
GDXS: Origins

This story tells the how it all began that is from the other book. From the moment the mc awoke in a new world, being strip away from modern life to a dangerous life calling out for adventure. Everyday he looks for answers on how to find away back home. Many answers can be found in every corner while making new bonds along the way.

DjxCarma · 奇幻
42 Chs

Day 13.5: Forest Corruption

With the great disturbance caused in the dark woods. Affecting everything around it. But it was halted at the edge. A sort of borderline marked by the woods in from going to the park and from Sara's house. The animals that have become monsters tried to walk over the border and got burned by holy light.

Meanwhile, at Sara's house. Dennis was on edge by the amount of pressure that was being caused in the forest.

"Dennis, is something wrong…?"

Sara asked. Concerned for her friend's well-being but Dennis was set in a daze.

"Um… I'm just going to go back home, not felling so well right now…"

Dennis said. He then got out of the house and ran off. Nix then understood what he was doing and excused herself and went after Dennis.

Meanwhile, Dennis was heading to the park, then made a sharp turn to the left. Going straight into the dark woods.

"What happened here…?"

As soon as Dennis asked himself. He saw the woods turn black, while the leafs turned red. It then dropped out a liquid and it gave a distinctive smell of blood. Nix then caught up to him and almost vomited by the repulsing smell.

"What the heck is going on…? And why is this place look like an undead plains…"

Nix then cast magic on herself and on Dennis. It allowed them to breathe the air normally for a short period of time.

"I think I know what done it…"

Dennis then pointed out at the red light on top of the tree and soon after, they heard nearby a loud growl. Trying to figure from what direction the growl came from. Something was moving fast, and it tackled Dennis down to the ground.


Nix then hurried over to him and cast a magical barrier around them. It was a light, transparent purple barrier.

"That one hurt…"

Dennis then got up and dusted himself off. He then got mad while getting ready to fight.

"Dennis, I'm not sure if running head on around this place is a good idea…"

"That's good enough for me…"

Suddenly, a wolf that was missing half of its face appeared from beyond the bushes and it was approaching them. Then another one arrived, coming from the back with a pack.

"So it seems whatever the cause has turned the animals into dire beasts…"

Nix said and was getting nervous, but Dennis leaned on her back with his back and cast an ice spell that created an ice lance and was holding with both hands.

"You have a plan?"

"Close your eyes and take off the barrier."

"I trust you Dennis…"

Nix then dropped the barrier. Soon, the dire wolfs attacked at the same time while Dennis lifted his right hand and cast a spell. As lightning covered the palm of his hand. It made a bright light. Blinding all the dire wolfs in the vicinity, leaving an opening to escape. Dennis grabbed on to Nix's hands and dragged her out of the area.

As they ran away, Nix opened her eyes and saw that they were running on a path that goes uphill.

"Wait, where are we going?!"

"We going to the cliff nearby. The golem mentioned something about an orb of light. A red one and one that is in hiding. But the thing is… The red orb did all of this, and I think it can revert it."

Dennis's plan had a valid argument. Once they reached the clift. They saw the red orb at the top of the tree. It was giving out a strong magic pressure that was getting stronger with each passing.

The air then got heavy, making it hard to breathe. Showing that they are running out of time.

"Wait… That's the thing causing all of this? I thought it would be something far worse…"

"So you know about this?"

"Yes… This red orb… It is truly known as a corruption orb. They are usually dormant, but someone must have activated it."

Nix then realized what must be done. She was getting ready to cast a spell while Dennis was about to catch on with the plan and was getting into position. He had his right leg on back while going into a running start position.

"You ready?"

When Nix asked. The moon was getting set and was hovering over the tree.


As Dennis was ready. He felt something calling to him while having a lance prepared to charge.


Nix shouted. Executing her magic by making a bridge that was long enough to reach the top of the tree and Dennis booked it. He runs at full speed. Charging in head on with his lance as was getting ready to pierce the orb, but as he was getting closer. A screech was heard, and Dennis remembered it.

It was the giant black crow that flew up a few days ago. The only difference was that it was in dark red flames.

"Oh, no you don't!! Out of my way!!"

Dennis said. He then stabbed the crow with the ice lance. Making the crow feel pain, but there was a downside. Dennis received damage from the dark red flames, but he retaliated. More ice lances appeared that it almost covered the entire night sky.

"What is he doing?"

Nix asked herself after seeing Dennis fight in the sky. As hundreds of lances fell upon the crow, it as well hit the red orb of light. Making it crack in half and slightly explode.

When it was over. Everything reverted to how it was. All the animals returned to normal, while the woods did so as well. Meanwhile, the light that had been hiding took the boy once again and left before it got tracked by any sense of magic.

After Dennis finished his fight. The floor that Nix made was not holding its structure. Making Dennis fall, but luckily for him, Nix saved him by using magic and brought him to her.

"I didn't know you had it in you, kid."

"It's no problem… Just got overboard…"

Dennis then passed out on her arms, and it was very late. She took Dennis back to her own house and called it a night.