
The Fight

I could hear the clock tower strike it's last chime as I ran of towards the fighting. Dropping my bag and umbrella on the street I off run towards the ally which they ran into, as I aprouch I see Edward and Alphonse trapped. Edward holding a knife at ready preparing to fight, as Alphonse runs foward trying to catch the guy's atention while Edward can run past. But the man grabs Alphonse and does some kind of alchemy that instantly destroys whatever it touches and as Alphonses whole side of his armor shatters as he falls to the ground reviling nothing but a suit of armor. I gasp realizing that something ain't right with these two brother's, that there's way more to there story then I thought and guessing by what I know and how they can do alchemy is that have sawn the truth. "Alphonse" Edward screams as he looks down at his brother then up at scar and me, just realizing that I was there. I instantly clap my hands together and set them to the ground drawing a sword out of the pavement as I draw it to the ready. Edward charges at the man the he simply moves easily out of the way grabbing Edwards arm. " I'm afraid your to slow" the man says as you hear a screeching sound but nothing happens. Edward falls to the ground a yard away, I run forward and down onto my knee's. "Are you okay" I say dropping my weapon. But before he answered he stood up pushing me away. Taking off his jacket he reviled an automail arm. "Damn it" Edward says. "Automail, it's no wonder my body-disrupting attack had no affect, and him I was planning to strip him of his armor before I destroyed him, but there's nothing inside" the man says " Your a strange pair, this has taken longer than I thought...." he turns his head to me "and you are you a alchemist too" he asks. "Yes I just got my license yesterday" I reply scared to my wits as the rain starts to turn into a light shower. "Then allow me to destroy you both" The man says. "Oh why do I have to be such a idiot and now this weirdo is trying to kill me" I think to myself picking up my sword. " I don't think I'm going to follow your schedule" Edward says using alchemy to change his automail arm to have a sword on the end. "No Edward...! you have to run..." Alphonse yells laying on the ground in the ally a few yards away. "Don't be stupid I'm not leaving without you!!" Edward yells back. "Then I'll go get help" I say looking at Edward, he nods. As I run off hearing metal pieces clatter against the pavement I look back and see Edwards arm shatter into pieces as I try to run harder knowing that the crime scene that Mustang and Risa was at was only a few blocks away, but before I was only a block away from the place were Edward and Alphonse was at I ran right into colenal Mustang and Lieutenant Hawkeye with a group of soldiers. Seeing me running towards them Mustang runs up to me. "What happened" Colenal Mustang demands. "Edward, Alphonse there in trouble" I gasp "There over near the clock tower hurry" I say pointing towered's the clock tower still gasping for breath. "Okay, men suround the area near the clock tower" Mustangs yells so everybody can hear. As we rush off towords the clock tower I notice the rain starting to let up. In the front of the group next to Mustang and Riza I stood there hopeing that Edward and Alphonse were okay, but by time we got to Edward and Alphonse, they were in pretty bad shape scar was leaning over Edward ready to make the kill when Mustang fires off his gun. "That's enough" Mustang yells out catching scars etention. "That was pretty close Fullmetal" Mustang says. "Colonel! he's...." Edward yells but is interrupted. "Yes we know that man is suspected in the serial killings of state alchemist" Mustang says "And judging from what i'm seeing that suspicion just became fact. So the murder at the tucker estate... let me guess that was you too?". "This world was made perfect by God, Alchemists change the natural into the unatural... twist things out of there form... they sin by defacing God's creation" Scar says "I am an instrument of divine judgment!". "Makes sense, but then why... do you only target state alchemist when there are so many other alchemists you could kill?" Mustang asks. "If you insist on stopping me, I'll just eliminate you too." Scar says. "Oh you will eh?" Mustang replies tossing his gun to Riza. "Colonel Mustang!" Riza says worried. "Stay out of this" Mustang says back slipping on his gloves. "Mustang... the state Alchemist?" Scar says looking at Mustang. "The one and only!" Mustangs says looking at Scar "I'm the Flame Alchemist Roy Mustang!". "I never thought i'd see this... you turn from the path of god, then come to meet judgment on your own free will... What a glorious day this is!!" Scar says lunging forward. "You know that i'm the Flame Alchemist, but you still want to fight me?" Mustang yells "Your a fool" as Colenel Mustang lunges forward at Scar. "Colo..." Risa says jumping forward and knocking Mustang legs out from under him so Scar couldn't grabb him. As Risa fires at Scar but he's to quick. "What was that for?!" Mustang says on the wet street. "You're useless on a rainy days, Please stand back Cololnel" Risa says raising her hand gun. "Oh yeah...! He can't put out sparks in this moisture...!" I guy named Havoc says as I move over to the so standing near Edward. "Lucky for me I came to me, but you can't make flames" Scar says starting to smile "State Alchemist sympathizers and everyone who tries to stop me!, I will destroy everyone here!!". "Go ahead and try" A big guy in a milatary uniform says who must of been Major Armstrong. Even that I have just been a State Alchemist for a few days, before I aplied I tryed reaserching all the State Alchemist so that's why I know most of these names. As Risa fires several rounds of shots she just clips him in the face but his sunglasses saves him as they shatter, but underneath those sungasses were eyes like rubies glaring at everybody."Red eye's and his dark skin"Armstrong says. "He's an Ishbalan...!" Mustang replies whith surprise in his voice. "Maybe there are to many of you..."Scar says. "Whoa there!, Don't try to run for it your surounded" Mustang says putting his hand up. But before anyone could do anymore Scar raises his one hand and slams it to the ground. Sparks go flying as the ground in the street start to crumble. I feel the bricks under my feet crumble away as I lose my balence feeling the street beneath me fall. I scream as I fall feeling my hat that covers my cat ears slide of my head. Sinking into darkness I feel someone grabb my coat coller and lift me up. But what was worse everyone knowing about my secret or falling to my death?

Thank you for reading Fullmetal To The Very End, Please comment and if you like it add it to your library. I also want to say Happy Fifteenth Birthday Megan my bestest friend (and also my older sister) in the world.

Kat_curtisscreators' thoughts