

This is a story about four teenagers that were not close at all. They used to bully one another but at least they had one thing in common. They loved listening to songs by their favorite princess who lived in a fairy world, but they didn't notice that those songs they loved listening to had hidden messages which would get them together one day.

SMAAH · 奇幻
12 Chs

Darkest fear

Well, Lara kept on mumbling and mumbling which scared Given this time. Well, he wasn't prepared for his brothers return. Simply because he knew that his brother would be on him big time. As they were still talking Given's eyes began to turn red, he wasn't sad. He also didn't know what was happening to him, he began to run out of air and the crew were starting to get concerned, they all got up, surrounded him because he was now rolling on the floor.

His nails turned sparkly blue, they were more like crystals if you ask me, they were sharp, and they seemed like he might just end your life by just scratching you with them. The entire crew asked Lara what was happening but even she, herself didn't know what was happening. She never saw anything like that before. Given on the other side began to scream. very loud indeed, and his cream was very loud that it caused the others to collapse.

You were not expecting that were you. OR maybe you thought Crystal World was just a normal Kingdom. Nope, you are very wrong I tell you. Given wasn't hurt or sick. He was undergoing a certain change in his life which proved that he was now fully a grown man. Not just a man but a lord if you ask me. He was now fully the man he always wanted to be, strong, fierce and fit to destroy whoever he wanted.

Before you get all confused, his father was also half this creature, lord of the crystals, the air he had contained crystals, and he was able to turn his nails into crystal claws. I think I've done a mouthful explanation.

 Given's POV

Whoa, I really do not know how to express my happiness here !!!!!!! My mother always told me of this day, the day I would finally become a real man, a man who would be capable of controlling every creature that walked or crawled. I believe I was finally ready to marry the princess you know, I now had all it took to rule both kingdoms. Trust me, no one would ever have what it took to stop me.

Yep, after talking to myself for such a long time I noticed that my friends were on the ground, I didn't do anything to them though. But since I was the only one awake it would be like I did something so I was prepared to take the blame. I sat down, and something just told me in my head to command them to get up and I did and the idiots got up. 

They looked very funny, but then, I got distracted. It's like someone or something was showing me something that happened or was supposed to happen. And there I saw what really happened to my friends, I was there laying on the ground unable to breathe and they were just looking at me, they weren't helping at all. But if I'm being fair, they couldn't do anything at all, but still. 

And then, there I was, I began to scream, very loud that they all passed out, so it was my fault basically. But I didn't mean to. After waking up they asked me if I was okay and I told them that I was fine and out of nowhere I exhaled towards them creating a long light of crystals, that was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life. I am also getting emotional but let me move on.

They were very shocked, but they knew what was going on, turns up, I was now the most powerful person in our crew. I could see the past along with the future, I can command using my head, I had crystals flowing in my blood. Wow, I was the King. already. Well, our meeting was finally over since it was almost daylight, thanks to Zee, i got to know what my brother was up to. 

But all I know was that since I was the one who got the powers, he didn't get them. Mother said we were not supposed to inherit the same powers so I knew that he either didn't get any or his were very weak. Maybe he was now able to talk to animals. who knows. Well, the crew and I left the place and off to the palace I went. 

I actually didn't go by myself, Zee dropped me off. Even now she refused to tell me how she flew because she didn't have wings, all she had was a cute face. She was the type of a person I would marry but since we were friends, she probably saw me as an idiot. So, by the time I arrived I went straight to my room and there I relaxed because I had a very great time with my friend. A very good one indeed. So, off to sleep I went."

And on the side, Zee arrived her home later than she had expected. Maybe it's because she had to drop her friend off, but that did cause her trouble because her father was home that day, and he didn't find her there. So, as she got in she was welcomed by a slap, but she really deserved it though. That's my opinion though. Her father has been warning her about running off and playing around at the surface even though she was new old to take care of herself.

She kept telling him that she knew how to take care of herself and nothing would ever harm her but her father knew what he was on about. It wasn't about the people you play around with, he said, it was the kind of environment you were at. It was quite understandable, but she had her own reasons so she left the spot. 

There was only one place she was heeding to now, if you don't know yet, she made a friend from the surface world. She turned him temporarily in to one of them. Even though what she did was stupid, at least she used it to her own advantage. The person I am talking about is our wonderful Sharky. This lady saved her from the clutches of death and for that he adored her.

So, he welcomed her at his new place, he was already familiar with the place if you ask me, he already had a family, well, it was just a group of people who found him cute and allowed him to stay with them, nothing much. By the time she arrived there he was already asleep but he woke up after sensing her presence, and there she was, fully in tears.

 At that moment

Sharky-( in a mocking tone)Oh, and you're crying

Zee- You are supposed to console me, I saved your life

Sharky- I am well aware miss but clearly, I don't know what I am supposed to do.

Said Sharky as he gave her a hug. Well, as he tried to let go she refused. She kept holding on to him and told him that she really loved going to the surface because she had friends there, but her father didn't want her to be there because he thought she was not old enough to look after herself. So, Sharky told her that he could look after her because he knew all about the surface.

Our charming guy working his charms. Some people need to take notes, you don't need to be smart to find love. Just joking, Sharky is smart, hence he is convincing this lady to go out with him so that he can escape. And I believe his plan was working.