


  "Since none of us knows what could have caused the Paradox I think I have to call Magnus," the older Witch said and immediately I heard that name a memory flashed in my head.

  "Ma....ma. Magnus... You have.... to find him," my mom's voice came out in what sounded almost as a whisper.

  "You can find Magnus on Earth of the second plane," she said and I stared at her with wide open eyes.

  "Magnus-" I muttered softly and everyone faced me.

  That was the name of the man that my mum kept telling me to find and she also mentioned that I would find him on the Earth or the difference plane.

  Those were our last words to me and if she could have tried to tell me to find a man out of all the things you could have said to me while dying then that means it was important. Even after dying she appeared to me in a vision when those group of Witches abducted me the first time.

  "I think I know what could have caused the Paradox," I said and they all stared at me inquisitively.