking." Rise told her. Polly noticed Snowy. "Do you mind if I patch up the snow bear?"

Rise nodded. Polly got to work. A few minutes later and Snowy was completely patched up. The rips and cuts were no where to be seen. Polly handed her Lord the patched bear. He held it in his hands affectionately. Suddenly he hugged Polly, she was surprised and flustered.

"Thank you." Rise told her sincerely.

Polly smiled sweetly. "Its my job my Lord."

Rise released the hug, Polly turned to leave but the young boy seemed hesitant. "Is something wrong my Lord?"

Rise hugged Snowy further. Despite all the times he spent in the dark, he never overcame his fear of it. "I- no, it's fine I guess."

"I can stay if you want." Polly offered, Rise's eyes lit up and he nodded his head rapidly.

Polly giggled at her Lord's behavior. She looked at him who got into his bed, she got into the bed as well. She tucked both of them into the blanket and spooned her Lord. It was quiet for a few minutes, but the quiet breathing of her Lord finally signaled he was sleeping. Polly held Rise in her arms. She wouldn't have given this treatment to older Lords, but her Lord was just a small child. He looked so happy when she fixed his bear. Polly remembered when Blue brought him back severely injured. Both of them saw pretty... bad things done to his body. These weren't injuries from the ice wolves, no, this was much worse. Even the ice wolves would finish off their prey to get rid of their pain, the ice wolves at the very least respected the prey. But whoever did this to her Lord was worse then even a devil.

As the morning of the third day popped up, Rise yawned and got up. For some magical reason his hygiene was good every time he woke up. Maybe it was magic or something else, oh well. He'd ask Blue later. But right now he was being spooned by Polly. Rise wiggled himself out of her grasp and dusted off some snow that somehow got in.

The time was around 8:31. So he'd check if anyone was on the world chat.

[Guys! A woman forced me to have intercourse with her! Boo hoo hoo...]

[Lol stop crying idiot.]

[Anyone wanna bet he liked it?]





... [+102847.]

[Bro I didn't like it!]

[Stop crying and be a man.]

[He's actually annoying.]

And this was why Rise hated humanity. Rise had this exact situation happen to him. The same memory of the woman surrounding his crying self appeared again. The woman's faces were covered in sadistic and lustful crap. Lord of the Scarlet Volcano huh.

[You started a private conversation with Scarlet Volcano Lord.]

[FP: I believe you.]

[SV: You do?]

[FP: Humans suck huh?]

[SV: They really ****ing do.]

[SV: Bruh it's censored!?]

[FP: Maybe a cursing protection ****(crap) or something.]

[FP: Oh the c word is censored too?]

[SV: Yes.]

[FP: I doubt you liked it right?]

[SV: Of course not, I hated it.]

[FP: Same.]

[SV: This happened to you too?]

[FP: Back on Earth yeah.]

[SV: Finally someone who can relate to me and vice-versa!]

[FP: Yep, also...]

[You sent a friend request to Lord of the Scarlet Volcano.]

[Scarlet Volcano Lord accepted the request. You two are now friends.]

[SV: Thanks, anyways, I need to go and hunt.]

[FP: Cool. If you can, send me some materials and I'll send some back.]

[SV: You got any meat?]

[FP: A lot.]

[FP: You got any ore or others?]

[SV: I have way too much reinforced obsidian.]

[FP: Let's trade.]

[SV: Alright.]

Soon about a quarter of Rise's wolf meat was transported to Scarlet Volcano Lord. A lot of reinforced obsidian was also sent to Rise. Polly had just woken up and saw the obsidian, the hell happened while she was sleeping!? Rise saw her and asked to do something with the obsidian. He looked at the remaining obsidian that Polly left. He decided to go see if he could do anything with it.

[Obsidian? I didn't expect you to obtain that material already. Do you happen to have fifty kilograms?]

Rise looked at it and replied. "Yes."

[Great! I can do two things. 1: I can strengthen the endurance and strength of the skeletons by replacing the normal bones with reinforced obsidian bones. 2: I can create some equipment for the skeletons.]

"Can you do both if I obtain enough?" Rise asked.

[Yes. I can, but do note. Materials related to ice will gain a more powerful bonus due to your talent. Also because of the conflicting elements, it will actually be bad if you replaced the bones.]

Rise nodded. "The reinforced ice I have..."

[You'll need more.]

Rise now had a new direction, he needed more ice. Since he had 50 kilograms and he could only do one thing for the skeletons... he'll need 100 kilograms of reinforced ice. Today was a new day and a new summon. Rise left for the portal. He summoned five new frost vampires, one of them had a hammer and one of them had a construction hat. An architect and a blacksmith. Rise sent the blacksmith to Polly and the architect to build new homes with the six classless vampires. He then went to the graveyard and summoned more skeletons, he also added the fang spear and ice wolf skull spell to the skeleton's arsenal. He currently had seven death knights and five liches. He was quite strong right now, but he needed to get stronger.