
Chapter 232 Encounter

"She's not here."

Tao Yu looked at his watch, feeling a bit disappointed. The young heiress must have returned to the Abyss.

It's strange, but he actually found himself missing her after such a long time apart.

The cleanliness around his home was truly remarkable, obviously well-maintained, just like the roads leading towards the Inner City. Tao Yu promptly donned his partner's outfit.

Guess I'll head to the mission hall first...


Tao Yu was somewhat surprised to see an increase in the number of security team members nearby, wondering whether Ze Chuan had arranged this intentionally, but it was a good thing...

"Something's not right."

Tao Yu frowned slightly, suspecting that this was not merely because Ze Chuan wanted to improve the local security. With that, he approached three of the security team members nearby.

The trio, who had already noticed Tao Yu in his partner's cloak, could recognize what it symbolized given the average knowledge level of the security team.