After a long day, a tired man decides to get a good night's rest lying on his bed all finished and in his pajamas. When he next opened his eyes he could smell the scent of flowers and blinding light poured into his eyes, he wasn't in his room anymore, he was in a field of flowers. In his pocket was a single piece of hard white construction paper with big letters in bold saying. "Welcome to The Complex"
The brush of cold rushing wind could be felt going past his face and the quiet but peaceful sound of rustling flowers around him the sweet smells of flowers filling the air, the bright morning sun beamed down onto his face slowly waking him up from his sleep.
Getting up he rubbed his eyes yawning and stretching from a good day's rest after working for such a long day but what he saw, rubbing away the morning tears from his eyes wasn't his usual and plain bedroom but instead a seemingly never-ending vast field filled with many types of flowers littering a green landscape.
Looking down he noticed that he was still wearing the same pajamas he wore when he went to sleep, he wondered just how he got here. He didn't think of himself as a heavy sleeper as even snoring made it harder for him to fall asleep.
Not wanting to think too much of it he decides the first thing he needs to do is to get up and get a view of his surroundings. Looking around all he sees is more and more fields of flowers, no end in sight.
He looked at the place where he was lying and realized something strange, the area he was lying down at was completely void of flowers with the ground being only grass, the grass lay exactly the same as when he woke up.
He thought that was weird but tried not to linger on it, the most important thing was to find a way out of these fields. He hopes he wasn't dropped in some kind of flower sanctuary.
He decides to just walk in a random direction, hopefully, he'll find the end of the field eventually right?
He had walked for quite a while now but the sun hadn't seemed to have moved, like at all. It was quite a weird phenomenon just like how he also wasn't feeling any fatigue though he felt as if he has walked quite a fair distance.
He stops and decides to just take a little break, maybe smells a few of the flowers here you know? He was here anyway might as well smell a few.
He bends down and smells some of the ones he recognizes. Roses, Orchids, Daises, all of them were here in this field. He had no idea that any of these could live in the same field but seeing them all together was quite a sight to the eyes.
A few of the flowers seemed exotic too seeming to be many different colors blended and put together. He feels maybe he could take a few, just taking a few of the flowers isn't too bad right? I mean there are quite a few of them here.
He tries to pluck a few of the flowers but somehow the flowers seem to slightly start leaning away from his hands, as if they knew they were going to be plucked.
Before he was able to take any of them he suddenly started hearing footsteps coming from behind him.
Before he is able to look behind him he hears the clack of a gun being reloaded and a deep and muffled voice state.
"Put your hands up, don't move."