Siempre es lo mismo... Dicen que son diferentes... Pero al final de cuenta... Nunca cambian... Si alguien me preguntara si alguna vez hubiera imaginado que algo como esto me pasaría a mi. Le respondería que Si. Si lo se, muchos me responderían que estoy loco por creer en cosas fantasiosas como esas... Yo les respondo que siempre hay que estar preparado para todo... Mas en un país como Argentina. -------------------------------------------------------------------------Advertencias : - La historia no va a ser para chicos ( +18) - Cualquier coincidencia con la realidad es mera ficción. - Esta situada en una dimensión paralela. - Los primeros capítulos son lentos por introducción y para ponerlos en situación, después van tomando ritmo. - Va a haber Mucha política , religión ,cuestiones filosóficas ( Decisiones de personajes y su brújula interna) y elementos de la vida real. - Leo sugerencias en los comentarios y las reviews. - Si hay una muy buena sugerencia en los comentarios la voy a implementar en la historia. - Quizás pida personajes ( o quizás los cree yo) , pero bueno. - Va a haber un canal de discord y lo voy a poner aquí : - Cualquier duda pregunten. - VIVA ARGENTINA , VIVA LA LIBERTAD CARAJO
In the dimness of his room, the soft glow of a night lamp casts gentle shadows on the walls.
The silence is broken only by the distant whisper of the city.
A young man, 20 or 21 years old, lies on his bed, surrounded by pillows and blankets, creating a cozy cocoon around him.
His room reflects his personality: posters of music bands and inspiring art hang on the walls, and a mix of clothes and books piles up on a nearby chair.
His desk, topped with an open laptop and scattered notebooks, shows a blend of studies and creative hobbies.
He lies with his hands clasped behind his head, staring at the ceiling with an introspective expression.
The occasional flash from his phone screen illuminates his face, revealing the fluctuation of emotions in his eyes: moments of deep concentration, followed by flashes of more relaxed reflection.
Music, coming from headphones resting near his pillow, floats in the air, creating a personal soundtrack for his thoughts.
He picks up every note, and his mind wanders between the chords and lyrics that resonate with his moods.
Among his thoughts are the tensions and joys of transitioning to adulthood.
His reflections are a maze of aspirations, doubts, and dreams as he tries to make sense of his identity in a constantly changing world.
The calm of his room becomes the canvas where he paints his ideas and sketches his path to the future while immersing himself in the night's introspection.
POV: First Person
Have you ever wondered what's beyond the stars?
The non-zero possibility of alien life... is that a good topic to start a conversation?
Does life exist in space?
Beyond the limits of human perception?
And if it does.
Why haven't we made contact?
Or have we?
Are we an advanced or backward civilization?
Could there be entities beyond our imagination?
Beings born outside of Earth, thus giving rise to the terminology "Extra" terrestrials.
Beings who, due to the peculiarities of their race, obtain abilities that many of us would consider "Supernatural" or another good terminology would be "Superpowers."
And because of this, we would consider them something sacred to worship since the weak almost always respect and worship the strong.
Is that how gods will be born?
Or is it because of our belief that there is something beyond, something to believe in...
Could it be that our desire becomes reality and, due to that, forms these beings?
Could it be that we unconsciously manipulate reality?
Do we live in a simulation?
Many would say no, but...
There are many studies that would say yes...
What comes after death?
Will reincarnation exist?
Will we ever escape this suffocating reality that we must live day by day?...
I guess we'll never know...
These are some of the questions I ask myself before going to sleep.
Or when I'm commuting to work.
Who am I talking to...
Am I going crazy?
I'm already out of the "Normality" circle.
But I suppose I still try out of a social need to be accepted.
Or perhaps a trauma?
It's so hard to debate with people who don't listen and attack you for thinking differently.
Surely someone with that definition in mind would shout: "FASCISM!!!"
No, ladies and gentlemen.
That's democracy, or that's what happens here in Argentina.
I still can't believe it.
Javier Milei is going to run for president.
It's like it was yesterday that he was on "Intrusos" saying: "TREMBLE, LEFT-WINGERS!"
What times those were...
Back to the topic, no one believes he will win, and everyone laughs at him.
I once fought the cultural battle and tried to explain liberalism ideas...
But as always happened in Argentina... they laughed in my face, took me for a fool, and socially marginalized me.
God, how I hate feminists.
Before you say anything, I hate the fact that they politicize the issue, if you don't vote for a certain candidate, you're not a person, or they attack you both physically and psychologically, or they make a false accusation and your life is over, in some cases in every sense.
I also detest many from the LGBTQ+ group.
I don't understand their need to sometimes physically attack or their demands.
But note that not everyone is the same, meaning not all feminists and LGBTQ+ members are the same.
As in every group, there are people you get along with and others you don't.
Unfortunately, I've mostly encountered people from the type of group I don't get along with.
I have faith in Milei.
It's the only thing left for me to believe in this shitty country (except for my family).
But well, putting that aside, I must admit I'm afraid.
Javier Milei is many things.
A politician, he is not.
Many people and I like him precisely because of that, but I find it difficult for a candidate who isn't well-trained for speeches to win the debates and the presidency.
Especially when his opponent is the head of Tigre's drug trafficking.
That's right, folks...
I'm talking about Mr. Panqueque.
Who, coincidentally, is Minister of Economy in this lousy government.
I don't understand how he's in the position since he never prepared for it.
But well, as always, the "caste" looks after each other.
Apart from Mr. Panqueque.
We have the leader of what I and many think is the former opposition.
Mrs. Pato.
Then there are
Mr. 70%-30%
And the Russian.
Don't pay much attention to the others running.
These elections are very important.
Many (including myself) believe these elections represent Argentina's last hope.
That's why we will vote for Milei, because this country urgently needs change.
I hope he is different.