
game of Thrones - with fusion power

Benjamin suddenly woke up in the body of a beggar in the flea bottom neighborhood in the capital of Westeros, he got the power to fuse things

takeoffyourbra · 电视同人
6 Chs

first fight

"all right ready?" Benjamin

After the new names were given, Hercules and Aphrodite calmed down, so the 3 started planning

Benjamin wants to kill more people and use it to increase Hercules' strength, plus Aphrodite also needs

Benjamin then came up with a simple plan, Flea Bottom is full of bad guys and people of the worst kind, so it's easy to attract

Aphrodite will walk and "accidentally" reveal a silver coin, when she attracts some bandit she will run to this house, where Benjamin and Hercules will capture and kill.

Benjamin is in this world for only 1 hour but he already plans a series of murders but his targets are crooks so he has no weight on his mind or heart

"Ben, Hercules wait here and get ready, I even know who I'm bringing here" Aphrodite


random dirty tannery in some Flea Bottom alley

several people were walking on that busy dirty street, all looking for the best mouse meat at the lowest price.

in a dark place, Purell watched everything, Purell is a member of the small robbery gang

as Purell watched, suddenly a scream draws attention

"you brat, i already told you, this leather costs 20 silver coins" shopkeeper

"please I only have 5 silver coins, sell me my mother is sick and needs a blanket" a female voice begs

Purell paid attention, the beggar woman had 5 silver coins in her hand while crying for discounts

The shopkeeper got mad, asking for a discount of 15 silver coins is absurd

"Fuck you and your mother, you brat, get out of the tannery!!" shouted the shopkeeper

the little girl shed tears, and walked away with her head down

'hahaha 5 silver coins, that stupid child must have sold everything to help mommy, stupid, I better keep these coins!' Purell

Purell slowly started following the child, within minutes he spotted the child in front of an old house.

"sorry mom.....i can't make it" girl

'hahaha a child and a sick woman..... I hope her mom is hot, maybe in addition to the 5 silver coins I'll get good sex' Purell

Purell took out an iron knife and went to the house, there was no one from that dirty street, he opened the door and went in.


Benjamin was crouched behind the door along with Hercules.

Aphrodite entered the house and began to pretend to cry

Soon a man entered silently

Purell entered, he raised the knife and looked around for the sick woman.

Hercules was anxious, plus he has no combat experience so he just ran to Purell

"damn it" Purell

Purell reacted fast, he tried to stab Hercules, but now Hercules was bigger and stronger, so the knife only grazed his arm.

Benjamin ran and tried to stab Purell

Unfortunately for him, Purell wasn't a Nelson, Purell has real experience in killing, he fights men and doesn't just oppress women like Nelson's trash.

Purell reacted and managed to hold Benjamin's arm, he punched Benjamin in the face


Hercules who was getting up ran again, this time he used his body strength and pushed Purell

Hercules and Purell fell to the ground and they fought on the ground, Hercules had more strength but didn't know how to use it, Purell slowly won

Aphrodite who was just looking thought quickly, ran and grabbed Purell's knife that was on the floor, he used the little strength and stabbed Purell's leg

"AHHHHHH bitch damn beggars" Purell

Even with a knife in his leg, Purell didn't lose control of his mind, he kept trying to fend off Hercules.

That's the difference between Nelson and Purell, even after being hit, Purell didn't lose control

Benjamin got up, he just gave up the knife, he doesn't know how to use it, so he took the rest of the chair that was on the floor

"hercules, get out" Benjamin

Hercules threw himself to the side, just in time to get out of the way.

Purell just had time to see a piece of chair fall on his head.

Benjamin used all his strength to hit Purell on the head

"ahhhhhh" Purell




Benjamin smashed the chair over Purell's head several times, finally the thief stopped moving, blood dripped everywhere.

But to be sure, Benjamin dropped the chair, grabbed the knife, and slammed it down Purell's throat.

Finally they won

[level 1 corpse detected]

'which? only level 1?' Benjamin

Hercules, Nelson and Purell are all level 1, but the difference in strength is very high, Benjamin knew they only won because it was a trap

After some thought, Benjamin finally understood, the level may be the same but the skill and experience are different, Hercules is level 1 but doesn't know how to use a knife or fight, Purell was good at that.

Benjamin touched Hercules and tried to use fusion but it didn't work.

[unable to complete fusion between level 1 cadaver and level 1 Hercules ally, reason = lack of material, requirement +1 level 1 cadaver]

'As I thought!, the number of material needed increases, I'll use this one on Aphrodite then" Benjamin

Benjamin called Aphrodite and touched her, he thought that the most suitable route for her is agility, but he will still choose strength, the reason is simple, because strength better physique

[fusion process started...]

"ahhhhh" aphrodite, she screamed in pain, her little body started to grow

growth was not at the same level as Hercules, maybe because she is a girl and biologically different from Hercules, she grew about 5 centimeters

Although she was still thin, but now she looked healthier.

Benjamin was getting ready to loot Purell's corpse when suddenly Aphrodite screams

"ben... the bleeding on Hercules' arm doesn't stop, even putting on cloth" Aphrodite

'fuck it....I forgot it's a medieval world, damn it can die of tetanus' Benjamin

"Aphrodite, take 3 silver coins and buy what old wine you can get, I'll buy some herbs to make medicine" Benjamin
