

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). An old path has closed and a new one takes its place with a new Player in the unknown world of Earthland a land filled with Magic. In this world were Magic is supreme and dangers of all kinds lie in every corner of this world to crazy cultist, powerful dark wizards, demons, immortal dark lords, and a overpowered Dragon that nullifies everything? How will Silva Knights handle such threats that he has come to call Earthland his new home with the experimented abilities of [THE GAMER] from the previous user.

Jovami6729 · 漫画同人
210 Chs

Chapter 97: Cana’s POV

Chapter 97: Cana's POV

~Cana A. POV~

[September 23, X784]


Man, that was some good stuff.

Placing another mug of ale down I asked Mira for another round of ale with a smug grin on my face in a drunk stupor, "Hey Mira!! Give me another round of Ale!"

Mira comes around handing me another mug of ale grabbing one taking a sip as I felt a tap over my shoulder to see Gray talking to me, "Yo Cana glad to see you around. How did things go with the job."

Smirking giving him a peace sign I confidently took care of the group of bandits in the mountains with relative ease, "Easy. Those bandits can't do nothing against yours truly and their ale supply was all mine for the taking."

Gray merely shook his head taking a sip of my mug as he continued getting my attention listening to him, "Yeah that sounds like something you would do. But I came today to ask a favor from Silva if you could do him a favor."


Silva who was oh right that guy.


Finishing up my mug of ale interested in the new super rookie rising in Fairy Tail slamming the mug down, "Silva huh… Do you know what he wants to talk about? Last I heard he was taking care of the new girl Juvia. Trouble in paradise~"

Gray merely shrugged at my teasing at the thought of the newbie who has big balls to spar with Erza and Mira at the same time.

Can't help but think how things progressed around with that new guy appearing out of the blue…

In the beginning, I sensed he was weak around here. I found it hard to believe he could be as strong as the news proclaimed him to be.

Then again his sparing with Erza and Mira with both confirming it to be true can't help but make me nervous.

With the fact he helped turn Siergan in a Wizard Saint by the way and defeated Jose both Wizard Saints turned rogue on both accounts, he could be counted as an S-Class Wizard candidate.

Granted he had help but the fact remains he defeated them. I wonder if there's a secret to his growing strength though…

Add the fact that Gray can vouch for him even asking him to get my attention I have to wonder what kind of guy he truly is.

Even heard from Jet and Droy drowning in alcohol about how Levy defended Gajeel of all people from them. After that, Laxus with Silva came in on time defending the two of them but surprisingly knowing that bastard Gajeel tried to defend Levy with her words.

Still finds it hard to believe but after speaking to her she replies that talking to Silva what caused such action for her to act about reflecting it with Juvia a prior enemy at the time turned ally listening to Levy's side of the story of the conversation.

Must admit I wouldn't say I wouldn't be interested in what this Silva guy has to say about him asking Gray to come to me for assistance.

Getting interested I smirked standing up and asking Gray where to meet up with this Silva guy located about this favor, "Fineeee…. But care to tell the girl where I could find this guy? I'm interested in learning about this favor of his and hopefully, he could answer a few questions of my own?"

Gray blinked surprised before replying to me I want some questions of my own, "Oh? Didn't know you had questions of your own. But sure, he lives in the same building as Lucy's renting an apartment."

Wait really?


Well, what do you know guess the rumors about him living there are true. Then again him being the next womanizer Loke could be wrong but hey I'll know soon enough.

Standing up and stretching my body I began to leave waving back to Gray for the info, "Alright I'll see to it then. Thanks for the info, Gray."

Many things were entering my mind thinking of the possibility of asking how this guy would get stronger with each encounter.

I wonder if he has a secret to his strength I could learn when the S-Class trials happen. Maybe then when I achieve it, I should tell my dad who her daughter is…




Knocking on the door to his apartment and soon opening it up to reveal the man himself he allowed me to enter with a smile, "Oh, you're Cana Alberona right? Please come inside I wanted to talk about the favor Gray mentioned to you."

Nodding looking inside seeing it nice and neat I couldn't help but comment that such a guy would keep his place clean, "Nice dig you got here. Although it's surprising that a guy would keep their place clean though."

Taking a seat on the couch Silva blinked a bit surprised before replying shrugging his shoulder in a neutral tone, "Meh. I like to keep my place clean something my folks would say as to not have my room dirty. But that's beside the point."

Shaking his head and taking a chair sitting down he began to explain to me his favor raising an eyebrow at the words coming out his mouth, "But anyway onto the favor. Ahem…! I was wondering if you could spend some time with Juvia to help her settle in with the Guild better and who else but you. Most of the members see you as an older sister figure I was hoping you could also manage to quell the fears that some members have about Juvia being around you because of her prior connection to Phantom Lord."

Taking a moment to pause at his words I would say that seems like a good idea and thoughtful to boot.

Now I don't hate the new girl Juvia seeing she provided info to help us prepare for Phantom Lord at the time and I'm chill with some new members…

The keyword 'some' here.

But Silva getting out of his way to help her I couldn't help but mentally snort at his kindness that seems to make girls fall for him.

Like Loke in that aspect.

Although I wouldn't mind helping a fellow member out I asked purely out of curiosity sake of what I get in return for helping him out in a curious tone, "Say that I help what do I get out of it? From what I heard from Erza you usually like to make deals equal to rewarding someone despite them asking nothing in return?"

He nodded as he asked me of what I would want from helping him out in a curious tone, "In that case what would you want? If it's within my power I don't mind rewarding you for it."

I merely smirked as I wanted to know if there was a secret to his strength merely pointing my finger at the man, "Hmm… in that case how about letting me in a little secret? Like for one how exactly do you get yourself as strong as you are now?"

That seemed to have made him be taken back responding confused, "Pardon?"

I began to explain more about what I meant in a clear tone for him to understand as I spoke seriously this time, "I mean what's your secret to becoming strong as you are now? Granted you don't seem strong but whatever secret you have becoming strong as you are now. I can tell how strong you've gotten compared to before?"

He looked genuinely shocked at my words before merely inhaling and exhaling regaining his composure as he replied in a simple tone, "Not much of a secret. I merely train every day to get stronger and practice my skills all for the grind. But otherwise, there isn't much of a secret."

That's it?

That's it!!

My eyes merely narrowed at him as he raised his hands up making a surrendering gesture but has a sly grin on his face.

Levy warned me he was a bad man. He likes to use his words more often than words from what I hear she got swindled into teaching sessions with him.

From what I heard of the others his different from the rest of the guys at the guild that uses his head and forethought knowledge to his advantage.

I want to see what he has in store for me as he begins to talk catching me off guard and returning to a confused expression, "I really don't know what you mean Cana. I for one try to get stronger by perfecting my skills and training my body to the best of my ability. But I do have to ask Cana why you are interested in the subject?"

Thinking for a bit I replied to him in a neutral tone about the reason why hiding my bitter expression from him, "Nothing. Just curious if there was a secret method of becoming stronger with the changes you've been through. Although I'm not opposed to seeing how you train if you don't mind of course…"

He smirked at that opening his mouth in a calm tone with a challenging glint in his eyes agreeing to my words, "In that case, I don't mind but I'm not sure if you could handle it though… I mean it's enduring that I don't think you can cut it Cana."

What did say…?

Feeling challenged by his statement I can so kick his ass!

Beating Saint Wizards aside he had help from Erza with him and Natsu group. I've never been the kind of girl to back down from a challenge even from the Guild if a brawl does occur, I don't hesitate to fight back.

Taking offense to his belittling or underestimating me of being weak in the heat of the moment yelling, "Yeah, right?!! I can handle any kind of training you got punk. Hell, I think I could kick your ass in a brawl!"

Levy was right that he was a bad man but also an arrogant prick she forgot to mention.

Then it clicked in my head how he got her was riling her up as what he spoke next made me regain my reasoning again, "In that case let's put your words where your mouth is. Come by around later to show you how I get stronger. I have prior meeting arrangements with Juvia later and with you around it will be easier for her to adjust in Magnolia Town. Really thanks a lot Cana-san."

Son of a bitch…

Did I just get swindled into manual training with the Guild's literal training maniac…

Bloody hell Levy was right about this guy. He knows how to tick people off with a choice of words poisoning my reasoning to quick hostility in an instant.

She was right this Silva is a VERY bad prick alright. But then again, I could see how he gets stronger in the process so that's a win, I guess…

For now, though it seems like I would be in for an interesting time at least.