Transmigrated in a new planet vibrant with wildlife, is it just nature? or is there something else? Every human have the ability to obtain other beast and assimilate itself into themselves. SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST ! Tame! Survive! Evolve! (* Reworked 13/02/2019) *2021 trying to write again really need an editor to help me
A Young planet Vibrant with colors and all its creatures spread throughout the land
Raging streams can be heard ,overlapping sounds of beast could be heard all over the savanna
lands to the Frostland in the north where Beast Are the Kings of the land,Although Humans are few in this land,They were highly evolved with the ability of assimilating or shape shifting their body parts and gain strength of other beasts, they have beaten old age with faster maturation age they are able to grow without limits, Humans have defeated all kind sickness .
This comes with a cost! Their reproduction rate was slower ,Every birth was almost guaranteed a single child ,and their pregnancy time was prolonged to 2years
On the other hand the animals have very high reproduction rate ,the beasts roam these lands freely unhindered.
nevertheless life is about survival here "Assimilation" are the only key to survival!
One winter upon the Karoka village..
"Chief muru ,we have to hunt more beast or we wont have enough to survive this Harsh winter", Said koko.
"Yes i know were running low here,but the time is not yet ripe for hunt", Replied Chief Muru
"The boars are ready chief,they are restless being kept inside All winter" said Koko.
" just take good care of the boars,we will need them to be good to go whenever were going to hunt,tomorrow ill go take a look at the jungle with "tusk" for any signs of the Bullfrog" ,Said Chief muru.
Dont forget to Ready the kakunas (newbie hunter) he added.
*Boar Bug= its a mixed between bug and a boar, its easy to rear and quite docile looks like a boar with two tusks in the front ,while the behind is a shiny black shell with 4 legs
*Bullfrog= a mixed between bull and frog,capable of Jumping charge from 100 to 200 meters in instant they migrate between lands in winter
(Somehow all beast here are a mixed breed of animals that can be found throughout earth)
The land are full of Dangers wild beast and each Village strives to live
, every beast can be consumed or tamed
Lots of tribes are spread through the land , there were strength in numbers, with cold weapons being used alot . Few super tribes are ruling over the lands as an overlord.
Death and War are common for territorial resources each land have their own secrets to be unveiled
Karoka village situated near the Riverlands are a village that mainly survives on farming
their whole diet is consisted of aquatic plant and hunting.
The village itself strech along the river banks, the plant are a mixed of seaweed and water hyacinth
called Puga
the leaves can be harvested every week, it needs only sunlight and water to grow,it reaches 2 meter
*taste like seaweed and very crunchy but fullfiling.
Year 2287
Planet E
"Damn, this is the end i guess" , said Sion
You've got nowhere to run now ,give us the Gen-v serum " An officer with black helmet and a weird looking glasses that cover his 8 eyes.
"Disgusting dogs of galactic! you could take it from my dead body! sion replied while he kept running trying to outrun the Death squad.
he was hiding around the tall bush while keeping track of the clearing in the forest .
Sion is a First Class DNA researcher on Cyclops.corp a company thats main purpose in business is to develop the next evolution stage for humans. they believe that the evolution are the next breaktrought rather than researching the next device or tools to help them .
Cyclops corps developed a serum for human to be able to survive humans in all kind of environment , humans need the ability to adapt and "GENE INJECTION" are the key for it.
the final frontier they said SPACE, Well long story short , we reached it but our body needs to adapt to the harsh evironment ,and the government started these research on how to improve it,and by the year 2089 the first Evolve-1 serum was released,it was based on a species called the tardigrade/water bear it main function is to enable humans to survive in space environment.
Everyone who works in space are being injected with this serum,and several others are being injected with more genes that capable of assisting their job, such as if you're a soldier they will inject you with a Gorrila/Bear gene to enhance your power and muscle ,enabled you to more agile with explosive attacks.
going from there all kinds of evolve serum was developed.
Our protagonist is developing a Serum that can gain more gene as easy as eating the meat of the animals, the serum was quite special as it have the ability to Assimilate the body parts and organ of the animals. it basically makes the body superhuman and being able to control which parts are suited for themselves for assimilation.
He named it Gen-v it stands for GeneEvolution
several serums are developed by lots of researcher but the outcome of the assimilation are mostly random.
The serum was a joint research by cyclops.corp and the galactic explorer
Galactic explorer is a Nation based company that comes from the "Fifty states" nation, they were focused on the exploration of space . beside the federation and the Kingdom.
The Galactic explorer decided that the serum was too precious to be released to the world as in fact
they wanted to be the only one that have these next level serums,decide to "erase" all kinds of trace of these experiment that ever happened.
imagine a fight between nation that can evolve as the war goes and can recover on the battlefield with just a ration is basically a nightmare.
"STOP HIM!! AIM FOR HIS HEAD!!! "The commander shouts at his squad.
The death squad which being injected with the spider gene charge at him while swinging their claws .
he deflected with his power suit, goddamn it they really chase me to the swampland
"i guess this is it!" he injects the serum at his own neck,while the death squad was shooting at him.
" i wont let you have it! you scum! this is my life's work" He said mockingly while grinning at the commander.
sion could see the bullets going through his chest!
the impact jolts his body to the ground while his conciousness fades to the abyss.
swish swish (rustling of leaves)
Hogg hogg hogg (sounds of boarbug rolling in the mauni)
(sounds of baby crying)
"Damn where am i now, what the hell is happening, Let me go!" (oaa oaaa)
HUH? why the hell cant i speak, then i turn to look at my own hand and surprised to see my baby hands, and why does i know what they're saying??
"The village Shaman says its a healthy boy congratulations Jiga and Kaui" said by a helper
"thank you shaman" (both of them)
while the female is panting after giving me birth
"Just wtf is going on? did i really reincarnate like those old novel ?
i guess theyre both my parents" thinking to myself.
my father is a 2.3meter tall with chiseled muscle sleek jawline and a warm disposition
while my mother is 1,8 with a short black hair ,with a beautiful smile hanging around her lips.
"it seems the people over here are way more taller than way back in earth" and way more muscular thought sion to himself.
he was trying to get a conclusion to himself about what happened after he got shot.
"its okay its my duty ,okay bring the boy here" said the shaman to the couple.
every child who were born in this village will be Submerged in the river for quite awhile to awaken their genes and to introduce the child to the rivergod that dwells underneath the village.
Splash !!!
inside the river i open my baby eyes and while trying to comprehend what exactly happened to me,did i really get transmigrated here?to my surprise i can breath underwater!
"does everyone can breath underwater here?
or is it my Serum actually comes with me?? have to check it if it really does come with me ,it will be a huge boost here i guess" said sion in his mind
"I could see the shaman going underwater with me and he too was breathing! few gills were gradually grown on his neck"
"Whattt??? does everyone can do this?? the human or atleast what they looked like, are capable of shapeshifting their bodies it is the goal that were trying to achieve back then,and it seems the basic information are being carried down to the gene!absolutely remarkable! thats why i can talk and understand this language ,as this ability that enables me to breath underwater,i dont think it came from my parents cause if it did my body will start adjusting and growing gills like the shaman,thank god the tardigrade gene comes with my transmigration he said to himself trying to asure himself .
The shaman looked at me and started smiling then he turn my body to see a Beast that was so huge it looks like it was part of the landscape.
"Whoaa what is that ,that looks like a cross between a hippo and and lion , guess ill called it Hilion(hippo+lion) beast .
it looks like its sizing me up,is this what he means by rivergod?
gotta try to act like a baby here,and why arent they bringing me up yet!!
does this crazy shaman wanted me to die?" still saying to himself
the shaman spoke to Jiga," jiga your son is strong. and hes quite smart your gene and kaui are passed down at him he knows the beast could pose some danger to him ! , and i think he understand what were talking about ,His blessing are overflowing"
"at least i got a new start here! and my memory kinda fuzzy,all i remember was being shot by that scum.damn i couldnt even remember anything else about the research ,only certain memories are i able to recall" sion trying to understand what happened to him.
The shaman have the ability to sense the lifeforce of everyone near him, while mumbling some mantra-like saying he asked my parents
"what will you name this boy
jiga , kaui?"
We will name him"Sion" said jiga and kaui
the shaman replied "its a good name"
then he pronounced
"Sion of the Karoka! live well and grow strong! Remember blood for blood"
I tried talking but it seems my vocal cord are too weak to begin with all that can be heard was squeak squeak.
And thus begun my life at Karoka village.