
Hands stained with red once more

[Participant: 004 has killed participant: 008 you will receive all participant: 008 zero coins any bloodline, equipment, any unused stat points, skill, and ability a that has not been integrated and half of his fantasy points. Additional rewards from mission and system will be calculated]

After forcing his bloodline to evolve to the next stage his mind felt extremely tired and felt like fainting but he knew this was not the time so he just deactivated it and went to escort Mirage to safety.

Meanwhile, over at Hayate's side, he had been split up from Chuck and cornered by 2 infected. He tried to disarm them but his aim wasn't great so he missed all of them causing them to close in on him.

A bit further away was another unit that hasn't moved since the start of the battle it was the burly man. After the being shot down last battle he knew he was no match for Haruto so in this battle he hid to avoid him. But who knew that while he was hiding, some guys would get cornered, if I sneak up on him wouldn't I get more rewards then. Getting excited he waited until this moment to strike as Hayate's shields were about to go out. Flying in behind Hayate he started to rapid fire all his missiles in his stock not caring about the lives of the infected either.

Hayate was about counterattack against the infected but suddenly dozens of missiles came from behind using everything he could to dodge them. While he had managed to dodge most of them his left arm had been destroyed along his rifle. However, the two infected were not as fortunate as they both ended up being hit and exploded.

What! Seeing how Hayate danced through his onslaught made him shocked.

Hayate was angered about how this knight just fired at everything killing two innocents just to get him. With anger clouding his mind he retaliated and fire back. The burly man quickly dodged clumsily but Hayate closed in and slice at him scaring him greatly he brought up his energy shields. Hayate moved back and also unleashed all his missiles cracking the shield then bringing out the laser and firing.

The burly man was scared to see the laser so he moved back trying to escape but the laser had already arrived to hit his shield while still trying to escape and regretting his greediness and praying that his shield would last.

But to shatter his hopes the laser went right through the shield after 1 second then into his cockpit. "Noooo! Aaahhhhhh"


At this time the walkure's song has taken effect as all the infected began to regain control. Seeing the people recover the aerial knight also retreated.

[Mission 5]

[Missio rank D-]


[you have completed the mission in buying time for the walkure and suppressed the var suppressing the aerial knight's rewards will be calculated and you stay in this world is extended by 1 week. You have killed a participant bonus rewards will be calculated your stay in this world has been extended by 1 week. Your remaining time in this world is 46 days]

After returning to the elysion Haruto had talked to no one and just chose to stay in his Siegfried as the scene of him killing replayed while his hands trembled a little "sigh… it's alright If I don't learn this now in the future and I hesitate it will be me who dies next".

Knock knock knock….

Looking out his windows to seen Mirage standing outside. Opening up the cockpit "whats up Mirage is their new orders" smile Haruto. "No um, Haruto thank you and sorry I'm really really sorry" while her eyes started to water a bit.

"What's wrong Mirage why..."

"Thank you for saving me today but I'm sorry for causing you to spill blood again to save me"

"Mirage, look at me," said Haruto with a serious look on his face. Looking to face him "Mirage this time I wasn't forced to kill, this time I chose to do it and I did it gladly knowing it was for you, I had made an oath that I wouldn't hesitate to kill when needed and when I kill it doesn't mean I will change"

Hearing him say that she felt a whole lot relieved that it didn't bother him as much as she thought. His communicator rang "whats up Mikumo… ok, I'll be there in a minute… ok bye"

Turning back to Mirage "and I have a girlfriend who loves me and comfort me as well in these time so you can say it's another perk" saying that he got out of his cockpit then locking and walk towards the hallway.

Hearing him acknowledge him having a girlfriend mad her heart slightly sour. Looking at his figure that was about to disappear into the hallway she hesitated for a while before shouting "wait, Haruto"