
Even A Saiyan Can Be A Fairy

Ever wonder what it would be like if a saiyan was suddenly put into the world of Fairy Tail, Join Time Patrol Saiyan, Tato, in this grand adventure where he finds himself in another world. A world filled with magic and wonder, a place with crazy strong people, and equally crazy magic wizard guilds, this world, is the world of Fairy Tail. With his memory wiped of his home world and his powers reset to 0, Tato will have to train and fight his way back to the top. Tato will also face rising emotions to some of the beautiful yet powerful ladies of this world, will his heart be won over by their love? Is there only one spot open in his heart for one special person, or will there be room made for more? But peace doesn’t always last, evil lurks behind the scenes and people in high places will stand in Tato’s way, and he will have to befriend some strang people from a powerful wizard guild to get where he needs to go. Will Tato be able to transcend back into the realm of the gods? Come and see why Fairy Tail is number 1! ——— Hey everyone CountrySaiyan here, and just wanted to let everyone know that this series is going to now be my secondary work. I will still post chapters but it’ll be slower now due to my new original, “Iglecion- I Hate My Life!” I ask that you all check it out and I’m even getting a book cover custom made for it so please support it if you don’t mind! Thanks!

CountrySaiyan_30 · 漫画同人
23 Chs


A year has passed for Tato. He began to take on missions from the request board during this time, but because he didn't know where to go, he had to team up with someone from the guild.

Mira, Elfman, and Lisanna decided to take Tato with them. He began to learn more about Fiore. Within this year, Tato grew closer to these three, more than anyone else in the guild. He has built relationships with lots of people including Erza and this other person named Levy. She has taught Tato many things about magic. He has even befriend the two little brats Natsu and Gray, occasionally fights the two of them, although they're not much of a challenge. He has watched them grow into young adults. They're as tall as him and Lisanna has grown too. 

Tato can be seen at times partying with the rest of the guild members and always losing a drinking contest with brown haired girl name Cana. She always drinks him under the table and Tato can hold his liquor, so that's saying something. 

Tato has also gotten to fight Erza once or twice. She remains undefeated. Seems like whenever Tato might have the upper hand, she shows a little more of her power and defeats him. This always gets Mira to laugh at him and tease him. 

Nevertheless, Tato remained to train. When he was out doing missions, he was found out behind the guild. At times he was found in the mountains and even in his own bed at the guild. He always said it was called image training, even though nobody knew what he was talking about. 

Tato has been enjoying his time at Fairy Tail and has even started to make a small name for himself, although it doesn't compare to the more famous wizards at Fairy Tail, not yet anyway. 


Tato, Mira, Elfman, and Lisanna had found themselves on a mission. Mira explains that it was an S-class job and that they needed to suppress a fearsome creature, the King of Beasts. Elfman to reject Natsu from tagging along. Elfman has changed some, he's grown more manly and talks about it endlessly. 

What the group didn't realise is, how powerful The Beast actually was. It was incredibly powerful, it even had Mira on the ropes. Tato had found himself propped up by Lisanna and having his wounds treated. 

Just when it seems like Mira was fixing to find herself killed, Elfman jumps to her rescue and attempts to take over the body of The Beast. He transforms into the demonic creature and is trying to take control but The Beast will not let itself be taken over that easily. 

Elfman is sent out of control and is rampaging around. Lisanna finally finishes healing, of what she could of Tato. 

"Elfman! Stop! You must gain control of The Beast or it will consume you!"

Mira is screaming at Elfman trying to reach him, but her words are falling on deaf ears. 

Tato and Lisanna rush to Mira's side and Lisanna helps to prop her up. Tato rushes Elfman in attempts to subdue him. 

"What's going to happen to him?" 

Lisanna looks at her sister. 

"If he doesn't snap out of it, The Beast will take over his soul. We just have to get him to come to his senses." 


Tato is hit by a powerful punch that shoots him to the ground. 

"Blargh!" He leans up and vomits blood. He starts breathing heavy, clear from exhaustion. 

Lisanna then drops her sister and starts walking towards her brother. 

"Wait! What are you doing," Mira cries out to her. 

[Despair, ver. 2-Naruto Shippuuden by PianoDeuss-Spotify]

"Big Brother Elf." 

She walks up closer. 

"You must not be feeling well. It's me, your little sister, Lisanna. Your big sister Mira and your friend Tato is here too."

One of Tato's eyes is closed from the pain and exhaustion. 

"Get away Lisanna," he yells to her.

"Come on, why don't we just go back home and talk about what all happened today. I promise we're not mad at you or anything."


"No! Lisanna! Move out of the way!" 

Tato screams and tries to get up but falls back down. 

Elfman then slaps Lisanna aside with a powerful hit. She flies a few meters away, and hitting the ground, unmoving.

Tato and Mira both scream for her. 

Elfman when he sees her flying away, and finally comes to his senses, detransforms, and falls to the ground. He couldn't move from the exhaustion. 

Mira makes it to Lisanna first. She holds her in her arms. 

"Lisanna! Lisanna!" 

Mira cries out to her sister. She tries to start healing her but it's not working due to her power being depleted. 

Tato is unable to get up and can only watch at what unfolds. 

"Where did everybody go," Lisanna whispers. 

"Lisanna! You're going to be ok!" 

Lisanna barely manages a smile and grows still. 


Mira starts crying out in despair. 


Tato slams his fists onto the ground. 

'Why couldn't I get up? Why couldn't I save her? Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!'

Tato keeps slamming his fists onto the ground and a couple tears begin to form in his eyes. Tato wouldn't admit it, but he began to grow close to Lisanna. She started to be a sister that he never had. 

As Mira continued wailing, Lisanna's body begins to disappear. Elfman finally makes it over to Mira to see what transpired and he begins to cry. They all just lost Lisanna. 


The next day Elfman and Mira held a memorial for Lisanna behind the cathedral. They had a headstone placed there. They also went and placed a tombstone near this house that Lisanna and Natsu had built when they were kids. 

Mira and Elfman laid flowers on the grave site and Elfman had tears rolling down his face. He holds himself accountable for what he did. 

"All living things have to die sometimes."

Mira speaks up to Elfman. She has her arm in a sling and is rubbing it, trying to keep from crying. 

"But Lisanna will live on in our hearts." 

Mira couldn't keep the tears back any longer.

"We will live for her!"

Elfman stands up and embraces his sister and they cry in each others arms. 


Tato hasn't been seen since they returned to the guild. 

He was hovering far in the air above Mira and Elfman where they couldn't notice him watching. His head was hung. He didn't cry anymore after they left the battlefield and was silent the entire trip back. 

Sadness was in his heart but regret and blame conquered it. He gathered himself and started to fly off. He stopped and looked back one last time at the two siblings and the grave. He turned back around and flew off. 


A couple days pass. 

"Master, you have a letter," Erza says bringing Makarov a letter. 

Makarov was found at the bar in the guild trying to drink his sorrows away. He too was mourning for Lisanna, after all, each person in the guild is like his own children. 

"It was found right outside the guild doors with just your name written on it." 

She hands him the letter. He sets his drink down and looks at the letter. 

"Thank you, Erza." 

He opens the letter and reads it. 

His eyes are filled with sadness. 

"Who is it from and what does it say, Master?"

He clears his throat. 

"It's from Tato. It says, "Dear Makarov, I just want to express my deepest gratitude to you and everyone at Fairy Tail. I hold the death of Lisanna deep in my heart and hold myself responsible. I understand what Elfman may be feeling but I could've stepped in but my own weakness got in the way and I was left there, useless and Lisanna paid the price for it. I will never again let someone pay the ultimate price while I'm there if there is life within me. I am exiling myself from Fairy Tail to train myself, to grow more powerful, so never again will I be useless. So this is goodbye for now. Until we meet again. Tato."

Makarov sighs, laying down the letter.

He looks around at the guild and then back at his drink. He grabs it and takes a long drink. He removes the liquor from his lips. 

"As you wish my friend. Until we meet again."