
forgotten Hero's Journey

It was called the War of Gods and Demons a long and forgotten war.

MadOtter · 奇幻
8 Chs


<Name- Eos A.< p>

Age - 10016.

Potential- error. 

Physical constitution- Void.

Arua - 22nd star.

Mana- 17th Cercle.

Affinity- Space - Time - Infinity - Nova - magnetic

titles- Ex Golden hero, dragon slayer, Demon slayer, God slayer, Champion, weapon master

Aura arts- Formless Blade, Disintegration Slash, Golden Arua, Supernova, origen Slash, origen Stab, and Expanshon.


1st- mana ball 

2nd jump, foreshadow 

3rd armor crusher, space slash, glass star

4th fold, age, ston star

5th pocket space, metal storm, de-age

6th heal, never end, metal star

7th small stop, flow 

8th throw of, teleportation

9th time lock, space slash, atom rip

10th subnova, secret space

11th rale gun, never end

12th flowers of the eternal sea, supernova

13th hypernova, life is meaningless so die 

14th Stop, universe collapse 

15th the nerve-ending river of eternity, collapse of floating trees, inverted dreams.



After looking at my stats I realized something was extremely wrong, along with the Golden Hero title having Ex, my age changing by 10000 years which I expected to happen, and two new layers of magic there's also the problem of the hero title disappearing and was replaced by a title that I have never heard of. [Champion] I focused my mind on that to see what it was, and in the screen that appeared in my head a line of text appeared beneath the title.

<Champion- after surpassing the odds, and taking down a being of great strength, your journey as hero has come to an end along with it, but that is not end, once chapter closes new one opens. Find path walk tied fate others only yourself. Don't let decide enemies. < p>

Title affects 

fortune- when searching for something most likely to find it with due time.

lion of the Stars summing. 

Cloud of the deep sea.>

After looking at the title I understand what happened. It seemed that the hero title was able to evolve. There have been many of these titles, they have conditions to develop them into stronger versions of that title for example, the [swordsman] title can grow into the [swordsmaster] title after one reachers the 12th star. this doesn't just go for combat-focused titles as it happens more often with noncombat-focused titles as you need to carry about waking the skill that the title revolves around the title like a [cook] would go to a [Chef] and from that they would go to a [master Chef].

after seeing this I tried teleportation to go to my home world but as I suspected it was blocked. 

After thinking for a bit I looked back up at Amaterasu and said my conclusion of the problem and how we can fix it. ''it looks like my hero title had evolved.''

''But how! Never in the history of the demon god war had a hero title been able to evolve. even when the original heroes fought the demon dem-god of madness there was never a charge to their titles.'' Ark was the one who spoke first, he was astonished by the fact that even the heroes who were before me the strongest didn't evolve the title, they were from the beginning of the great demon god war 1 year after the death of the king of heaven, I thought they appeared from nowhere and fought and killed the Demon gods only child the demon dem-god of madness who was said to have rivaled the demon gods might, before vanishing as fast as they came, but it seemed Ark new more of them then he was letting on to be able to know their titles after there fight.

I did not press on the past and instead tried to focus on what was at hand ''I know that this might be shocking but even if the title evolved it seems that I lost the ability to move out of this barrier like you suspected.'' as I said that the hopeful expression that Amaterasu had disappeared. She was now looking at Ryōichi, beside her with a sullen expression. She probably hoped he would never have to go into a battle that truly wasn't meant to be in.

'' I might have been unable to leave the peaceful way but what if I tried it the forceful way?'' I asked I knew I could break the barrier with force but I was uncertain what would happen when I did as with a spell like this to be able to last this long even for a 15th circle mage would be impossible for 1000 years let alone 1000000. So there's ever a magic core of 17th Cercal or more beast which is highly unlikely as the most powerful beast ever recorded was a 16th Circle Titen and that was passing over, most likely have come out of the silence but it would have been Imposable for anyone unless... a crazy thought just came over me that I immensely put to the back burner as the second possibility was far more likely were that the gods, Goddess, and the immortal beings of the heavenly realm are having the excess power siphond of.

To be honest I would prefer the first option as the source of the spell would be much easier to find whereas the second option would have stated the source everywhere it would be like taking a bag of rice pouring it into a room and having colet every grain of that rice and put it back into the bag in the same order it came out as it would take years for the person who made the mess to do it but it's almost imposable for a person who didn't see the rice before.

''there is a way but it requires a bunch of mana way more than I have that why what I meant when I mentioned that I would probably die if I went out because it would mean that I would have to break 8 of my 12 circles to give the energy to open a hole in the barrier.'' ark said