
Chapter 58 : Deal or No Deal?

Rose POV

I knew Cayden wouldn't like the idea at all. He somehow hated Victor even more than I did. And while I wouldn't say it out loud, it seemed like he was fearful of my father. Cayden paced back and forth in my apartment, deep in thought about what I had just told him regarding my visit to my father in prison.

"You do know he's playing you, right?" Cayden said, visibly tense, worried, and anxious. His mind seemed to wander back to the time we dealt with my father's mess, particularly William, and how he took my father's orders to an obsessive level. "We would be fools to accept his help."

"I know," I assured him. "But I don't think what he said was entirely untrue about Gavin's enemies. Victor thrives around people with questionable motives, so it makes sense that he would know something about a plot against Gavin."