
Gale of change

Follow the story of a young trainer, with cold steel determination to change the world for the better. As the world of pokemon became deprived of a lot of it magic, trainer are becoming more rare.

PrinceSky · 游戏衍生
18 Chs

Chapter 5

Heya people! it your friendly neighbor author here!

I have a very unimportant news to share, It my birthday! So since i like to offer gifts on my birthday i wanted to share an extra chapter. Also i wanted to thank you for reading my work!

I'm glad some of you are sticking around and reading this, it means a lot! A lot of new people added this book on their library and i'm super honored, so welcome! and enjoy your stay!

Feel free to drink coffee, hot chocolate, or any other favorite beverage of yours! Or drink water it good for you!

I almost forgot..here take a slice of cake! and if you want to humor me, i'd love reading your favorite cake or pastry and drink!


As the words left gale mouth, Layla became red..

Looking at the exchange the two other thugs from the turbos were pretty curious, and entertained.

Clearing her throat, "Gale i have been paid to keep this place safe from prying eyes, can't let you pass"

Signaling to aron to come forward, the red haired youth started at the girl and answered her with an easy going smile

"I hope your mons got better, last time was pretty one sided after all"

"This time will be different, Foxy and Biscuit go!"

From the two ball of layla, two pokemon popped out, a pretty well groomed Vulpix and a pretty chubby sentret.


'Foxy ; Vulpix

Level 17

Moveset :





'Biscuit : Sentret

Level 12

Moveset :

Quick attack


defense curl


'Hum, Foxy gained two levels, and biscuit gained three, she definitely trained them well in the past few weeks.'

"So how do you want to do it ? Let's see, if you wanna come at the two of them at once, not only i'd let you pass if you win but you'd get my number, and if you prefer doing it by turn you'd only get to pass, oh and if you lose you gotta give me back my bet from the other day plus five more stacks so a thousand in total."

"Your number really ?" Gale fished out his phone, before quickly going through his pretty empty contact list, and called the number labeled as 'cute but slightly dumb' a few seconds after a famous korean pop song from the group Bst started to ring from the girl phone.

"What..when.. ?" the girl quickly fished out her phone, where a contact was calling her labeled as 'Handsome red haired trainer', as she read that her face became even more red as she regretted having tried to tease him back by proposing her phone number as a prize.

"So since it settled that i already have it, i'd much more having five hundred more dollar, so Riot gonna face your two mons deal ?"

"Hah, you are too cocky for your own good, my babies are much more trained. " She puffed her chest a bit, she was very confident of her abilities after all, her job revolved around offering her service as a guard or as a mercenary for gangs, and so not only she got more experience down the line, but her pokemon too are pretty good.

Layla was sure that in a year or two she would be the top fish around here

As a little countdown was said by the two trainer soon, the match began. With a flurry order being said by the two of them. It looked really different from the previous Two on one match that Gale had, even if she appeared a bit air headed, Layla was more used to pokemon battle than the other subordinates and trained hers very well.

"Foxy incinerates that rock, Biscuit scratch him just after!"

"Riot, don't get burned evade the incinerate and rush the sentret with a tackle"

Riot was very quick on his feet, a lot of Gale training was made to push him to be faster than what someone would expect out of him. he honestly stopped counting the number of times where the other trainer got finished in a few seconds as they took the whole fight too lightly, or thinking that their mon would be able to outrun riot if anything bad happened.

This time though it wasn't enough, Vulpix was also pretty speedy and managed to act first as the incinerate landed true on the aron, that didn't flinch too badly and continued on with his tackle to the sentret, biscuit didn't stay still as it tried to counter attack!

as it landed a scratch, it was soon revealed that it was pretty ineffective on the very hard steel shell of Riot.

"Riot press on! Metal claw Biscuit and pay attention to your back don't get overwhelmed"

"Foxy incinerate again! Biscuit evade his claw with quick attack"

Layla soon realized the plan of gale to focus on the sentret, and decided to opt on making him evade as much as he can, after all biscuit could hardly harm the much tougher aron.

As Riot was prepared to land his metal claw attack, the sentret used the speed from quick attack to actually move out of range, and as the aron was visibly surprised the second incinerate landed on his back, this time luckily not doing as much damage, but still now some scorches marks were present on the steel shell of riot.

'That's a tricky situation..i wanted to take out biscuit as he is obviously less strong overall but it's starting to take too much time and with the vulpix harassing Riot it can end badly.'