
New mission

A week later after the battle of al shahal. The auditions had begun just like the anime no more than the anime where there were countless girls showed at the elysion to become a part of the walkures. After spending a week with Mikumo almost all day every day their feelings just got deeper and deeper. He also didn't need to take the test as he had proven himself during the battle and become an official member.

The rest of the Delta members and walkure had been teasing them for the first 3 days where Mikumo would always turn into a tomato but after that, she got used to it. Seeing Mikumo getting immune to their teasing that eventually stopped as well.

7 days have passed and he only has 10 more days left he slowly growing desperate as doesn't want to leave. After having lunch with Mikumo, they went back and just as they passed the front entrance they encountered Hayate and Freyja who showed up late and missed the deadline.

Freyja no the ground began to panic but Kaname-san showed up to allow her to join. Me and Mikumo followed her to see the results. "Oya if it isn't Kumo-Kumo and Haru-Haru are you here to watch that girl's results" we both nodded.

Just like the anime, she was too nervous where her results didn't make and I assume they are going to test her again when she is on the bus leaving and if I'm not wrong Hayate should be joining as well. Just as he was deep in thought his communicator rang. "Hello, this is haruto what do you need Arad-san".

" well nothing much not sure if you remember but during the battle, there was someone else in the same battle roid as you who also didn't perform badly, me and Messer are going out to see if he wants to join, wanna come"


Soon he met up with Arad and Messer and headed off to recruit Hayate. When we met up with him he was just as carefree he was depicted as. The same speech of recruitment but something different happened.

"Alright Hayate Immelman welcome to Delta flight and this here is Messer and the pretty boy over here is Haruto" smiled Arad.

"Yosh hello there Messer-san and Haruto-san my name is Hayate Immelman good meet you"

With messer shooting him down but when Arad spoke "alright hold it there Messer just give him a chance. Now Hayate you will be taking lessons from Haruto as your instructor along with another member, later on, is that alright"

"Yeah and thank you Haruto-san and please look after me," Hayate said

While I replied "sure thing"

[Mission 3:

[Rank: E+]

[train cadet Hayate Immelman the basics of the Valkyries allowing him to pass the test and become a full-fledged member of the Delta flight. Your stay in this world has been extended by 1 month. If you fail to complete this mission your stay in this world will be cut in half and penalties will be added. If you manage to finish Hayate's training the deadline bonus rewards will be rewarded.]


Seeing the extra time he, of course, accepted it. Now he has a clearer view on the missions the system issues as they some missions that don't involve risk will grant probably fewer rewards but more time and with risk, more ways to earn rewards but less time and maybe doing better than what happened like finishing Hayate's training early will grant more rewards as well.

After 2 weeks of teaching from me and Mirage, he has done alright but for some reason, he always gets into a quarrel with Messer and Mirage. While he hasn't been skipping class as much as the anime but he still ditches quite often. Though his memories have been back to normal and not scattered anymore allowing him to think straight.

The thing he wants to change though is Hayate challenging Mirage to a duel like the anime. If the duel goes through and Mirage losses then she will start developing feelings for Hayate. When he watched it he had already ranked his two favorite females Mikumo and Mirage.

I know that I'm in love with Mikumo but he still wants to get Mirage as well. Though it's not like he will hide it from her if he manages to make Mirage fall in love with him instead of Hayate then he let Mikumo know about.