
Lucy's Background

Lucinda Grace Lee is from an average family. born on the 7th of July in the year 1794. While her sister Lady Lydia Ann Reeves (nee. Lee) is born on the 22nd of December in the year 1790. Their father, Sir Thomas Lucas Lee is born on the 19th of August in the year 1765. Their Late Mother (R.I.P), Bette Isabella Catherine Lee (nee. Ayles) was on the 9th of December in the year 1764.

Zodiac Signs:

Lucy - Cancer

Lydia - Capricorn

Sir Thomas - Leo

The Late Lady Lee (Bette) - Sagittarius

Sir Thomas' Family:

Baron Lee (Yuto Lee)

Baroness Lee (Emmeline Lee) nee. Rosewood)

Samuel James Lee (Thomas' Older Brother, the one who inherited the title.)

Maisie Lorraine Elkins (nee. Lee) (Will's Mother) Countess of Derby

The Late Lady Lee's Family:

Viscount Ayles (William Benjamin Ayles)

Viscountess Ayles (Elisabeth Alexandria Ayles) nee. Sidorov)

Lord Ethan Jhon Ayles (Bette's older brother, he inherited the title Viscount.)

Lady Amelie Brynn Hayward (nee. Ayles) (Older sister)

Amara Margaret Lovell (nee. Lee) Duchess of Burkley (Younger sister)


Lord Hugh Lee (from Samuel James Lee, Thomas' Older Brother.)

Lord Will Elkins (from Maisie Lorraine Elkins, Thomas' Younger Sister.)

Lady Charlotte Margaret Lovell (from Amara Margaret Lovell, Bette's Younger Sister.)

Lord Noah Luke Ayles (from Ethan Jhon Ayles, Bette's Older Brother.)

Miss Brynne Georgina Hayward (from Amelie Brynn Hayward, Bette's Older Sister.)