
Escaping the Eyes of the Yandere

Being watched. Everything you say. Everything you do. Everywhere you are. Jilun grew up in a small rural village. Located at the edge of a major Empire, the village only housed farming families. Because of this, Jilun didn’t really have anyone around his age in the small population of the village. Except one girl. She was named Jia, a bright and friendly girl who happened to be born around the same time. Their parents were great friends and even gave them similar names. Over the years, they grew attached to each other and did everything together. Jiluns dream was always to venture out of the bounds of the village to explore what the big cities of the empire had to offer. After explaining his dream one day to Jia when he was young, everything changed. Jilun started to notice changes in Jias personality. She became so clingy that she clung tighter to him then the clothes he wore. He wrote off her changes as natural for being the only one in the village around her age that could understand her. He found her to be perfectly normal as he had never met any other girl or boy of his age. Everything was fine… until the day he decided to leave the village. _____________________________________________ Contains Prominent Yandere Elements R-18/Smut Content Chapters Labeled (Don’t expect any until later chapters) I do not own the cover image. The artist can DM me and I will immediately take it down.

Czzi · 奇幻
32 Chs

A Red Gemstone


Jia looked at a small stain of blood on her shirt. She frantically tried to wipe it off, running her hands over the spot repeatedly, but it was no use.

She then looked over the lying body of the Green Tiger. It's eyes were gorged out, holes remaining in their place with streams of blood still flowing out. It's nose no longer seemed majestic. Instead, a hole replaced it, showing its severed tongue through it. All of its legs were skinned, it's claw ripped off. There was not a single place on the Green Tiger that wasn't bleeding… and the worst part is…

It was still alive.

"Who knew you had so much blood in you."

She gave up trying to get rid of the stain as she got up on her two feet. She made her way in Jiluns direction before stopping.

"Oh, one more thing."

She snapped. Suddenly, hundreds of birds came flying in the tiger's direction. Upon landing, they started nipping at him, fighting over each other for a spot. The Tiger slowly shrunk as the birds devoured his flesh. The munching of the birds prevailed through the forest. It had just lost its top predator.

"At least your death will have some worth."

Jia then continued her walk in Jiluns direction.


Jilun had already left the forest. Panting with his head down, he waited at the entrance for any signs of Jia. Only 25 minutes had past since the last he saw her.

He suddenly heard rustling sounds. Looking up, he saw Jia walking towards him with two bags in her hands. They were the bags they had left behind in their hurried escape.

Even though he was exhausted, both physically and mentally, he slowly made his way over to her.

"What happened? Are you ok?"

Jilun checked all around her, but seeing as she had no visible injuries, he released a sign of relief.

"He found better to prey than me and took off after it. I guess your lucky you get to once again place your eyes upon me."

Seeing Jia's act her usually annoying self, he frowned when his genuine concern was met with jokes.

He took the bag from her hands and opened it, checking inside of the contents.

"All the herbs are still in here!"

Jilun laughed as Jia narrowed her eyes.

"What? You think I ate them? Where else would they be?"

Jilun ignored her as he looked up to the Sky. The Moon was already starting to steal the stage from the sun. The shy stars were soon to reveal themselves.

"It's time we head back anyway, I'm sure father will be happy with the harvest today."

Jilun reached out his hand.


Jia grabbed his hand as they walked back up the trail, heading back to the farmhouse.


2 Months Later.

Jilun and Jia were born only two months apart from each other. And today was Jia's twelfth birthday.

This time around, Jia wanted to celebrate her birthday with just the two of them, which was a very odd request as they haven't ever done anything without their families. But Jilun was not all opposed to this.

It was later in the day. Jilun and Jia were in her room. Jia sat crisscrossed on the bed while Jilun stood in front of her.

"So what did ya get me?"

She reached out her two hands in a cupping motion.

Seeing Jia's shamelessness, Jilun was struck dumb for a moment. Even after spending so much time with her, he could never get used to the sudden comments and exclamations she made.

"What? Did you not get me anything?"

She let her hands down. Standing up, she brought her hand up to his chest, resting her pointer finger on it.

"Or… are you the present?"

Jilun lightly pushed her finger away.

"Stop playing around so much. Here."

Jilun revealed a small box. It was tied closed with a red ribbon that formed a small bow at the lid. Jia happily excepted the gift as she carefully placed it into her hands. She looked like an excited child as her brown eyes sparkled.

Slowly undoing the ribbon, she lifted the lid. Inside the wooden box lied a necklace with a red gemstone in the middle, resting atop of a silk cloth.

"It's… beautiful"

Jia's voice was very shaky, but Jilun interpreted it as excitement. He stood tall with his chest out, his eyes showing his pride.

"I'll have you know I actually made this mys-"

"Go go get out!"

Jia suddenly pushed Jilun towards the door to her room.

"I have a red dress that goes along with this. I'll show it to you!"


She pushed him the remaining distance out the door and closed it on him. Jilun stood at the door in confusion, processing all that just occurred.


He shook his head. Trying to understand her will only make his head hurt. He decided he would head downstairs as he waited for her to dress up.


Back in the room, Jia couldn't stop shaking.

She fell onto one knee, the red necklace in her right hand.

Jia giggled and laughed uncontrollably. Her eyes were no longer the usual brown, but were glimmering red. Her hair also followed suit, now being a dark red, a stark contrast from her normal brown color.

Her eyes didn't leave the necklace for a second as she brought it to her cheek, rubbing it back and forth.

"It's the same as before."

She raised the necklace above her head as she let the sun radiate its beams of light through the transparent gemstone. It glowed a light red, reflecting its magical color in her eyes.

"You'll always be mine~"


Jilun waited patiently in the kitchen. Even as twenty minutes went by, no sign of Jia was in sight.

"Jia, by the time your done your birthday would've already ended!" Jilun teased as he shouted to the second floor.

"You wanted to see me that badly?"

Jilun heard Jia's voice as he turned around.

In front of him stood a crimson beauty.

She wore a bloody red dress, paired with the gemstone necklace he gave her, it made her look like the goddess of hell.

Her dark black hair stood a contrast against the dress, making her look as if she were the seductress of all men. Although he already knew she was naturally beautiful, he had to admit even after all the years being surrounded by her, he was still stunned. No words could describe his feelings.

"I surely look better than the Tiger, no?"