
Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

[Author’s note- you can read this novel even if you haven’t read the book or watch any episodes from TV series as smaller explanation will be given in story … and lengthy explanation will be added as notes after end of chapter .] After many years… the legendary lord known as the dragon knight, the son of the holy flame, the nightmare of the schemer, the smasher of the order of the game, the undefeated myth on the battlefield, the ruler of the seven kingdoms, and the guardian of the whole territory___ As Samwell Caesar sat on the Iron Throne, he couldn't help but reminisce about the distant afternoon when he received the pioneering order from the Rose of Highgarden. It was a time when no one could have predicted that this young man, who had been abandoned by his father, would set off an iron-blooded storm that would sweep across the entire continent of Westeros. Interactive map of GOT - https://quartermaester.info/ Mtl source- https://www.mtlnovel.com/game-of-thrones-holy-flame-king/#tabreview

Tortle121 · 电视同人
242 Chs

Chapter 124

Chapter 124 The Trial

  "Sam, I'm scared..."

  Natalie said pitifully.

  Her face was a little pale, and she looked like she didn't sleep well last night.

  "Don't worry, this matter has nothing to do with you." Samwell held Natalie's cold little hand and comforted her.

  "But... but, Sir Gerold just swore his allegiance to me, and then unexpectedly, unexpectedly..."

  "That was his personal behavior, and has nothing to do with you. Just apologize and express your condolences."

  "Then what if... the Redwyne family doesn't want to accept my apology?" "

  " There is no rule in the kingdom's laws that the crimes committed by vassals require the lord to bear it."

  Natalie nodded, her complexion a little better.

  Samwell pointed to the food in front of her, and said, "Hurry up and eat something, we'll be questioned later." "

  "Oh." Natalie picked up the white bread in front of her and took a bite. After a while, she said faintly, "So, they all died because of me... right? "

  "Don't think too much about it." Samwell touched the little girl's soft hair, "It's not your fault. Besides, there are not a few knights who have always paid the price of their lives for competing for the favor of ladies. Thinking about the best, Doesn't this mean that your charm is irresistible?"

  "But I don't want to be like this..." Natalie puffed her cheeks, as if she had made up her mind, "Next time I will never allow others to fight for me, let alone give them tokens again! I should reject them as soon as they come up!"

  Samwell laughed loudly: "Yes, this can indeed save a lot of trouble. Eat quickly, we'll be late."

  Only then did Natalie concentrate on her own breakfast, but she obviously had no appetite today, she only ate half a slice of bread, an egg, and drank a glass of milk.

  After the meal, Samwell took Natalie to Maegor's Holdfast.

  Such an abominable murder occurred in the Red Keep, and it involved two nobles. Naturally, a court trial was required to identify the murderer and clarify the responsibilities.

  The hearing took place in the Throne Room.

  As the palace guards pushed open the huge bronze oak door, Samwell walked in with Natalie on his arm.

  This was the first time he came to the power center of the Seven Kingdoms.

  A long red carpet stretched from the gate to the end of the hall, where there was a high iron platform, on which was the famous 'Iron Throne' .

  The throne room was large enough to hold hundreds of people.

  Stepping on the thick and soft carpet, Samwell walked towards the Iron Throne step by step.

  The closer he get to it, the more he felt a cold and chilling aura.

  It is said that the Iron Throne, which symbolizes the ruling power of the Seven Kingdoms, was created by the dragon "Black Death" Balerion of "The Conqueror" Aegon Targaryen, using dragon flames to melt thousands of swords used by the enemies when they surrendered. As a result, it is covered with all kinds of twisted and sharp spikes and sharp thorns .

  This is by no means a comfortable chair.

  Aegon the Conqueror didn't want it to be a comfortable chair either.

  In his opinion, kings should not sit comfortably.

  In history, many kings were cut or even killed by this chair. For example, Maegor I was said to have died on this iron chair.

  But even so, it still cannot stop countless people from yearning and coveting it.

  "Sam, Natalie."

  Margaery Tyrell walked towards them, just blocking Samwell's view of the Iron Throne.

  This "Highgarden Rose" was wearing a slim black dress today, with red crystals in the shape of tears dotted on her chest, and her soft brown curly hair coiled up high, looking solemn and elegant.

  "I'm sorry this happened." Margaery gave Natalie a hug and kissed her tenderly on the cheek.

  "Thank you, Lady Margery." Natalie managed to force a smile.

  Margaery hugged Natalie's other arm, leading her into the room, and comforted her,

 "Don't worry, today's trial will be presided over by the Master of laws , Lord Renly, and Loras has already told me secretly that Lord Renly believes that the circumstances of this case are basically clear. It was Gerold Dayne who killed Hobber Redwyne in the Godswood, but he also fell to his death from the tower on the way to escape from the Red Keep. The Seven Gods have already made the murderer pay the price."

  Natalie nodded when she heard the words, and felt a lot more relieved.

  Samwell also smiled inwardly.

  At this moment, quite a few people have gathered in the hall. The nobles who watched the match between Gerold and Hobber yesterday were basically all present.

  Horas stood in the front row with his arms hanging miserably, staring at the several Dornish nobles opposite him, as if he wanted to devour them alive.

  The nobles of the Reach around him also glared at the Dornishmen.

  On Dorne's side, Princess Arianne took the lead. When she faced the anger of the nobles from the reach , she showed restraint smile .

  And the "Red Viper" Prince Oberyn still didn't show up, so we didn't know if he went to the Great Sept of Baelor to pray again.

  To be honest, it was hard for Samwell to imagine how someone like the "Red Viper" prayed devoutly in front of the statues of the Seven Gods.

  Seeing Natalie appearing in the hall, everyone had complicated expressions.

  Because it seems that this incident happened because of the countess, and one of them was a vassal knight of the countess.

  Fortunately, Samwell and Margaery protected Natalie from left to right, otherwise Horas would probably come forward to question her.

  Natalie also kept her head down, not daring to face the eyes of everyone.

  After she stood still, she realized that she was actually in the queue of the reach nobles.

  The little girl hesitated for a moment, but she still didn't dare to run to the opposite Dorne camp, although logically speaking, she was actually the lord of Dorne city .

  Of course, Samwell and Margaery would not let her go.

  These two actually wanted to use this method to declare to everyone the current position of the Dayne family.

  Although the Dornishmen were full of anger about this, there was nothing they could do.

  While waiting, several council masters from the royal meeting also appeared one after another, they came to the high platform in front of the hall, and stood beside the Iron Throne.

  Leading them was Lord Renly Baratheon.

  The king's younger brother was wearing a dark green velvet dress, with a jumping crowned stag painted on his chest where his heart was.

  His gaze swept across the hall slowly, and he said in a deep voice:

  "Everyone, we are gathered here today to hear the case of the murder of Sir Hobber Redwyne , Janos! "

  Janos, the commander of the city guards, stepped forward and saluted: "Lord Renly."

  Duke Renly nodded in return, and asked, "Tell me about what the guards found."

  "Yes, my lord. At about ten o'clock yesterday, A group of guards under me heard the sound of eagles chirping from the godswood..."

  "Eagle chirping ?" Hearing this, Intelligence master Varys interrupted, "Sir Janos, eagles don't come out at night, So are you sure it was the chirping of the eagle?"

  "Uh..." Janos froze for a moment, "It might have been an owl."

  Samwell was also slightly startled, but unexpectedly, there was still a small flaw left.

  However, he wasn't worried. This little problem wouldn't cause him to overturn. Unless Varys was the reincarnation of Sherlock Holmes, it would be impossible to find him with this little clue.

  Sure enough, Varys did not continue to ask, but nodded to Jenos to continue.

  "Afterwards, my men went to the Godswood to check, and just happened to meet Gerold Dayne who came out of the forest. He looked flustered, and there were bloodstains on his body. When questioned, he insisted that he accidentally fell. Then he left in a hurry.

  The guards felt that something was wrong, so they went into the godswood to check, and they found Ser Hobber Redwyne brutally killed under an oak tree. After I got the news,

I immediately ordered the castle to be sealed off, and searched for Gerold . This person was also very vigilant, knowing that the matter had been exposed, he tried to escape from the White Sword Tower, but maybe the Seven Gods couldn't tolerate this behavior, so he fell to his death under the city wall."

"He got himself Killed?" Lord Renly asked.

  "It should be. At that time, he lowered the rope from the window at the top of the tower and tried to climb out of the city wall along the rope, but he probably accidentally slipped and fell halfway, and died."

At this time, Grand Maester Pycelle added:

  " When we checked the body of Gerold Dayne, we found that there were many scratches on his body, which looked like the marks left by eagles, but we didn't know whether the marks were left in the godswood or climbing the city wall If it was the latter, perhaps his fall was no accident."

"So there really was an eagle?" Varys asked softly.

  "There should be." Duke Renly shrugged, "Perhaps the eagle is the messenger sent by the Seven Gods."

  Janos echoed: "My lord, I think so too. It's still in the godswood that such a sinful thing happened, no wonder the gods were angry."

  Samwell quietly praised the wit of the two.

  The rest of the people didn't say any more, after all, it seemed that the incident was undoubtedly done by Gerold Dayne.

  As for the doubtful point of the eagle, in the belief environment of Westeros, it is not at all inconsistent to interpret it as a miracle.

  "Okay. The ins and outs of this case are already clear." Lord Renly concluded, "Gerold Dayne and Hobber Redwyne fought against each other, and when they they met in the godswood. The conflict broke out again. We don't know Whether it was intentional or by mistake, he killed Hopper, and then fell to his death while trying to escape. Nobles of westeros , what else do you want to add?"

At this time, Horas Redwyne took a step forward and said,

  "My lord, Gerold killed my brother but was he instigated by someone?"

  Hearing this, Samwell obviously felt Natalie beside him tremble slightly.

  The little girl's mental quality is a bit poor.

  I, the real murderer, didn't panic, why are you panicking?

  Duke Renly asked in a deep voice: "Who do you think Gerold Dayne was orderd by?"

  Horas reached out and pointed in the direction of Princess Arianne, and said angrily,

  "I suspect it's a Dornishman!"
