

It all started out in a play. Both for myself and for him.I just can not figure it out. How did that come about?

I never believed in love at first glance, butterflies in the stomach and other syrup things, but since I first saw him I feel very strange, and when he's around, his eyes intimidate me and play with my mind , which certainly does not like them.

I'm in a corner of the room with Rebecca, my best friend, being too absorbed by him, studying every move, ignoring what my girlfriend says for a few good minutes.

I see how he is heading for me and trying to behave as normally as possible, but it provokes me a visual pleasure and I couldn't take my eyes off him. I noticed some eyes of a brown chocolate that simply hypnotized me.

I do not understand what happens to me. He plays with my mind,really bad,and I don't like that. I see him heading for the door ,and he and his friends left the room. I wanted to see him again soon.

Once, twice, whenever it takes for visual satisfaction.