The next morning, once the registered players logged back into the game, they were met with a prompt that informed them of the program of events. Some players logged back out after reading the details while most stayed online. It couldn't be avoided that some players aren't part of any event on the first day.
"So we're going with a scramble for the first part huh?"
"Geez, they're going to have the solo players die on the first day, huh?"
"Hmm. It doesn't make sense. Isn't the solo category the main event? Seeing as the reward is Bogdug's crown, it should be for a single person."
The players thought that Game Guild must be planning something. Are the events for the guild category going to be better than the solo category? They got excited since the opening is going to be such a big event.
'Shit. Who made this schedule?' Dominos, the right-hand man of the game's creator, panicked in his thoughts.