

Ace, Ty, Trevor, and Theo are reincarnated into a new world of where Descendants roam the magical realms, however, they will be reincarnated into the same body. How will they face the challenges as one? Will they manage to keep their secret, a secret? Will they aim to change this world or will they be corrupted by their past? Dive in as our protagonists attend one of the eight academies, as they collect petals and study the different elements under the Primordials. As they adventure through the different realms and explore the lost art of summoning.

Hedtea · 奇幻
31 Chs

Magical Practice (IV)






Theo was the one who figured out how the dryad bow worked. Just like when he killed the stranger using the life-stealing blade, he filled the bow with first air elemental energy, this made a pink arrow appear in the bow, he pulled it back and it shot an air magical arrow that travelled at unbelievable speeds. They then tried using the other elemental energies and realized that nature, water, earth, shadow and light elemental arrows apparently did not exist.

They then used the bow to hunt and practice elemental control during the first year. They also figured out how to embed the dryad blade with the same elemental energies that could be used in the bow. Depending on the elemental energy, the blade and arrows had different effects.

The air arrow travelled incredibly fast and was able to fly under their will influence, the ice arrow would freeze the target incredibly fast and sometimes the ice would break and instantly killed, the fire arrow covered the target in magical flames that were many times stronger than natural flames, the toxic arrow had different effects depending on what they visualized, there poison and acid arrows, finally the lightning arrows which were the best for hunting as they sent a huge electrical current that travelled through the nerves of the target towards the brian and instantly killed it while also cooking the meat because of the intensity.

Due to the fact that they ate way healthier than on Earth, and the magical elements in the air and inside of them, their body had started at a faster rate than usual, during the first year, their body was now that of a seven years old. And not a normal seven years old, Ty had started using weights, therefore, their body was already defined and somewhat muscular.

A year of training for them made them undergo incredible breakthroughs. As they became more used to the elemental energies around them, they managed to advance faster and faster on their respective monthly elements. They had some difficulties but they could easily surpass them after a few days of intense work. The fastest thing they managed to advance at was surprisingly summoning.

The first summon was called forth by Ty when it was his turn at plight magic. He somehow drew a pentagram with magical energy as he was playing with the light coming out of his finger while he was drawing some animals they had seen around and classifying them. The pentagram was drawn in midair and then it's glow changed from white light to grey and finally black, it was black light as it was still light elemental energy that Ty felt.

The pentagram then started rotating like a saw cutting through space to a different realm. A small blob of light that looked like a ball of gelatin with a really cute face and two small demonic wings coming out of it's back came forth. It looked with puzzled eyes at the surprised Caleb's face, as it recognized it's master, the blob lightened up and released a yellowish light that reflected it's happiness.

Immediately Ty woke everyone up so they could see his new discovery, as expected, they were dumbfounded, apparently Ty was the one with the most magical talent out of the four of them. They then discussed what to do with the blob that was now rolling in the tree illuminating the darkness around them and emitting a warm light.

Theo decided they would keep it as it was their first summon and it would serve as an idea of what the summoning process was for an already contracted summon. A contact was usually formed the second the summoned walked through the summoning portal as the portal was made with the energy signature of it's master. They decided to name the blob, Blob and they soon found out it was like having a pet lantern as they could now train other elements at night outside of the tree's safety.

Blob had started to recognize between Ty and the others, to everyone's surprise, it disliked Trevor the most. When he was with Ace, a red angry light would usually dispel the yellow happy one. Ace and Blob would play super aggressively with each other, although Blob seemed docile while it was with Ty, when it was with Ace it's appearance also changed slightly with instead of wings it had four legs and grew some fangs. It was also extremely fast and served as a good sparring partner for Ace.

It would usually float around Theo and closed its eyes, giving it the impression of a pure ball of light, it even became more transparent and solid and less jelly-like. But when it came to Trevor, Blob would keep its distance. Ty had made it a small dog house out of wood and when Trevor was out training, Blob would remain inside the dog house until someone else stepped forward. This annoyed Trevor a little as he wanted to know the little critter better but found himself unable to even approach it, that is why he had proposed to himself he would be the second one with a summon.

Thanks to Ty's first summoning they at least now knew the process of summoning. First, visualize what you want, in Ty's case, a friendly lantern for some odd reason. Then, use the elemental energy that corresponds to your mental image to draw a pentagram in midair, this was the hardest part as when the elemental energies sensed the door to other realms opening they would collapse. Trevor couldn't pass this stage for a couple of months now.


Undead Forest, Kingdom of Dabric

"He managed to summon a light orb huh?"

"I told you he had potential."

Nya the dryad was meeting with another mysterious being. This time it was a five meters black skeleton with a robe that rustled around him even though there was no wind. He had a small black light coming out of his eyes as his black bones merged dissolved in the shadow around them and reformed a second later. He was carrying a huge scythe made of the blackest of metals that sucked even light around it, giving it a black aura of a couple of centimeters. He had it over one of his shoulders as he met his friend.

"I can't wait to meet him"

"I'll make sure to send him your way once I'm done with him"- replied the dryad.

Nya's usually colorful dress and hair was now replaced by withered vines and rotten vegetables. Her fair skin tone was now that of black oak, which masked her with the surrounding forest. Garzar always wanted to meet humans but due to his appearance and the myths surrounding him, they would usually faint the moment they saw him, in a way the dryad pitied him.

Now three Primordials were informed about Caleb's existence and his merits so far, surprising everyone but Nya. Only seven remained and the three mysterious figures that were nowhere to be found. They were the three non-elemental Primordials.