
Flowers bloom, Petals fall

*** Strictly prohibited for kiddos below 18 **** A never-ending fierce battle between the Heaven Realm and Demon God, have made them expand their forces into the mortal world. Heavenly Realm collaborated with Olena, a kind-hearted human being. Demon God collaborated with Aliyah, a cruel human being. The battles developed an entangled relationship between Aliyah and Olena. They get involved in a cycle of reincarnation, mother and daughter relationship.

HL9900 · 奇幻言情
50 Chs

Virginity test

The carriage is on the way to bring them to the prime minister's manor. But now, Olena has to inform the horseman to change the direction. She knocks on the carriage and screams her lungs out to inform the horseman. "We will not go to the prime minister's manor now. Bring us to the Imperial Palace, please."

The horseman heard Olena's instruction. He acknowledged her. "Yes, your highness!" He pulls the rope. It triggers the horse's slack to give a sign to stop and direct the horse to change the direction towards the Imperial Palace.

The horse's transition is too fast, causing a shock wave to shake the carriage. Olena slides to Prince Liam's side. By accident, she grabbed his breast. He jumped and slapped Olena. That was a spontaneous reaction to being molested.

It had annoyed her. She yelled, "That was an accident. Besides, that's my body after all. What's wrong with me touching my body?"

Prince Liam refused to look at her, embarrassed. He ignored her ranting, but she continued babbling. His air of calm superiority annoyed her intensely.

On arriving at the Imperial Palace, they walked slowly toward the study room of King George. A eunuch informed the king that Prince Liam wanted to meet him and Royal Consort Mariot.

King George quickly summoned Prince Liam. Olena brings Prince Liam along. The king and the royal consort looked at Olena, wondered why she was here. They both go down on their bended knee. It was a curious sight.

Inhaling a deep breath, Olena speaks out. "Father, Mother, I have met a woman I want to marry. I am here to seek approval."

Is this for real? The request had them flabbergasted. Don't really like the request, they were reluctant to approve this marriage. For one, the prime minister is not in the good term with the king. They both have never shared the same opinion, and they often argue with each other in the inner court.

Another reason is, the crown prince is getting married soon. Both weddings in the same year. He is afraid the queen might jump! King George gave a serious stare at Olena. "I supposed this is good news. If you don't mind, would you spare us a few minutes? I would like to speak to my son for a moment."

Prince Liam nodded his head and walked out of the room. "My father, my mother, could not recognize me. How sad." He sighed in frustration.

King George said, "The world is not as simple as you may think. Would you still marry her if you knew her father is the one who poisoned you?"

Olena was utterly shocked to learn that the king suspects her father. She shook her head in disbelief. The reality has increasingly become elusive, and she keeps her faith in her father. "I trust the prime minister. I will reveal the real culprit by investigating this case. I will come back to prove to you his innocence."

The king nodded. He instructed the eunuch to summon for Olena. Prince Liam entered the study room. What happened next shocked Prince Liam, King George instructed Olena to go through the virginity test.

One of the fundamental rules of the Imperial Palace is the maiden's virginity. They considered virginity for a maiden before consenting the marriage. They must be a virgin, and the Imperial nannies will conduct the virgin test on the maiden.

During the test, the nanny will request the maidens to remove their clothes, lay on the bed, and they will look thoroughly on their body. They will ensure there are no signs of defect on their hymen and no scars as well.

Before the king gives their consent and sends a royal edict to the prime minister's manor to announce the marriage of Prince Liam and Olena, the nanny checks the body of Olena.

Prince Liam, who possessed the body of Olena, went through the test. He undressed to allow the nanny to inspect the body. Apart from the scratches on the body that she got from falling into the well, her hymen is intact. Prince Liam got aroused during the virginity test and it embarrassed him.

Queen Aliyah summoned the Imperial Nanny. She has instructed the nanny to find flaws in Julia. Even though she has given her approval to make Julia the crown princess, she is plotting to get rid of Julia in her own way. Her preference is Farah, the daughter of the wealthiest man in Shilla.

Nanny called for Julia for the virginity test. Apart from the visual inspection, the nanny uses an egg to conduct the test. She breaks the eggs and pours it into her private part. The egg did not slip into her private part. It signifies her virginity.

"Your majesty, I have checked Julia. Her condition is perfect. I can't find any flaws in her." The nanny informed Queen Aliyah.

Queen Aliyah raised her hand, giving the nanny a sign that she acknowledges the message. Nanny left the Queen's chamber and performed another test on Farah.

For Farah, the queen has instructed Nanny to close an eye if she noticed any flaws. She has bribed the nanny to just report Farah as "flawless".

The Nanny made a virtual inspection on Farah. Her nipples seemed to be bigger than the usual size. Having a top-order from the queen, she reported Farah as flawless.

Julia is the daughter of Li Clan, her father has the military seal and her uncle is the grand marshall. Somehow, the Li Clan does not have many benefits to Queen Aliyah.

Lord Yoon, the wealthiest man in Shilla, has given a lot of benefit to the queen. She felt bad for not being able to return his favour by making his daughter the crown princess.

The King received the result from the imperial nannies. He believes in Prince Liam. He dispatched the royal edict to the prime minister's mansion. It appalled the prime minister the moment a eunuch read out the royal edict to announce the marriage of Olena with Prince Liam.

The prime minister picked up the royal edict from the eunuch and greeted him with respect. After the eunuch left his manor, he walked toward Olena and asked her, "Are you comfortable with this marriage? If you say no, I will meet the king to protest this marriage."

Prince Liam wonders why he is not supportive of this marriage, he asked the prime minister, "What do you think of Prince Liam?"

The prime minister shakes his head, hinting Prince Liam a sign of not favourable, "The prince is incompetent. Seems to be sick a lot. You might suffer after you marry him."

Prince Liam responded to the prime minister, "Prince Liam has the qualities in him and it aptly matched to the attributes of my ideal man."

The king and the prime minister gave them their blessing after seeing how persistent both Prince Liam and Olena. They have set the wedding date in the early spring.

Everybody is cheering when they learn about the wedding except for the queen and the crown prince. They become furious, thinking that the prime minister has betrayed them.

In the hell realm, the grim reapers informed the jade emperor and the underworld lord about the two runaway souls.

Jade emperor sends his ultimate level police guards out far and wide in search of Olena and Prince Liam.

The night is windy, but the moon is shimmering brightly in the sky.

Prince Liam feels emotional, his eyes are following the path of the moonlight drawn by moon filtering in through the open windows,

"One more miserable night sleeping in this feminist bedroom."

Suddenly the ultimate guard appears in front of the windows. He hops into the room through the window and blows a spell on Prince Liam and captures Prince Liam's soul.

Another ultimate guard hops into Prince Liam's room in the Imperial Palace. He blows a spell on Olena and captures Olena's soul.

Those ultimate guards bring their souls to meet the jade emperor in the afterlife court.

Underworld lord summoned them, Ultimate guards brought them both into the hall. In the end, they realized they still have to meet the underworld lord.

In the cold, dim, and foggy room. They can see the jade emperor wearing a white robe sitting on a seat. Sitting next to the jade emperor is the underworld lord wearing a black robe.

Underworld lord yelled at them, "You both have committed the gravest sin."

It frustrates Prince Liam. He wanted to protest, "What have I done to die at such a young age?"

Underworld lord got infuriated with his response. He finds him disrespectful, "A human's life is in the book of destiny. Changing your own destiny is against the rule."

Jade emperor interrupted, "You may be a prince in the human realm, but he is the king of the hell realm. You should give your respect to him."

The underworld lord stroking his beard and agrees to the jade emperor. He whispered to himself, "For once, the jade emperor is being thoughtful."

The jade emperor felt insulted by the words. He heard the underworld lord, even though he murmured softly, "Don't worry, I am just saying. You don't have to give your respect. He is basically saying your time is over in the human realm as recorded in the book of destiny's record."

Olena asked, "Who wrote the book of destiny?"

The underworld lord glares at the jade emperor, "The heavenly realm takes charge of the book of destiny. This man here is the jade emperor. He is the king of the heavenly realm."

The jade emperor glares at the underworld lord. He knows the underworld lord is trying to push the blame to him.

Olena asked, "Are you enjoying tormenting the human being? Aren't we allowed to live the life that we wish to? Why do you have to take control of our life?"

Prince Liam agrees with Olena, "Instead of punishing the people who murder us, you are punishing us the victim. How unfair?"

Underworld lord chuckled after seeing them bombard the jade emperor.

Jade emperor shakes, "Let us just pardon them, let them live the way they wish to."

Underworld lord whispered to the jade emperor. Jade emperor nodded his head, agreeing to the underworld lord.

Underworld lord "You have done nothing wrong, but if you are going back to where you are coming from, the truth might hurt you very much."

Prince Liam disagreed, "Nothing is worse than dying without knowing why you are dead."

The jade emperor pardoned them and conveyed them a message, "Every human being's journey filled with flowers bloom, petals fall". He then magically consigned their souls back into their human bodies in the human realm.