

The world of the Nasuverse is a universe filled with endless wars of power-hungry people to achieve one's selfish dreams. Alexander Lampros, an infamous criminal was given a task by an omnipotent being to "save" this universe from an unknown demise. Let's follow his journey as he begins to explore this world and find his reason for existing along the way. [An: This is just an introduction to our MC. Please bear in mind that this will be my first time writing. So expect my writing style to be simple and repetitive. As for the cover and the characters are not mine and they are own by their respective owners. This is just something I want to do and if you are down with me on a journey then I will gladly welcome you. this novel will have an irregular update. So keep that in mind. Average chapters are 2000+ words.] Tags: (Calm Protagonist), (Handsome Male Lead), (Overpowered Protagonist), (Multiple Heroines), (Slow Romance), (Friendship), (Tragic Past), (Modern), (Strong to Stronger), (Time Travel), (Dragons), (Gods), (Aliens), (Fantasy world), (Heroes), (Mythologies), (Multiple POV), (Character Growth)

Mystery_18th · 漫画同人
30 Chs

(1) Interlude

If you talk to a random child in the street and ask them if they know the name, Alexander Lampros. I'm 100% sure that they will freeze up and cry. The name became more infamous than the boogeyman himself. If you have a child, to make them shut up, all you have to do is say that name and they will be instantly hate you for life for giving them trauma... You get the point...

I don't know who started the whole idea. But If I ever meet that person, I will beat them so hard to the point where their imaginary girlfriend won't be able to recognize them anymore...

That's right Einstein, I'm that guy... My story is not that all complicated, I was abuse since I was a child, yadda yadda... The only thing you need to know is that I'm a serial killer, and right now I'm in the middle of doing exactly the thing that serial killers are known for...

"Sigh, This should be done it,"

Looking at my masterpiece, I could not help but smile. A man that is been crucified against the wall with a miserable look on his face. His dead eyes show how much suffering he has been through.

"That's it, that's perfect! Now don't move and smile for me, will ya?" putting my hands on my pocket and grabbing my phone, *click* "Yep, I will rate this as 8/10. Maybe I should put a crown on his head... Nah, that will look stupid,"

"P-please... just kill me already..." The man on his thirty begged me. The smile on my face disappears completely and returns to its natural Apathetic state.

"And why should I do that? Maybe I should... No, Nevermind. Just let me asked you this. Depending on your answer, I might end your suffering a little quicker... Did you kill all your victims after they asked you to release them after you do horrible shit to them?"

He didn't answer my questions but stared down like a kid being reprimanded by their parents. Which looks pathetic.

"No, you didn't, you let them die of starvation and blood loss after you r*** and torture them. I'm just doing the same thing, other than the r***ing of course. Ohh, if you want me to do that, no thanks, I'm not into men," After saying those words, the slight hope in his eyes was extinguished by my harsh words. Closing his eyes for the 15th time this past minutes...


"Hey, hey, no sleeping. This is just-"

*Wii-wuu, Wii-wuu*

Before I could even finish my words, the sound of a police siren enters my ears, the blue and red lights flickers which brighten the night outside the window. "Tsk, they sure are fast,"

hearing the sound of doors opening and closing... I guess my fun time for the night ends now.

"Looks like our 'emotional connection' ends here Mr. Joseph. See ya in hell," Before he could open his mouth and say random and boring shit. I slit his throat with the knife he uses for killing his victims, bathing me with his blood making my appearance more terrifying than it already is.

"Disgusting," No matter how many "beasts" I kill, their blood covering my clothes always disgust me...

*Running on a wooden floor SFX*

"Well, shit. I wasted too much time. This is a noob mistake." Without even looking back at the crime scene. Halfway through the door, I was surprised when the wooden door suddenly flew towards me and landed on my feet. Looking in the perpetrator, what greets me is a light that momentarily blinded me which made me instinctively put my hand to block the source.

"Freeze! Don't move, put your hand in the air and turn around, NOW!" What greeted me is a familiar voice that I heard far too many times.

"Ugh, Will you shut up, Captain Yagami. You're destroying my eardrums"

"Silence, Alexander. Your crimes end here. Now comply with me and put your hand in the air or we will shoot!"

"Captain, are you sure do you want to do that, you do not want to wake our guess do you?"

"Guess? what do you..." As his voice gets quieter and quieter, his eyes widened as he looks behind me and saw my recent "masterpiece".

"You... what have you done..."

"It's beautiful, isn't it? This is my recent art, ladies and gentlemen, I welcome you... "The crucified" my canvas? Let's welcome, Joseph Smith, The CEO of the Black Sea Company and the director of the police department. A round of applause, please"

"Director!!" Captain and his subordinate were shocked that the men they worship were in a crucified position, blood flowing from eyes, throat, hands, and his stomach.

"You bastard!" What I received was a right hook from the captain that made my body flew to the floor, head first. Grabbing his pistol and pointing at my head... he said, "Do you have any last word? Lampros?"

"Captain, don't! If you kill him right now, you will only give him a quick and painless death! A man like him should suffer for all the killing he did," A woman, one of the subordinates said.

"Yeah, your right. He deserves much worse than a quick and pointless death,"

"Pft, HAHAHAHAHAHA. That is true, I deserve much worse than a quick, painless death. But you won't have the chance."

"There's no escape, Alexander. The 1km radius of this place is surrounded, no matter how much you want to escape, you have no chance of doing so..."

"Who said that I'm planning on escaping my dear Captain..."

"What do you..." Suddenly, the instinct that saves him a lot in the past started acting up, he has a bad feeling...

"Tell me, Captain, you have a Son at my age, and a daughter, right? you don't want them to grow up without a father, do you?"

"Ohh, NO! Men, GET DOWN!!!"


And the last thing I saw before I was blinded by a bright light was the despair on the face that I once consider as my second father...


When I open my eyes, I was greeted by a beautiful view of a sky full of stars. Every single star has different colors and sizes making the entire view ethereal looking... I tried to move my body but I realized that I couldn't even move my body. Even my eyes, it's like I'm being forced to look at the sky.

I don't know how many days, weeks, months, or years have passed. But I have a feeling that a long time has passed away. My first thought was that this is the afterlife... But once again, my guts telling me that wasn't the case.

Remember that this feeling is the thing that saves my ass a lot in the past so I have no other choice but to believe in it.

After a long certain amount of time, I was finally able to move my body starting from my fingers, to my hands, and the rest of my body.

Standing up and walking in a straight line, no matter what I did, run or walk, the surroundings don't change at all. It's like I'm not even moving. But I didn't stop. I keep walking and walking without feeling tired. I keep on going, and going, and going... Without me even realizing it, a millennium has passed. With nothing better to do, I look around for any source of life but found nothing.

Finding nothing, I started walking in a random direction. After hours of walking, the surroundings around me didn't change. It's like I been walking on the spot... But I persist, I keep walking and walking and walking...

"Is this my punishment?" For a long time, I was finally able to snap out, I didn't know how much time has passed but at this point, it doesn't matter to me anymore.

I won't be surprised if this was my punishment, since there are a lot of people I torture and kill but...

"No, my child..." An ethereal-like voice enters my ears.

"Hm? Am I going insane? That's probably it, I'm becoming retarded by staying alone in this place." Nodding to myself, I ignore the voice and continued my endless adventure.

"Hm, I guess that it's understandable for you not to accept this reality, but my child. I'm real. In front of you."

A vortex that bends space appears in front of me and what comes out of it is a weird being... A man to be exact that is composed of stars and galaxy as his skin, his about a full head taller than me. As I watch him takes his form, my reaction was that I'm in shock. Well, shocked to see another being other than me in this weird place.

"We finally met, Alexander Lampros,"

"You, how do you know my name? Wait before that, what are you, what is this place, why am I here? How long did I stay in this place?"

"Take a deep breath, my child. Let me answer those questions one at a time. Well, let's start with who am I. You could call me, Allan. As for what I am? You could say that I'm the creator of this place and I'm also its Caretaker.

As for why you are here, it's your destiny to be here. and to answer how many years has it been, it's been a few billion years have passed."

"Uhm, what do you mean by destiny? And wait a few billion years?! that long?!"

Allan, other than answering my question, only look at me and didn't say anything...

"Ok, whatever, I don't know why I'm not even surprised that I been walking for billions of years. But let's move on shall we. First, can you tell me why did you create this place and what task are you talking about?"

"The reason why I made this place is that this is a bridge that connects every universe that ever exists."

"A bridge? But why?"

"You will know soon enough,"

"Tsk, acting too mysteriously. So, what about the task?"

"I want you to get rid of foreign existence that doesn't exist in that universe. These are beings whose origins are unknown. Their purpose of existence is to destroy everything it saw."

"So basically you want me to become a hero then? You do realize that I'm a serial killer in my past life, right? And you want me to save an entire universe? Please don't joke with me. Not only that, but I'm just a sociopath who has some knowledge about human biology, no matter how I look at things, it's just impossible for me to do that,"

"Well, if you certainly look at that point of view, you are indeed just an ordinary being. The universe that you will save is a bunch of worlds where its inhabitants are far too strong for ordinary humans could handle..."

"See? Even you-"

"But, let me ask you this. Tell me, why you are so calm talking to a supernatural being? Have you ever asked yourself how after a few billion years of loneliness and endless wandering and yet you still can act and talk like it's only been a few minutes that passed?"

"That is...,"

I, never really think about that too deeply...

"You are special, Alexander. For you to arrive in my domain is not a coincidence. You have a reason why you are here."

"So you didn't abduct me and locked me here?"

"Hahaha, yes, my child. You being in here was of your own free will..."

My own free will, huh? Sigh, this is too much for me to take in...

"Even so, I have no power or ability-"

"Don't worry, I will provide you with the necessary tool to build your foundation for your rise to power, all I ask is for you to prevent the extinction of all life in that universe. As for how you do it, won't matter, as long as you obstruct the foreign existence from achieving their goal, then I will consider that as a success."

"You really won't take no as an answer. Sigh, Alright, I accept."

"Thank you for fulfilling my selfish desire, Alexander,"

"Don't thank me yet, I still haven't done anything,"

I'm still light-headed with all the things I just heard. And don't get me wrong, I'm not a weak-minded person. I'm far from it. My brain just can't handle the news that that multiverse, reincarnation, and supernatural being exist.

"For me to help you on your journey, I will provide you a tool that will help you track your progress. I'm sure you are familiar with what im talking about, from your memories, I think they are called, Systems"

"Oh, I'm going to have my own system?"

When I heard that I'm going to have own my system, I was surprisingly calm about it. I mean, I have very vivid memories of them from the things I read a fanfiction I casually read.

"Yes, you will but bear in mind that this system will only help you as a guide to become stronger, don't be too reliant on it. At the end of the day, it's nothing more than a tool,"

"I'm fine with that. But I have a request, I'm sure you could make a system that has a conscience, correct? Could you make mine like that?" If I'm going to have a companion that would stick with me for a very long time, might well make it so that it could think for itself.

"Of course, but its personality will depend on your actions in the future, my child."

"What do you mean?"

"I will make a system that will develop its conscience depending on what kind of person you want to become. If your way of doing things is more on using violence, then the system will develop a personality depending on that action so that it could provide you the necessary advice in achieving your goal, so, please bear that in mind,"

"I will,"

"Good, I know this may be too much for you to know at the same time since you are a mere mortal before this, but you must understand that you are much more than just a mortal. And that you are extraordinary.

So, my child, are you ready to start your adventure?"

Taking a deep breath, I stared at his eyes with full determination and answer him, "Yes, I'm ready,"

With the wave of his hand, I could feel my entire body becoming lighter. Without me even realizing it, my body was cover by bright light, and I disappear from that place.