Dorian was a veteran general in possible future time line had been transeferr to JJK world, to ruin the main continuity of this world.(and possibly to piss of gege and his hatered for strong good characters).
Well it happened I died ,finally I feel like I have fulfilled my purpose in this life, after around 90
Years of continuous wars. I can proudly say me General Dorian Darnell died of old age at my 135 st year in this world. I have achieved a lot of things with my will, I have labeled as the nightmare, the ghoul, soul eater and many more that I have forgot with time truly. My enemies feared me , my comrades respected me , and my people looked up to me. Me who lived to protect their home , lunched an revolution at times of oppression . I couldn't have done that without my exceptional talent and more hardwork that should have destroyed my body but I prevailed. At my high I took an army of 5000 thousand androids on my own. Those bastards we're really thought made up entirely from uplialium, the strongest metal that was discovered at my time. Even though the discovery of an artificial species that was really into destroying all organic life forms was
Bad news for us humans it also give us opportunity to forget our differences and conflicts and unify against a single enemies.
What follow is a mass long war that was known as war of extinction, it was a bloody war with a lot of tragedy and losses, but in the end our society come out on top. At my final years after war I took my last breaths loosing to my injuries. That was the end of my story or should have been.