
Feud And Love

That night the weather was so cloudy when Alma Wijaya arrived in the center of Jakarta. She brought her pot belly alone to the big city to meet her husband, who had not returned for two months. 'Finally, I arrived at this city. I'm sure my husband will be happy to see me come' Alma muttered while smiling broadly. Armed with the address written on white paper, Alma asked the taxi driver to take him to that address. Unfortunately, her husband no longer lives there. Luckily there was a good person who told me that her husband was in Mention Hill, an elite housing area specifically for the rich. Alma got back in a taxi and asked him to take her to Mention Hill. 'Why is Arfha there? Does he have a business meeting? However, it's already ten o'clock in the evening, chances are he'll be home soon. There's nothing wrong with me waiting for him outside' Alma muttered while catching his breath because he felt a little tight and uncomfortable because of his big stomach. It didn't take long for Alma to arrive at Mention Hill. Again, she had to accept disappointment when she saw the husband she had longed for, instead leaving a luxurious house with a beautiful and slim woman. Arfha and the beautiful girl stood facing each other near the black Ferrari car. who exactly is the girl that is with Arfha? Is Arfha secretly playing behind Alma? Did Alma return to the village or stay quietly in the center of Jakarta with the man who disappointed her?" ................................................................. ............... Find the answer by following each chapter in this novel. If you like it, don't forget to support this novel by giving Power Stone as much as possible. And write your opinion in the review column and comment column so that I can correct what is wrong. One Power Stone and comments or reviews from you guys are my motivation to write. Happy Reading!

Linayanti · 现代言情
45 Chs

The dark past 4

He looked at Arfha lovingly, placing his hand on his chest which was beating fast. Alma's face turned red like a cherry, she could hardly believe that the man in front of her was Arfha.

It turns out that Rudi also has the same view of Arfha, he sees Arfha's figure as a prince because he has a very attractive charisma. Rudi was stunned like a statue of Liberty.

"Arfha... Why are you here?" Alma asked with an astonished expression.

Arfha smiled as she walked towards Alma "I purposely came to pick you up" Arfha replied casually.

"To pick me up? But I never had an appointment with you"

"You better get in the car" Arfha ordered.

Alma remembered the promise he made to his mother and father "Sorry Arfha, you better not have to see me again"

"Why Alma?"

"Because I don't want to break my parents' hearts"

"Why do you suddenly say something like that? Alma, I beg of you, we can discuss this amicably"

"Stop don't touch me Arfha!!" Alma tried to distance himself.

As for Rudi, as a spectator, he doesn't know about the problems of Alma and Arfha. Rudi really wanted to ask, but how could Alma answer his question. While he meant well, Alma immediately gave a very terrible look.

Arfha frowned "So why Alma?" Asked Arfa.

Even though deep in his heart, Alma really misses Arfha. He really wanted to hug Arfha, but what could Alma's power be, he didn't dare to be rash, because Restu blocked their relationship.

"I told you I have nothing to do with you anymore Arfha, so I beg you to understand"

Arfha was speechless, how should she understand Alma's feelings. Meanwhile, he wants to prove that he is really serious about having a relationship with Alma.

Because he did not want to argue at length, Alma took advantage of Rudi. Without further ado, Alma got on Rudi's motorbike.

"Let's go Rudi!!" Alma said with an expression full of emotion.

"With pleasure Alma, I will take you wherever you want to go"

Rudi immediately started the engine, he then ran it moderately. How could Alma leave Arfha, even though Arfha has survived this far.

But Arfha immediately got into her car, she followed Alma wherever she went "I will not give up Alma" said Arfha.

"Looks like the person was following us Alma" said Rudi while looking at the rearview mirror of his motorbike.

"Use high speed, don't let him catch us"

"It's already very high Alma"

"You'd better go down the lane to avoid that person"

"Ok... I'll do it"

Rudi looks for the Small alley according to Alma's orders. He immediately turned left, but he was trapped in a dead end. "Damn this is Alma's dead end," said Rudi, annoyed.

"You are wrong, you better turn your motorbike as soon as possible"

"Yes" Rudi turned his motorbike back.

Rudi returned to looking for public roads, while Arfha lost track. Arfha hit the steering wheel firmly, she felt very annoyed.

"Damn... Why is Alma avoiding me? Did he do this on purpose?" Said Arfa.

The only place Alma works is a nearby cafe downtown. So easily Arfha met Alma again. Arfha immediately continued his journey.

Nearby cafe.

As usual Arfha parked her car in the usual place. Aunt Nila immediately smiled warmly welcoming Arfha "Good morning sir... It's nice to see you visit my place again" Aunt Nila said.

"Morning too Auntie!"

"Please, sir, sit down first." Aunt Nila immediately invited Arfha to sit down.

"Thank you Auntie"

"Sir, do you want a drink or something to eat?" Asked Aunt Nila.

"I don't want anything Aunty"

Aunt Nila frowned, if she didn't want to order food or drink why did she come here. Aunt Nila's goal in making this cafe is to make a profit, not to provide a free hangout.

"It's useless for you to come here" Aunty Nila thought.

He then left Arfha just like that, when Aunt Nila was walking Arfha immediately called "Can you help me?" Asked Arfa.

Aunt Nila stopped and immediately turned her head "Are you asking me?" Aunt Nila said while pointing at herself.

Arfha nodded, Aunt Nila then walked over to Arfha, she stood looking at Arfha's face "It depends" Aunt Nila continued.

Arfha smiled "In that case, Auntie body, don't worry, because I won't ask for free help." Arfha is really observant, she already knows what Aunt Nila is like.

"What do you want help with?"

Before speaking, Arfha took out several bills with a fairly large nominal value, she placed them on the table right in front of Aunt Nila. Aunt Nila's eyes widened when she saw the bills, in her heart she wanted to take them immediately. But he sold it expensive and pretended not to be affected by the money.

"Is it still not enough?" Asked Arfa.

"Oh no ... This is more than a lot" Aunt Nila replied, her hands were itching to touch the money, the smell also wafted into her organs.

"Aunt Nila's job is not to tell Alma that I am waiting for her in this place and one more thing I want Aunt Nila not to receive guests first, especially for today," said Arfha.

Aunt Nila thought that the task given by Arfha would be very heavy, but it turned out to be only a light task. Aunt Nila immediately shook Arfha's hand as a sign of approval.

"Okay then." He immediately took the money and fanned it.

Arfha hid her car, she then sat in the most corner seat while waiting for Alma's arrival. A few minutes later, Alma came in between by Rudi.

"Until here," said Alma.

"Can I come with you?" Rudi asked.

"Should not!!"

"I really want to eat with you"

"You better go there, don't bother me"

"But Alma"

"Go" Alma pushed Rudi's motorbike, Rudi was forced to leave Alma. Even though he really hoped that Alma would give him a drink, even if it was just plain water.

Alma who was still standing right in front of the gate while looking at the road. Suddenly surprised by Aunt Nila's voice "Alma dear Auntie misses you so much" Aunt Nila greeted warmly, she hugged Alma.

While in Alma's heart, he still wondered why Nila's aunt suddenly turned into a kind and friendly person like this. In fact, he had never acted like this before. But Alma felt very stupid, he returned the hug of Aunt Nila.

"Oh yeah for today you don't have to work first huh"

"Why did it happen?" Alma asked in surprise.

"Anyway, today you relax first, sit quietly while enjoying the food and drinks that are served on the table" Aunt Nila replied while showing her hands.