
Chapter 49 was praised

Seems to be complimented, Jin Ze is a little unnatural.

He leaned over to cut, his eyes fixed intently on the asparagus on the cutting board.

The asparagus stalks were cut into uniformly long pieces.

This is as serious as he stitched up Song Wanxing in the afternoon.

Sitting on the bar, Song Wanxing was surprised to find that Jin Ze seemed to blush a little!

With this surprising discovery, Song Wanxing could not help but stare.

I thought in my heart: After being praised, the flowers of Gaoling will blush!

Moreover, the blushing Jin Ze had a strange sense of contrast.

Jin Ze like this, I'm afraid only she can see it.

The doctors and nurses in their hospital who adore him will probably only see his high and cold side forever...

In a short time, Jin Ze finished the dinner, two dishes and one soup.

Sauteed asparagus, pan-fried steak and corn and carrot rib soup, washed with cherries.

Balanced nutrition with meat and vegetables.

Song Wanxing sighed, "Dr. Jin, I didn't expect you to be so good at medicine and so good at cooking!" You are one of the men I know, moral intelligence, physical beauty and labor are very excellent people!"

It's not a compliment, it's a compliment.

"Do you know many men?" Jin Ze offered Song Wanxing a bowl of soup, seemingly casually asked.

A steaming bowl of soup was placed in front of her, filled with the perfect combination of custard corn and orange carrots, and the fragrance invaded her nose.

She took the spoon and wanted to try Jin Ze's cooking.

Said: "Boys know a lot, I take two classes, there must be forty to fifty boys." Men say... Our school's male teacher, oh, recently met Xiao Bao's brother."

Her circle is quite simple, mobile phone wechat inside in addition to school colleagues, there are students' parents.

No wonder many people say that female teachers are the first choice for many people to get married.

Clean circle, steady pay, regular vacation every year, and help with homework when she has kids.

But now it has nothing to do with her, she has already obtained the license from Jin Ze, and will not think about other things.

"Dr. Jin, your cooking is very good, I see many men do not cook, I think the kitchen such a place is their men do important things to do." Song evening star while eating, while saying.

Jin Ze ate more gracefully. He swallowed the food in his mouth without haste, and then he opened his mouth.

Jin Ze: "There is no distinction between men and women in the kitchen, and there is no distinction between men and women in the work.

"Sure enough, people with strong ability, vision and thinking will be much stronger than those men who only know how to shout at home." Song Wanxing said.

This was the second time that Song Wanxing praised Jin Ze this evening.

Men also Strange embarrassed, just eat quietly.

This feeling is that even if you do a difficult operation, hospital colleagues or industry experts praise him, is different.

After eating, Jin Ze said to her, "Leave the bowl here and don't touch it. My aunt will come to clean it tomorrow."

Jin Ze did not tell Song Wanxing that the aunt who did the cleaning yesterday also asked him if she was not good where to do, the kitchen was clean and did not need her to clean.

"When my hand is well, I can also do these chores..." After saying that, Song Wanxing remembered that Jin Ze was a neat freak...

Jin Ze said very seriously, "It is important for my hand to operate, but it is equally important for your hand to teach people."

This is the first time that Song Wanxing heard someone tell her so, she suddenly felt that she was also very good!

Is this... The role of praise?