

While everything can be sold or traded with other participants while skills, abilities, and bloodlines once used cannot be traded for skills you may automatically learn them or manually learn them when you auto learn them you instantly learn the skill and all the information is ingrained in your brain and all you have to do is use the skill to level it up.

while manual you have to learn the skill by yourself and comprehend it to level it up if your comprehension is low you might never level up that skill not sure why there are two options though. Everyone will just pick the easy path anyways. And another reason he thought he was so lucky was that equipment and skills are the most common goods while abilities are ranked higher and finally the rarest is the bloodline because abilities are double the price of a skill on the same rank while the bloodline is double that of the abilities.

It is not as though equipment and skill are useless if a rank E participant used a rank C equipment he could probably jump ranks but getting that high ranked stuff is really difficult no wonder the system said it was a great opportunity the reason bloodlines and abilities are able to help bridge the raw stats gap while a rank D ability could be on par with a rank C skill but what makes bloodlines amazing is that because each rank are only allowed to use a certain amount of stat points A=70, B=60, C=50, D=40, E=30, F=20 stat points but with a bloodline every time when your bloodline strengthens or evolves you would get stat promotion that won't be counted in your rank quota even just merging with one and not making it stronger it would still give you stats, sometimes when your bloodline grows to a certain stage it gain some new abilities. Bloodlines are not the only thing that can help raise stats beyond your rank there some rare treasures that can help but the system did not mention it.

[Participant: 004]

[Rank: F]

[Stats: [Str: 1] [Vit: 1 [Agi: 1] [Ep: 1]

[Available stat points: 0]

[Remaining: 16]

Str means how much strength you have, Vit means high is your endurance, health, and defense, Agi is your speed and reflex speed and Ep your energy to use abilities or equipment. An average male's stat would be around 1 stat for Str, Vit, and Agi while their ep is 0 due to earth being free of energy in the air but after every participant joins the fantasy zero system while also getting the missing ep point everyone's stat would all be set to 1. After organizing the information Haruto looked towards his display and saw a message

[Do you want to merge with the Sharingan bloodline accept/decline]


[Type: bloodline]

[Rank: A+]

[Origin: naruto]

[Description: a bloodline less focused in the basic stats. It mainly focuses on the Soul stat closely followed by the Ep stat.

[Do you want to merge with the nine tailed fox bloodline accept/decline]

Without hesitation, he selected accept before the second prompt showed properly. Immediately after selecting accept he felt as though his blood was boiling and then he felt as though his eyes were melting. Screaming his lungs out and rolling on the ground holding his eyes. After an unknown amount of time, the pain subsided and he realized that his eyes felt cool and comfortable while his vision had massive transformation as he could even see every single hair on the other participants heads and count them no its not just his eyesight it's also processing abilities, he then turned to his display.

[Participant: 004]

[Rank: F]

Bloodline: sharingan

[Stats: [Str: 1] [Vit: 1] [Agi: 1] [Ep: 1 (+2)] [Soul: 1 (+3)]

[Available stat points: 0]

[Remaining: 16]

[Sharingan: one tomoe]

[Type: bloodline]

[Rank: A+]

[Stats: [Ep: 2] [Soul: 3]

[Abilities: eye of insight, eye of hypnotism]

The others were attracted by the sudden movement of Haruto on the ground in pain, circling around and watched one of them "is he alright" another one replied "should be …" just as he replied Haruto stood up and looked around but what shocked them were Haruto's eyes. The eyes were no longer white with a black pupil instead it was blood red with a tomoe around the pupil while Gao Feng screamed in excitement "Sharingan it's the Sharingan it's really real this means I really can visit anime worlds oh my god!".