In the magical fantasy world of Vythanar, a ritual known as the Grand Sacrifice takes place. 18 year old kitsune Aria Lycross is chosen to cross through the tear between dimensions that the ritual opens as an ambassador to whatever world lies on the other side. After entering, she arrives on Earth and comes into contact with 17 year old Ezra Aloda - in his own bedroom. Ezra has never particularly liked his life on earth, being plagued with feelings of loneliness and depression. Eager to start anew, he tags along with Aria as she returns to Vythanar. After making it back successfully, the duo finds out that 10 years have passed in the short time Aria was on Earth. Desperate to ensure her family is safe and return after a decade, Aria takes Ezra on a journey across Vythanar to reunite with her family, one that will change the course of Ezra’s life forever.