
From Blood to Love (MHA+MLB FanFic)

When an akuma goes wrong, giving Marinette quirk like powers to turn into anyone with their blood, things get a little messy. But who's this familiar blond? Why even after she is restored her natural look, her cravings wont go away? Why is Lila still an A$$hole?! Read to find out (these made up events will be taking place before Ladybug has started handing out more miraculous and before Alya permanently had her fox miraculous or knew who ladybug was)

DontBeScared · 漫画同人
7 Chs

Finally Moving Forward

Weirdly enough, Marinette slept easily that night, feeling refreshed as she woke up the next morning. It was slightly early, having a plane to catch before the afternoon.

"Good, you're awake." Felix said, scaring Marinette as he popped his head into the guest room she was sleeping in.

"My mother is making us breakfast to go, we don't want to miss our flight"

"R-right. Thank you." He nodded and left, leaving her to get dressed and come into the living room, her new suit case by her side all packed.

"Oh, I've only known you a day and I'm going to miss you so much." Amelie nuzzled Marinette, leaving Felix to giggle to himself.

"Now you two, I want a call at least once a week from both of you. Plus send any fun pictures alright?"

"Yes mother, but we must leave now"

"Right, yes of course. Good bye!"

A man loaded the suit cases into a taxi, allowing both kids to hug Amelie one last time, before going into the car themselves.

"Nervous?" Felix asked, seeing Marinette clench her skirt.

"Just a bit" Was all she could mumbled back. Two days ago, she was fighting a villian with Chat Noir, but now she's on her way to Japan? Why her? What did she do to deserve all of this?

On the plan, Marinette ended up falling asleep on Felix's shoulder. He was about to move her, when he got that strange feeling again. She felt so warm and comforting. Without realizing it, Felix had slowly laid his head on Marinette's, both easily sleeping through the entire flight.

*Back in Paris*

"Adrien?" Natalie nervously poked her head into his room, interrupting a piano practice.

"Your father wishes to speak to you. Now." Adrien took a small breath, then left his room. He entered with a glare toward his father, still upset from the day before.

"Hello, Adrien. I just heard that your cousin is studying in Japan for a year."

"So?" Adrien crossed his arms.

"Well, would you want to? Maybe a break from Paris could be good for you." Adrian's eyes widened, but he stopped himself from speaking. Could a break be good for him? He was still mad at everyone for believing Lila and Chloe's lies.

"Maybe, let me think about it father."

"A-all right, sounds good. Now, off to your fencing practice with Kagami" Gabriel breathed a sigh of relief as Adrien left.

His body guard looked back in worry as he drove Adrien to the park. When he arrived, he was greeted with a happy Kagami.

"Greetings Adrien. Oh, are you alright?" Her toothy smile faded as she saw Adrien zoned out in though.

"Marinette got akumatized, then ran away and no one knows where she is. What's even worse is my other friends at school are to blame because they believed a liar." Adrien could feel tears threatening to fall again.

"Oh, Sh-she's gone?" This time it was Kagami's turn to fight back her tears. The one girl who has shown her kindness, and offered her friendship has vanished. No Fencing was done that day, all they could do was sit and silently watch the clouds, both ignoring the others sniffles and silent tears.

*In the Agrest home*

"Where is it?!" Natalie heard the yelling coming from Gabriel's office. Slowly she went inside.

"Sir, may I ask why you're upset?" Natalie was met with Gabriel panting.

"The ring. Adrian's ring is missing! That's why he had that outburst, but how did I lose it?!" Gabriel tore apart his office, but no ring was found.

As Adrien got up from the ground, a mail man rode up to him on his bike.

"Delivery for Adrien Agrest" Adrien looked confused, making the delivery guy chuckle.

"I was on your way to your house when I saw you here, there's a note to give this to you personally, so here ya go." Adrien took the small package and the man rode off. Kagami watched as he opened the bag, inside was a box. Opening it, was a small white ring and a note.

'Wear this, and finally be free. Dont let anyone see it, or take it, just believe me.' Adrien read aloud.

"How odd, but I have a feeling you should do as it says." Kagami commented.

"How do I hide it? It's a ring."

"Lets go to a craft store and get a chain. you could wear it under your shirt, no one could see." Adrien thought for a moment before nodding in agreement. Sneaking off, the two ran to the closest store. Thankfully a young girl was working the counter, and happily promised to keep the buy a secret.

"Well, can ya see it?"

"nope, invisible" Kagami gave Adrien a thumbs up, his small chained ring perfectly hiding under his shirt. Something in him definitely felt different. The feeling of being free, of being light.