
Forging Empires and the Utopia

After looking at suggestions of viewers it's acomplete rewrite better story and plot without any system. "I find myself at a crossroads in my writing journey. The pacing in the current storyline feels rushed, leaving little room for a proper introduction of the main character. Additionally, the timeline is disarrayed, prompting me to consider scrapping the existing concept and starting afresh in the 1970s. The new narrative would involve substantial plot development, transcending the current shitty Hollywood and the world as whole and exploring deeper themes. Making much better wish fulfillment story. Introduction of older actresses (females) without the system in place, I envision a tale featuring fundamental superpowers like longevity and super genius. ***Synopsis... "Have you ever wondered what a person will do when he finds himself on alternate earth?" In a realm teetering on the edge of chaos, our protagonist is bestowed with an extraordinary opportunity. Armed with the intellect and experiences of Norman Osborn from Earth-616, they embark on an ambitious journey to build not just an empire but a utopia. As the architect of his destiny, He navigates the intricate web of power, ambition, and innovation. However, with great potential comes great responsibility, and the choices made in the pursuit of this grand vision will shape not only his destiny but the fate of the world. Can he transcend the shadows of his past, break the shackles of ordinary existence, and truly forge a legacy that stands the test of time? Join our visionary protagonist as he navigates the challenges of building an empire and strives to create a better world against the backdrop of intrigue, ambition, and the relentless march of time people of dark kind. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: Harem, Pretty Big Harem, and world-hopping with a twist, no ntr, yes stealing girls, very lustful and pretty aggressive MC. Not really his fault though. He's not dumb either. I am doing this for fun, and it's fantasy just all books on this platform but it's going to be filled with realism. Love all the reader's thanks for your support And if you are very good at English I need an editor but no payment because even I don't earn A single penny from this thanks love you all

GodOfGreedAs · 漫画同人
38 Chs

CH : 19 Trip to Europe and Microsoft MS-DOS

19 Trip to Europe and Microsoft MS-DOS

After another 10 minutes, Susan was ready, and they set off to Susan's parents' house. Susan's parents live in Somerville, near Harvard, just a 20-minute drive away. Upon arrival, Henry noticed the slightly old house, with paint already cracked in various places.

The Miller family is an average middle-class family. Susan's father, John Miller, was a police officer. His rank now is Corporal which means he leads a squad of police. Susan's mother Amanda Miller is a housewife. As they already knew their daughter would come with her boyfriend from the last visit, they were already waiting in the living room.

After Henry came in, he saw a burly middle-aged man and his face was tough looking. With a glance Henry knew this would be Susan's father, John. Beside him, there's a middle-aged lady. Although years have left traces on her face, you can see she was a beautiful woman in the past.

John then stood up, his gaze assessing Henry carefully. He had heard from his daughter about Henry's immense wealth. Drawing from his years of experience as a cop, he knew that young men like Henry, born into wealth, often turned out to be playboys. John feared that Henry might be just like them—playing with his daughter's heart, only to discard her later, like the typical rich second-generation playboys.

"Boy, you must be Henry right ?" John asked in a rude tone

Henry ignored the rude tone and with a warm smile, Henry extended his hand to John. "Hello Uncle John, my name is Henry. I'm an author, and you may have heard of my book, 'Fellowship of the King'."

John's eyes widen in astonishment as he realizes the extent of the 'Fellowship of the King's' popularity. Despite months since its release, the book remains scorching hot, having sold over 39 million copies worldwide. In the United States alone, 30 million copies have been sold, a staggering number considering the country's current population is just 210 million, meaning roughly 1 in 7 Americans owns a copy of the book.

With two copies of the book in his possession and having delved into its pages three times over, John's admiration for the author, Henry, deepens. He recognizes Henry as an unparalleled genius with an extraordinary imagination, a true grandmaster of storytelling. From the intricately crafted characters to the captivating plot, the intricate power systems, the nuanced portrayal of religions, and the exploration of good and evil, John marvels at Henry's ability to weave a tapestry of rich and immersive elements. In every aspect, Henry's work resonates with John, solidifying his status as a devoted fan.

With a firm handshake exchanged between John and Henry, John couldn't help but admire the young author's success. However, John's focus remained sharp as he prepared to delve into his 'interrogate'. John remained vigilant, understanding that personal ties could influence Henry's cooperation. But it is destined to be futile as Henry himself doesn't plan to dump Susan, after all, she is his first woman ever.

Reluctantly, John acknowledged the happiness his daughter found with Henry, recognizing the potential for a better life that Henry's wealth could offer her. While his initial reservations lingered, John couldn't deny the joy he saw in his daughter's eyes, and he conceded to support her choice, albeit cautiously. After all, Henry's financial stability promised a brighter future for his little girl.

After an engaging conversation about his career as an author, Henry bids farewell to John and Amanda, leaving them impressed and satisfied with him as their prospective son-in-law. As a gesture of goodwill and understanding their financial struggles, Henry discreetly leaves a bank card loaded with $5 million behind. Initially, John and Amanda reject the gift, feeling it undermines their pride and dignity. However, Henry and Susan tactfully persuades them, Henry using his charm and eloquence to convey his genuine desire to support them and ensure their daughter's happiness. Eventually, touched by Henry's sincerity and generosity, John and Amanda accept the gift, grateful for the unexpected assistance during their challenging times.

After leaving Miller House, Henry plans to travel to Europe with Susan as after the new year, he will be so busy that he will not have time to holiday next year. So taking this opportunity, Henry plans to use this well. Henry and Susan's passport is ready as Henry directly spends $10,000 to get it ready as soon as possible. That night they directly travel to Italy as their first stop.

Henry's experience and his increased Intelligence has made him master the Italian language, and not only that, basically every major language has been mastered like Mandarin, Spanish, French, Hindi, Russian, German, and Arabic. With 7 language mastery, Henry basically can travel all around the world without much hindrance.

Henry and Susan experience the might of Colosseum, The wonder of Pisa Tower and Romanticism of Venice in just 2 days, even though they are not satisfied yet, but they must go to the next country as the holiday just lasts for 1 week. They take a lot of photos around the famous spot to capture their picture together.

They use a plane to London, their next stop. There they experienced the atmosphere of Buckingham Palace, the iconic Big Ben, and the National Gallery to look at the famous paintings from many masters. When Henry looks at those paintings, he feels a possessive desire to own it alone. No wonder so many rich people like to collect various art, as it is really pleasant to look at them. Henry decided he would buy many works of famous artists later after his net worth skyrocketed and he send his own rocket into space.

The trip in London lasted for 2 days before they must go to the next destination, Paris. Paris is famous for its reputation of Fashion city, so when Henry and Susan get there, they begin shopping frenzy, especially Susan as she really likes many clothes there. After the frenzied shopping, they go to the Eiffel Tower to take a look.

Henry and Susan took a photo in front of the Eiffel Tower so this moment can be forever captured into the picture. After 2 days of traveling in Paris, the holiday is almost done as Henry must return to work tomorrow. So they decided to end the holiday in advance. With this decision, the unforgettable trip is done.


2 January 1974

After 1 week of the journey with Susan, Henry finally must return back to his work. Even though New Year is just over yesterday, Henry must work now as the time for his important point in his plan must be launched. So after getting back to Microsoft, Henry immediately speeds up the development of Microsoft MS-DOS with Bill Gates, Paul Allen, and a group of engineers.

Bill Gates and Allen just took over their office now with Bill as Chief Operations Officer (COO) as he must gain experience first as COO, later after Bill Gates more experienced managing the company, Henry will give him the position of CEO. And Paul Allen as Chief of Engineer and Connection as his technical knowledge is superior to many people here, Henry believes after he taught Paul some of his experience, his experience will be enough for holding this position.

As Henry feels more urgency for his recent plan, he basically worked overtime every day as he is personally coding the MS-DOS and at the same time, teaching some knowledge to Bill, Paul, and some talented engineers.

After one month of constant hard work, Microsoft MS-DOS was finally created. Even though its function is very simple compared to Microsoft Windows in the future, if compared to all Operating Systems in this era, this far surpasses it.

As the Microsoft MS-DOS was created, it's finally time for Bill Gates to put it to use. From the beginning, since he created the plan, Bill is one of the important pieces as he needs Bill Gates' family relationship to help him.

The Gates family is an upper-class family with many connections. Even though Henry has super intelligence and countless future knowledge, but without foundation, all of it is futile if Henry can't use it. Henry needs the Gates family to help in this initial period, for example now.

As the saying goes "Sometimes, it's not about wealth or intelligence; it's the connections we forge that truly matter."

Mary Maxwell Gates, mother of Bill Gates, held influential positions on the boards of numerous major corporations, including First Interstate Bank of Washington, Unigard Security Insurance Group, and Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company, later known as U.S. WEST Communications. Additionally, she contributed her expertise to organizations such as KIRO Incorporated, the UW Foundation Board of Directors, the UW Medical Center Board, and the UW School of Business Administration's Advisory Board, leaving a lasting impact on both corporate and academic realms.

Henry recognizes the invaluable assistance he can receive from Mary Maxwell Gates, given her extensive contacts within major corporations. With Microsoft MS-DOS ready for launch, Henry is eager to swiftly penetrate the market to advance his plans. Knowing that IBM dominates 90% of the computer industry market, Henry sees collaborating with them as the most efficient path forward. If Microsoft MS-DOS can be pre-installed on IBM computers, it would effectively translate to capturing the entire market, solidifying Henry's strategy for success.

Even though Microsoft MS-DOS is superior compared to many of its competitors, it does not mean IBM must use it. Even though Henry can convince IBM to use it, it takes too much time as his recent plan can't be delayed for another month.

So from the beginning of the plan, Bill Gates is the important node here. Mary Maxwell Gates must have contact with IBM and she can help Henry with it. And with the superiority of Microsoft MS-DOS itself and with Mary Maxwell help, the result is already known.

To convince her to help him, just as Bill Gates' friend is not enough. That's why he was here sitting in front of Henry.

"So Bill, I called here to inform you of something very important. From now on, I won't pay you a salary"

Bill was obviously froze for a moment. He didn't quite understand what Henry ment, Listening to the first half of Henry's words, it showed a strong determination to support Microsoft. What did the second-half mean? Do not pay my salary.

This is wanting to fire me. Henry will reveal the kind smile patted the shoulder of Bill, "Instead. I won't pay you a salary, but I'll give you shares. I'll give you 10% of the shares of Microsoft. And do not worry I won't let you bear the losses of Microsoft. And once Microsoft makes money, you will own 1%.The dividends."

"This is the deal I'm offering you"

Henry was not soft when it came to spending money, especially for Bill Gates. He is one of the greatest businesses and a one kind genius. Not to mention his family connections. Henry naturally is not stingy. Compared to the rewards that Bill could bring. This amount of payment was nothing moreover.

Henry also had his own plans. Once Bill took the shares of Microsoft, it was the same as signing a long term contract with Microsoft. Jumping ships is not to think about, as long as the Microsoft Corporation does not close down, then obediently work for Henry.

Bill revealed A shocked expression. He simply could not imagine that his friend Henry would offer such a high treatment. Don't look at the 10% share it sounded like. Small, but this was Microsoft, soon to be a behemoth worth a trillions of dollars.

The first time that Bill had seen such a generous Man was when he offered 10% of the shares, not to mention him in the entire world it is impossible to have such a generous boss.

What does it do? It meant that the boss appreciated the employee can open such a high treatment the boss of their own is how much love all at once Bill heart welled up a warm current he now understand why Henry offered 2% of profits to company's hard working employees he worthy of being a boss who has been on the top of list.

He is many times better than those short sighted

Bosses who only saw money. This might be the sympathy between somebody who came from avarge family to somebody born silver spoon in their mouths.

Bill choked a little. His own talent finally got appreciation. A scholar will die for a friend who understands him.

Looking at Bill who had moved Henry, the question he was most concerned about was that they decided the final details about the business.


About half an hour later, as they wrapped up finalizing the contract, Bill rose from his seat, pausing before leaving the room to address Henry.

"Did we forget something?" Henry inquired.

"No, it's something personal I wanted to ask, but I'm not sure if I should," Bill replied hesitantly.

"Please, Bill, we're not just business partners; we're friends. Don't hesitate to ask," Henry encouraged.

Taking a deep breath, Bill finally spoke up. "Could you please provide information on the number of shareholders and the percentage of ownership of Microsoft?"

""Certainly my friend, here's the breakdown: You currently hold 10% of the shares. I'll allocate 5% to Paul and 5% to Steve. Additionally, 2% is already owned by our employees. I personally hold 34% of the shares, leaving the remaining 44% in the hands of a new company, Umbrella Corporation."

Upon hearing this, Bill was taken aback, shocked and surprised by the revelation. He never imagined his friend would sell such a substantial portion of the company to an unknown entity.

"Does this indicate that Microsoft will not pursue an initial public offering (IPO)?" Bill inquired, his concern palpable.

"Yes, that's correct," Henry confirmed. "But don't worry about money. With the backing of Umbrella Corporation, we'll never be in need of funds to expand the company. Together, Umbrella Corporation and I will generate more than enough revenue to transform Microsoft into a trillion-dollar giant," he reassured, a smile playing on his lips.


So Henry already gave Bill Gates 10% of Microsoft so her son's interest is already linked to Microsoft. 10% of shares are not anything as in the future, Bill Gates must become CEO of Microsoft. And with just 10% of Microsoft, he can tie Gates' family to his chariot, so why not?

Moreover, Henry also had his own plans. Once he took the shares of Microsoft, it was the same as signing a long term contract with Microsoft.

Even though Bill Gates' parents never like their son to be in the computer industry, but since it already happens, Mary Maxwell quickly contacts IBM and acts as middlemen between Microsoft and IBM.

So in less than 3 days, IBM accepted Microsoft's offer. Henry and IBM then negotiate about the contract, IBM agrees they will pay $500 per Microsoft MS-DOS. After this successful negotiation, Henry celebrates a little with Microsoft employees as this signifies his first step toward turning Microsoft into a Tech Giant.

After the successful launch of Microsoft MS-DOS, Microsoft finally starts to make a profit. Even though it is nothing much, it signifies it is already profitable. After Microsoft MS-DOS began to be pre-installed in every computer IBM sold, it already became most popular as it is really easy to use.

Even though it's nothing much, it already has market recognition. As a result, Microsoft's reputation has appeared in a small number of people. These people are the seed for the product that Microsoft developed later.

Henry did not content with this meagre result as he knows this is just the beginning. Now that Microsoft has done well, it's the time for him to do another thing. Microsoft now basically just improves the MS-DOS and do bug fixes as Henry wants something to do, so he lets Microsoft do it alone as it has already set them on the right track.

After successfully solidifying Microsoft's foundation, Henry strategically established a subsidiary company in Silicon Valley, California, mirroring the structure of Microsoft under the umbrella of the parent company, Umbrella Corporation. Dubbed "Apple," this new venture was meticulously crafted by Henry, complete with a distinct logo featuring a bitten apple. Sensing the opportune moment, Henry made the bold decision to launch Apple, recognizing that the timing was ripe for its inception.

Intel will release the Intel 8080 microprocessor on April 4, 1974, which meant around 2 months later. Intel 8080 is a revolutionary processor and it's perfect for Apple. Apple-1 developed in the future is a revolutionary computer and it set off a crazy wave in the computer industry. It's the first personal computer, so it is really shocking. Apple-1 was developed in 1975 after the Altair-8080 computer.

The Altair-8080 computer developed by MITS has only a host, no display and keyboard, and no mouse. This is a computer without a monitoring program. Users can only program this computer in binary machine language. However, once such a computer is available, it can't help but shock the industry. Orders are constantly coming. The Global Catalogue describes it as: "This is an absolutely uncontroversial and unbelievable success that is formed overnight."

Even garbage such as Altair-8080 can be fired, it's no wonder the revolutionary Apple-1 can be hotter. In 1974, the term of a personal computer had not yet appeared, so Henry decided to take this chance as fast as possible.

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