

Seeing Haruto's actions she was startled but then heard Haruto's voice " you said you would do your job then I will do my job even if I'm a temporary member". Hearing him she wanted to refute but hearing the determination in his voice he nodded then headed off to the center of the city where the other members of the walkure are gathering and began to sing.

While a couple of enemies closed in on him blocking his way taking aim at him. He quickly flew left taking aim and firing missiles at the legs on the one to his left. Losing its ability to continue. Where the other two attacked from the front and right. Quickly lifting the energy shields to defend then jumping over the attacks, landing in front of the one on the right and deploying the blades to slice off the arms then boosting forward to disable the last one.

Mikumo and the rest were already singing and suppressing the var but seeing Haruto being able to not only cope but retaliate she sighed relief and continued to sing. Arad who was responsible for air defense seeing this was surprised "who is this pilot he was able to so quickly disable three without harming the pilots".

Just as he finished, sixteen valkyries in plane form blitzed across the night sky launching an assault on the Delta flight. After watching for a while he realized that only six of them were on Delta flight level while the other ten were barely above beginner level.

After engaging for a while realizing that the not on the same level the other ten split off to wreak havoc elsewhere. Soon five of them were headed towards the walkure. Startling Haruto, immediately flying towards their direction in max speed.

But was too late as they already launched missiles towards the walkure blasting the surroundings to dust. Screaming madly Haruto with his Sharingan, quickly launching an assault on the five. While in the rubble, the walkure slowly crawled out and started to sing again while the Delta flight were relieved but the unknowns were discontent. As Haruto engaged in battle with five and was slowly getting suppressed veins started popping out of his face and body while his Sharingan was slowly spinning faster and faster shining with excitement and his battle getting more and more violent. The five were being quickly suppressed soon realizing the situation the other five joined the fray against Haruto.

Seeing the additional support Mikumo was immediately worried wanting to go over but unable to due to the var being released again. The rest of the Delta flight were stunned with Arad frowning "damn everyone gotta finish this quick or else that guy is not gonna last long then they would go after the walkure again". Where everyone responded on the communicator "Roger!".

Soon Chuck and Mirage tag teamed one of them forcing it on the run destroying two attachments and was about to be shot down but was saved but his ally. But was quickly locked in battle with Messer where they flew beautifully zig-zagging, looping and winding with explosions tagging along. Arad was forcing two of them in a high-speed battle where they were gradually locked down with 3 of their attachments blown up "damn who are these guys these are no ordinary guys with skills like these". Just as their battle was getting heated their screens whether delta or unknown displayed the ongoing battle of Haruto and the others. As Haruto was getting surrounded. Veins started to spread more and more eventually he stopped aiming for the wings, arms and legs instead aiming for the cockpits while muttering kill kill kill kill.

Charging towards three in the front while blocking with energy shield from the right. After reaching the front of them he jumped over them then boosted to the right. Seeing Haruto hump behind them they quickly turned around only to find that he had already moved towards their side while one of them had already been slice on the ground and both left and right blades have sliced them in half as well.

Seeing their comrades being taken down the rest started panicking they started to slowly fall back while going trigger happy. Seeing the incoming attack Haruto immediately flew up and started weaving between the bullets. Just as the enemy was firing towards Haruto another valkyrie the same model as Haruto's charged within the enemy's range while dancing all over the place dodging attacks from to var battle roids.

While in his hand held a young lady with short orange hair while having a strange glowing heart shaped tentacle on her head also singing along with walkure not falling short at all.

Yeah, sorry guys some stuff happened it was my fault. to make it up ill post yesterdays, today's and tomorrows chapters and really sorry about that

Chubalubcreators' thoughts