
Etiquette of a Villain

Off with the goodie-two-shoes and on with the scarlet six-inch stiletto heels. Eve has come from the depths of hell to different planes just to toss those scheming white lotuses into their real, hideous, black forms. Revenge has never been served this cold nor this fabulous. //This story is slow-paced, with no emotional torture and the like. Only an OP heroine with morality and rationality hovering to a dangerous level. Some fluff, some comedy, some action, some memes. Enjoy the ride. // https://ko-fi.com/marionette_

Marionette_ · 奇幻言情
86 Chs


The VIP room door was rammed open and a well-built senior charged in with a pitiful gait. He was clasping his casted forearm, and his face wrinkled as if enduring tremendous pain.

" My princess, look at how they bullied your grappa. They even broke my hand. " Lionel started wiping his imaginary tears. The old man touching porcelain looked ridiculous, but he kept soliciting empathy.

" The doctors said I should be confined for further investigation but this old bones of mine fears being desolate." An exaggerated sound of hiccupping and weeping filled the silent room. However, the actor was too deep in the play that he didn't notice the lack of response.

" I know that bra- that dad of yours insisted on staying in your room. How about we kick him out so it won't be crowded?" Lionel lifted his face and happily asked since he finally sent the message.

" What do you say-" His wide grin was instantly shattered. It turns out he's been acting full-time for the walls to appreciate.

" Where are the people?!" He bellowed at his men staying outside.

When they heard their master's roar, one brave soul took a glance at the empty room and whispered something onto his communicator. A few seconds later, he answered back.

" Sir, the young master, and the little miss has been spotted at the parking lot. They have also finished the discharge procedures awhile ago." Then he watched Lionel Tang ran like a mad man while spouting curses.


" Thank you. I like it very much." Eve beamed while holding a box of assorted snacks. She can smell the delightful aroma that tempted her to sample a bite.

" I'll help you carry it." Sarien raised his arms to take over. He thought she would let one of her bodyguards carry it after accepting, but she cradles it instead. Even if the pastries and slices of bread should not weigh much, he does not want to tire her out. Eve, unaware of the hero's caring thoughts, only embraced it a little tighter. There's no way she'll give it back. Though Sarien doesn't appear like a petty man who retrieves what he has given, what if? She won't take chances with the meat almost in her mouth.

"Sarien, you can push me instead." Eve decided to assign him a task to stop his paws from threatening her goodie box.

He gazed at the adorable girl looking at him with expectation in her eyes. There's no way he can say no to that.

A couple of days have passed since he last saw her. He had to help manage some of their company affairs and have to leave. In the end, he had to stay in another city until everything fell into place. He flew back as soon as he could because he feared she might feel lonely. Her guardians were far away, and he was the only company she had. Of course, he won't admit feeling subtle separation anxiety. How could he not? They were together almost all day for consecutive days. Though she slept or ate most of the time, they still had quality time conversing. Honestly speaking, he found her company enjoyable. She was not like the girls who tried to befriend him with ulterior motives, nor her eyes drip with honey when looking at him. Those frank covetous stares made him uncomfortable; hence, he rarely associates with the female species.

On the other hand, Eve speaks to him without fascination, nor did she fawn over him. Additionally, she is a very knowledgeable person. Their random conversations can turn into an erudite discussion. Sarien finds the experience refreshing. He genuinely enjoys spending time with her. It's not only because she is his benefactor but because of her wisdom and cuteness.

Sarien went behind her wheelchair and grabbed the handles while Eve watched him do so with a lovely smile. A beautiful young lady is happily embracing a box while a handsome young man gazes at her tenderly. That moment, the two resembled a couple who could receive the public's blessing. The youthful air and sparkling aura almost blinded the single dogs over a mile radius.

Suddenly, a combination of odd coughs broke the lovely atmosphere. One sounded very unnatural as if it came directly from his diaphragm, the other like a trying-hard toned down rabid bark that came from afar. The youngsters shifted their eyes towards the source and saw a black-faced Sylvius and a rapidly zooming in burly man.

"Grappa?" Eve scanned Lionel, who's grasping air like he almost drowned. She appreciated how quickly he traversed the 20-meter distance from his initial position.

"Sweetie, how about your favorite grandpa push you instead?" He walked past his son and didn't forget to give him a glance that showed his contempt. This cunning man has demonstrated immense potential for being a little bitch but was useless in protecting Evangeline. Their cabbage almost went with the pig, yet he stood there dumbly like a rock.

Sylvius: …

(His childish ass came halfway when he was about to deal with it okay?) He sighed inwardly.

Forget it. They need to unite against a common enemy.

Eve scanned his father with an arm on a sling, her grandfather with a casted forearm, and her injured leg. The three of them standing together appear like a gathering for a support group for the injured. How did it come to this? The plot didn't say such a scene.

" No. You have injury Grappa." She answered decisively.

"This is props, sweetie. It's not real. See?" He waved his arm frantically that he accidentally hit a lamppost beside him. His brows momentarily scrunched, and fine sweat formed on his forehead.

( Fxck, I shouldn't have had broken my hand too hard.) Lionel cursed.

That's right. He purposely broke his fingers while pummeling those creatures to their demise. When Lionel received a report that Syl had a hairline fracture on his arm, he laughed at his misfortune. Nevertheless, when he later learned that his sly son had confined himself with their lovely princess, he couldn't enjoy such schadenfreude anymore. Lionel was beyond envious.

While he was busy working his butt off with such a thankless job, that bastard mini-me of his was enjoying quality time with his granddaughter. Lionel couldn't swallow such injustice that he purposely broke his fingers to join them. After all his sacrifices, what welcomed him was an empty room. He knew it was that cunning guy's fault. He gritted his teeth and wanted to remind that crooked son of his who's the bigger bastard of the two. However, the scene that he arrived at was their little girl about to run with a hoodlum. He knew in an instant that he must save the cabbage first.

"Grappa, be good and rest." Eve spoke like an elder to soothe his grandpa, who was agitated for some reason. She gazed at Sarien, signaling him to continue.

"Grandpa Nel, Uncle Syl. Then excuse us." Sarien politely called them, following what Eve has endorsed the first day they have met.

(I'm not your Uncle.)

( Grandpa my foot.)

Two thoughts formed simultaneously, but their faces still maintained a society-acceptable elder smiles. They can only watch the little rascal take away their princess. The two exchanged glances and had a tacit understanding. The ceasefire has commenced in response to a bigger threat. They had underestimated the little beast and now can only clench their fists as they watch his beauty trap enamor Evangeline. They need to do something. Naturally, they won't say something to the little girl lest she becomes more curious and goes astray beyond redemption. They have also pinned all the blame on the weasel who took advantage of their absence.

The journey home was pleasant for Eve while annoying as hell for some people who resembled each other. They had to use Sarien's specialized van to accommodate the additional hitch-hiker with a broken fist.

Certainly, Lionel would disagree being left out while the father and daughter ride the same car and thus came to such a situation. Lionel was alone in the innermost row, Sylvius at the shotgun position, while Eve and Sarien shared a middle row seat. The two were happily conversing about everything under the sun. The little girl's chuckles fill the vehicle once in a while. Sometimes it's even intertwined with the sound of a young man's laugh. The two were only focusing on each other, not putting their elder's frosted faces or the biting atmosphere inside the vehicle. They were inside their warm two-person world. Finally, someone couldn't take it anymore and started coughing nonstop to break their bubble.

" Grappa?" Eve examined Lionel, who had coughed his lungs out. She was worried the old man caught something and now needed the last rites. That series of whooping cough was scary, alright.

" I'm okay, sweetie. I just needed a little water, that's all." Lionel clasped his chest and answered with difficulty. Acting feeble is not for him. Just look at how he injured himself, trying to look pitiful. The first few coughs were an act. The following were authentic and hurt his lungs. Karma is a bitch, he thought. In spite of that, seeing his granddaughter worrying over him, it was worth it.

Eve passed him a bottle of water that Sarien has given her earlier. It's only water, so there's no psychological burden of sharing it. She was even kind enough to share one with her dad, who was unusually quiet. She thought he might be constipated or something and needed to concentrate. Afterward, the two teenagers continued their sweet talk.

The father and son can only swallow their breaths and wish to arrive faster to their destination.

Half an hour later, Eve finally saw her new home.

It was a two-story villa that looked simple and elegant. A thick wall enclosed the vast land it stood. She even had a notion they are going into a military camp. Nonetheless, the inside was quite lovely. There were flowers everywhere, and the landscape is impressive. It looked like another world from the bustling city scene just a few minutes away.

" We're here." Sylvius spoke.

When Sarien was preparing to carry Eve and transfer her to a wheelchair, she noticed her dad's signal to the butler nearby. Knowing his thoughts, she opened her mouth.

" Sarien, thank you for carrying me again." The hero has already done it back then, no need to have contact with other people. She dislikes being touch by strangers.

Sylvius, who was about to call someone to lift her had a headache. He thought they could avoid the parking lot's irritating scene, but they will have a second serving of such poisonous dog food. He can only cross out the brat's name over and over in his heart while summoning all his self-restraint.

( Relax Syl. Killing people is illegal.) He spouted his mantra solemnly.

Then he obediently became a light bulb who concentrated on halting the older light bulb on the verge of exploding. Two displeasing people have successfully drained his energy.

Sarien noticed a crumb left on Eve's lips. Out of habit, he directly wiped it with his finger. Eve didn't mind being served so loyally by her guardian. She smiled and thanked him.

The scene was too much for Lionel that he almost had a stroke. Fortunately, Sylvius has been mentally prepared and only flinched a little. The two exchanged evil glances and knew they share the same thought. They moved silently while focusing on the youngsters like searchlights, not wanting to miss out on any impropriety. When they have reached the doorstep, Eve spoke once again.

" Sarien, how about having lunch with us?" Eve felt it is necessary to show goodwill once in a while. She's been mostly on the receiving end and has not given anything to him. What if he is fed up and stopped giving snacks? Therefore, she decided to treat him a little better today in exchange for more in the future.

Sarien was about to answer when his driver/bodyguard came to him and whispered something. His enthusiastic aura vanished as he furrowed his brows.

" Maybe next time, Eve. I have to do something today." He looked apologetic as he replied.

" It's okay." She was a little disappointed. She can only return the favor in the future, and she lacks the idea of doing that.

( Host, don't worry, I got you.) The melon eating furball brushed its presence.

( I have read a lot about this, and I can help you.)

( Okay. ) She decided to give it a try. They belong to the same camp, after all. It shouldn't push her to the fire pit.

Sylvius and Lionel had a triumphant look. They hid their smirk and acted innocently as they walked side by side with Eve. Finally, the pest is away, they thought.

Hi everyone!

Finally got some breather. Though i havent freed myself from the shackles of acad life, i finally have some time to write. haha

thank you for waiting.



Marionette_creators' thoughts