
the key

The teacher kept asking me about a key. I told her, I didn't have my house key, I didn't have to school buildings, qui, and what he she was talking about, then she asks me, if I had a feather that was black. I told her, yeah, I had one at home, but it wasn't a real feather, it was fake, she asked me if I can go get it. And I just sat there in silence, and then I asked your, she can come with me. She asked me why. And then I said, there was a body there, she was confused, she didn't know what I was talking about and asked me to show her, we flew to the house as fast as we could. I flew through the window since I didn't have the house key. then we walked down the steps to the basement and opened the door. Then the basement move the box and showed her the portal. She asked me what was about it. I said, looking there, she jumped in there, and then she seen it millions of bodies everywhere. The bodies was not normal they were warm bodies. She asked me how long did I know about this and I told her only today when I was running away from shamar's dad. She asked me he was here, he was in the house, I told her no, he was in the driveway with Shamar , and I ran out of the house, and they grabbed me, and I won't go on and on about him, trying to take my virginity and how I was so scared and how they had gave me, peanut butter and cookies,and the cookies were soooo yummy, and then she asked me, won't where was the father I ran upstairs with her behind me into my room, I climbed onto the wall all the way up to a ceiling on the fan, and pulled the feather from in between the fan and the wall she asked me could see it. I didn't trust her anymore. I told her no, she asked me, what do I mean now? and then my tail came out, but it was a different time. I look like a demon tail, and then these huge horns came out of my head, and every thing I seen was green. And then the teacher was red, I thought to myself, red energy means bad, then these devils wings came out of my back, they hurt so bad, and then I flew out the window. The teacher was, really mad, I couldn't fly up anywhere because I was literally looking like a a cousplay , demon, superhero, and then the teacher turned into some type of monster. I flew back to shamar's mansion straight back into the window and I crashed out of to get away. Very fast I ran to shamar's dad, and he asked me, what was going on, why did I leave? And then it was a big boom from the room that I ran out of? Crying, and I was breathing hard, and I said, she's coming for me, I have to go to where she's coming from me and Mars. Dad reveal himself, he was father from hell. The ruler of hell, that's where I seen him from hell Shamar came up to me from behind me, and I did exactly know what I was told. I was scared, too scared, not to listen, but for some reason, the teacher was read, but Shamar dad was green. Like the good energy, I felt safe behind them, and then tomorrow came and hugged me. He said that he was worried he was scared that he'll never see me no more, he was crying for some reason, I had this heart pain, my heart was going so fast, faster than anything I know. How I did, he get that cute. Dad, his wing was gone, he was walking back from the room, he look like he was in a lot of pain, he said that she wouldn't be bothering me anymore, and I needed to stay away from the school and home, and I can't leave here anymore. For some reason, I felt like a slave, I couldn't go home, and I couldn't go anywhere, and I had to stay in this one place, this one home. Sad inside. And then shamar's dad asked me, why did I leave shamar and I told him a huge story, I looked at him weird like, I didn't know what store in me. I said, I like a Rapunzel story, he smiled and laughed and said, no a lie why did I tell a lie? I told my dad, I wanted to keep my virginity. Asked me why I told him because you don't know what it's like, I didn't want my virginity be stolen at that time. I think I hurt shamar's feeling because he walked up the steps. To his room, and then slammed the door. I didn't know what I said to make him feel hurt or hurt his feelings, but I know I did it. He told me that I wasn't getting my virginity stolen that I was being. I was giving it away which is a backup option for my life. To shamar's dad might have been drunk at that time, but. He was going on on about, I wasn't listening because I was wondering gives I was tomorrow was ok. In the middle of a smart dad talking, I ran upstairs into the room that she was in, I told her I was sorry, he asked me why I was, I sorry, what did he do wrong and then I say, I hurt your feelings, deny he was quiet, I don't, I was right, that was always right, but sometimes I can be selfish, I told him, and I didn't mean to hurt his feelings. He said it was ok, I couldn't tell, where was the bed at and where was the floor next to him and tried say on the bed and miss the entire bed, and he laughed and laughed and laughed, and I laughed, too. He asked me, why did I have a feather in my hand? I told him it was key you looked at me weird and then told me to come with him to his dad, we ran downstairs and screamed his name. Dad, dad, where are you? And then we heard something shattered, like glass, I ran downstairs and him, it was his dad, he was bleeding very bad, we ran to side and ask him if he was ok, we help them get the bandages. He said he could never fly again, cause his wing when I grow back, I felt sad, I started crying, and then I hugged him, and then I said it was, this was all my fault, I went on and on how it was my fault and then everything around me put green. But I didn't care anymore, I made somebody hurt, and I hurt them very bad. And then if your shamar's dad, he was glowing red, bright red, like pink, red, and I still didn't care. I was just hugging him, I was going on and on, and then I open my eyes, and he was smiling at me and then I looked at him weird, and said, what? And he said, you made my wing regenerate and I said, what do you mean, I'm not special or powerful, I'm just ordinary girl, and I just went on about that, and I look behind them, and his wing was really regenerated his wing back use for a month cause I didn't know what just happened, his wings is automatically popped up on his back, I was confused and stepped away from him. I was thinking he was some type of creep or something that just pops up with wings whenever you want, and then I said, the heat show him the key and I said. The teacher was trying to get make me give her the key and pulled the feather out in the night, told him I don't know why I didn't went to or anything, and then he snatched it away and said it was the key to hell and heaven. Why it was so black I kept asking him, why was the feather black and what type of cube was, and then he told me, I was the doorway that I was the person to open the doorway to heaven and hell, he asked me, what was I and I said, technically, I am hell, my mother was an angel from heaven, and my father was a devil from hell, my sisters and brothers was wolves and foxes and birds, and I am an entire mixture of everyone that I was any type of animal I was, I had angel wings and devil wings, but the one sad part was something was wrong with my angel wings what do I mean when my angel means came back out, they were pink, he's smiled at me, and then he started blushing and whispered in my ear that I like somebody here, I started stuttering, no, what do you mean? He said he wouldn't tell I slightly shook my head. And he said that I was good, but I needed to get it away, and then something bad came for my type of people for any type of people, a cat or wolf itself having your period, you have your heat, I just had my heat, I was on it why now of all times, I said it have hanging puffy and breathing hard, I felt the floor and dad and sure shamar hovered around me actually something is wrong, a girl made her self into the room. earlier I saw her and shamar's dad was kissing that's what it looked like. she said that she might know what was going on, shamar's dad rolled his eyes and said, be gone, and then she turns into a cat. And then she said, she's on her heat shamar and shamar's, dad was blushing, their face was so bright red, they look like a tomato , but.. Breathe anymore, she said that she she could come to the store and get some pills for it, but it wouldn't be enough time. He carried me all the way up to the room and put me in a bed, tomorrow climbs into the bed with me, he was hugging me cuddling, for some reason, stop filling the pain I could breathe again. Just went on and said, breathe in and out, just breathe in and out, I trusted him.