

During his training trip, Naruto is given a scroll which holds the secrets in how to seduce and ensnare women. A scroll he uses at first on the women and kunoichi around him but soon on the Shinobi... The NARUTO story is not mine all credits are to be given to the author Lemon Sage. Enjoy this Story.

phoebebrown · 奇幻
169 Chs

56: The Snakes among the Flowers

Kushina lay splayed out on her bed completely naked, and much as she had suspected her conscious was shaming her for what she had done. Yet, in spite of the shame that she felt, she didn't know if she would be able to stop herself from stepping out any further. Still, she didn't exactly want her son to know that she was enjoying the pleasure that he gave his lovers, so had repaired the lamp she had destroyed in the living room.

Her gaze was affixed to the Green Lamp sitting on the night stand next to her bed and a part of her hoped it would switch on soon. She reached underneath her to place her hand between her legs and absentmindedly rubbed her pussy having found the best way to silence her conscious, if only for a while, was through basking in sexual pleasure. She had done so plenty the night before, enjoying how eagerly Sara had thrown herself into her lovemaking with Naruto. And while Kushina's sexual frustration had finally been satisfied by the time they finished, once her connection to Sara had ended the feeling of contentment from the warmth of her son's body holding her and the seed deposited inside of her had been replaced by a feeling of emptiness as they faded away. An emptiness that her shame and guilt quickly filled as they reminded her that she had crossed a boundary that society would judge her as being depraved for enjoying.

She knew that there were women in Naruto's harem that had crossed that boundary as well, but she was willing to chalk it up to their sharing her son. Yet, she was of the belief that she would be held to a different standard. After all, while she accepted that her son was special in his ability to make so many diverse women care for, desire, and love him. They hadn't been the ones to carry him to term, or were supposed to have a motherly affection for him rather than a deep-seated lust. She loved her son, but if the night before had proved anything that love was changing from the feeling that all mothers had for their children into a desire for her son to take the spot of being the man in her life. Something that she definitely didn't want him to learn of, although she couldn't help but wonder how her son would react upon learning of that desire.

Kushina slid her middle finger inside her, as she truly began to get lost in the lust the memories of the night before created within her. Diddling her increasingly wetter pussy, Kushina no longer tried to force the image of Minato over Naruto as she dreamed of her son fucking her with the full knowledge that he was doing so. Recalling the sensations from the night before except with Naruto calling her name instead of Sara's, Kushina knew she'd feel guilty later, yet at the moment couldn't be bothered to care as the thought brought her closer and closer to the edge.

However, just before she slipped over a knock at her bedroom door threw a bucket of cold water on her as the man that she was just dreaming of said, "Mom." Kushina gasped as she rose up off the bed sending a panicked look towards her door. The door handle began to turn as Naruto repeated, "Mom, can I come in? We need to talk."

Her son didn't wait for her to respond as he began pushing it open causing Kushina to leap from her bed and slam into it bodily pushing it close. Kushina felt mortified that her son had nearly caught her pleasuring herself to thoughts of him. The idea kept her off-balance which is why despite all she needed to do was think of herself as dressed and clothes would cover her naked body, she instead spun to place her back against the door in order to hold it closed.

Naruto misconstrued the reason for his mother pushing the door closed, figuring she was still upset from their argument. He also felt that she had likely been angry at the fact that not even a day after it actually happened he had added another woman to the family he had chosen.

Kushina heard her son sigh on the other side of the door before he said, "Mom... I can't really say that I'm sorry for how any of this turned out." The red-headed Uzumaki felt her son place his back against the door before sliding down it. Kushina mirrored his actions to sit on the opposite side as he continued, "I can understand your being mad at me, and your idea that I'm being selfish. It has to appear to you that I have everything, while you ended up with nothing."

"That's not true," Kushina said quickly. "I was the one that was being selfish. I tried to take the happy present that you had built for yourself to give myself a future that my actions showed I don't deserve. I sometimes forget that truthfully I'm just a ghost who has been able to stick around because she's been connected to a Bijuu battery. I had no right to..."

"Don't say that," Naruto said heatedly through the door, "You're my mom and I've been grateful for everyday that we've had together. I know in my heart that if you and dad had lived I would have had a great childhood because I would have had two of the greatest parents ever." Kushina was touched by her son's words even as they also caused the shame that she felt at the lust she had for him to also well up inside her. She heard a soft thump against the door as she figured Naruto placed his head against it to stare up at the ceiling, "Ultimately though, that is why I'm glad dad acted the way he did. It's not just the good parts of our lives that shape us, but the hurdles that we have to overcome. If I had you and dad in my life, I don't think I would have wanted for anything and while that may not have meant I'd turn out rotten. I don't think I'd be me anymore, if that makes sense. So much of who I am ended up coming from experiencing the loneliness that I did throughout most of my childhood. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I wasn't only trying to protect my present and the future my lovers and I are striving for, but also the hardships of my past. I know that doesn't lessen the pain of losing out that you must be feeling, but I hope you can understand that it was a result of everything that I experienced both good and bad that has led me to this point in time. So much so, that I don't know if I would recognize myself if I had you and dad in my life. But, in the end I chose in favor of me, rather than you, so I understand if you feel that makes me a poor son."

"You're a great son, and I'm extremely proud of the man that you've become," Kushina said pulling her legs up into her chest. "I'm the one that acted wrongly. A mother should be willing to give up her desires for her child, but instead I've let them get the better of me." She buried her face in her knees as she added, "I...I just wanted to experience life as a normal mother. Like for me to be there for you during your ups and downs or to celebrate your birthdays, as well as everything else that I missed."

"I know mom," Naruto said standing, "But you're here now, and you've been there for me through all those things."

"Do you really think so?"

"I do," Naruto said kneeling and placing his hand against the door where she was sitting, "My eighteenth birthday is coming up. How about just the two of us spend it together?"

"Wouldn't your lovers have something to say about that?" Kushina asked her voice taking on a slightly jealous tone.

"They already helped me celebrate it," Naruto said smiling as he recalled the night in question, "They'll understand me wanting to spend the day with my mom. Although, it would be nice if we didn't need to speak through the door like this."

Kushina looked down at her naked frame before replying, "Um... I'm not decent right now, that's why I closed the door... and I was ashamed of what I did."

"Oh," Naruto said as he imagination supplied him a picture of how little his mom might be wearing to cause her to react the way she did. It was quickly followed by the picture of her face twisted in pleasure as it had been when he had pictured her image over Sara. Shaking his head to clear it of such thoughts he said, "Well, we'll talk later okay."

"Okay," Kushina said. However needing to know something she asked, "H-honey, if it had been you and you knew that not trying to change events meant that you would lose one of your lovers to make the future a better place... what would you have done?"

"I... I'm not sure."

"Please tell me the truth," Kushina said hearing her son's hesitation.

Naruto remained silent for several seconds before sighing as he admitted, "I don't know if I could believe in a future where I needed to sacrifice a woman I loved. I think I might have had to roll the dice for a better outcome."

"It could make things worse though," Kushina stated even as she hugged her legs tighter to herself.

"I know," Naruto said thoughtfully, "Yet, I think it would be the right thing to do in striving for a better outcome then to blindly accept one as the best that can be achieved, especially if it meant losing someone precious to me." Kushina could hear some frustration entering into her son's voice as he said, "But truthfully, thinking about all this time travel stuff, well it is really starting to hurt my head. Let's just agree that traveling through time is something to be avoided from here on out."

Kushina smiled softly as she said, "I think that would be best."

"Alright, I'll see you later mom," Naruto said beginning to fade as he left the seal, "I love you."

"I love you too Honey," the red-head said before lowering her head to her knees. Kushina tried not to let Naruto's answer bother her, but couldn't help comparing him to Minato, which didn't reflect well for her husband. The shinobi in here knew that Minato had made the right tactical decision, but that was cold comfort to the woman who had loved and cherished her husband while thinking of him as her savior who would always protect her. She supposed that she shouldn't be too surprised at Minato's choice as he had chosen to teleport an enraged Kiyomi to the same location as his dying wife and just born son rather than fight the Bijuu in the village. Yet, she had chalked that up to a necessary decision made in the heat of battle.

However, his decision to blindly accept the future Naruto represented didn't sit nearly so well with her. For Kushina, it seemed more like a tactical decision a leader would make when considering how many shinobi it would cost in order to achieve an objective during a battle. Yet, while it did highlight Minato's noble spirit in his being willing to make that sacrifice alongside his wife, for Kushina, who had just learned that she had been written off as expendable, she could only describe it as a kind of cowardice. She felt that the choice Minato had made might have made him an excellent Hokage. But, when it came to being the head of a Family, Naruto beat him hands down. She knew that Naruto had meant what he said about how if it had it been him in Minato's place, he wouldn't just accept the loss of one of his lovers if there was a chance he could prevent it.

Kushina began to feel jealous of the women bound to her son for the first time in a way not tied to their sex lives with him. A part of her considered blanking her memory of what had happened in the past in order to preserve her image of Minato, but didn't as she felt it would be too similar to what he had done. In the end, she guessed that was what bothered her most about the whole affair, was that she could understand Minato's desire to protect the future, but rather than live with his choice. He had instead decided to live guilt free of it. He had then returned home to her and decided to build a family when he had already consigned her to a fate where she wouldn't get to watch her son grow.

Her attention was eventually pulled to the lamp near her bed as it switched on. She clapped her hands together and it switched back off causing the world to melt into a shower stall where Naruto and Sara were once more getting lost in their passion for each other. She moaned as Naruto pressed her up against one of the walls and slid his dick inside of her. Kushina still felt ashamed at her turning off the light, but only due to taboo of the act that she was committing. She no longer viewed it as a betrayal of her husband's memory and couldn't help noting how much better the feeling of her son inside her felt as a result.


Sara had a hard time not smiling ear to ear as she left her room in the inn. She hadn't slept much the night before as she had enjoyed watching Naruto sleep, and a small part of her had feared it was all just a dream. Yet, when he had awoken and taken her back into his arms she had allowed his heartbeat to sing her to sleep for a few more hours, before they both got out of bed but ended up making love in the shower as well.

The smile did falter a little as she approached her daughter's room, which she had placed next to her own out of jealousy since she had suspected Seramu had intended to sleep with Naruto that night. She knocked on the door, but frowned when she didn't receive a response. Finding it unlocked, she poked her head inside but saw no sign of her daughter. She noted that the bed did appear slightly unkempt like someone had slept on the covers, but didn't think too much of it as the life of constant travel that Seramu was accustomed to meant the first thing one did in the morning was pack up one's sleeping gear. Guessing that perhaps Seramu was getting an early start, Sara headed downstairs to help her people prepare breakfast before packing up so that the caravan could continue on its journey. She paused briefly to look at her reflection in a mirror hanging in the hall, although she had easily mastered the Henge Naruto taught her to cover her now younger appearance, she couldn't help but noting that even her older self appeared to glow due to the happiness that she felt.

Breakfast proceeded normally although Sara began to feel some concern as her daughter had yet to make an appearance. "Is everything alright Queen Sara?"

Sara turned towards the woman and smiled at Masako, who was one of the former citizens of Roran and had been the makeshift leader of the group of women and children than had invaded her home looking for the missing men and whose husband had been taken by Mukade to help build his puppet army. Her brown here now had streaks of grey, but her brown eyes were as sharp as ever which showed her keen intellect and was one of the reasons Sara had often turned to her for advice. The woman had also been the person that had helped Sara hold her people together as they transitioned from a stationary kingdom into a group of wanderers. The two women had grown rather close over the years especially as they had helped each other deal with the grief of losing their husbands. "How many times must I ask you to stop calling me that? I'm no longer a queen."

Masako smirked as she said, "Perhaps you may no longer have all the finery for such a title, but you've more than earned the right to be called it."

Sara sighed knowing it was a losing argument for her since many of the originally citizens of Roran still called her by the title. She spared a moment to look around at her people, which was made up of many who had hailed from Roran, but others had been a part of her husband's tribe or had been taken in from tribal caravans that had been decimated by bandits or just the harshness of the desert. Still despite their varied starting places, they were one tribe which Sara figured was what Naruto hoped to achieve among the shinobi of the Elemental Countries.

She smiled as she thought of her lover causing Masako's eyes to light up as she said, "Oh, something good happened to you last night. Don't tell me you finally decided to enjoy yourself at one of these celebrations."

Sara blushed, as she countered, "I've always enjoyed myself at them."

"You know what I mean," Masako said. "Kami, half the men in this camp would leap at the chance to share your bed. The other half would as well but their wives would kill them."

"Please, Masako you know that I've only been interested in two men," Sara said hoping to use her much vaunted love of her Dream Warrior to deflect her friend's suspicions. It only partially worked, as she suspected Masako was going to mention how she had kept gazing at Naruto so asked, "And what of you. I thought I saw you heading off with Samo. Isn't he a little young for you? He only enjoyed his seventeenth season last year."

She suspected her friend knew what she was doing but played along as she said, "Well, I would have enjoyed him last year, but he went with someone his own age for his deflowering. I showed him that there's something to be said for going with experience, although perhaps he was a little disappointed that Seramu seemed so taken with that fine Leaf-nin specimen."

"Yes, she was, wasn't she," Sara stated feeling not so much regret, but guilty at taking the man her daughter had obviously wanted to spend her birthday with.

Masako mistook Sara's tone for being wistful so said, "Hey buck up. She couldn't stay your little girl forever, and it doesn't take a horrible stretch of the imagination to understand why she'd want to spend her seventeenth night with him. If he plans to stick around a few more nights, then maybe I'll take a crack at him."

Sara shook her head at her friend's promiscuity, and hoping she didn't sound a little possessive said, "I'm sure Seramu might have something to say about that."

She felt bad about using her daughter's infatuation to shield her own, but her eyes grew wide as Masako said teasingly, "Perhaps she'll let her adoptive aunty join in. It'll be interesting to see if she tastes like her mother." Sara flushed from the browned eyed woman bringing up how they used to share a bed with Sara's husband before he passed and Masako became more liberated with her sexual desires where she began to take part in some of more wanton behavior that could be had within the Caravan. Teasingly she added, "Don't look so scandalized. Wasn't it you who convinced me that life was too unpredictable for us not to enjoy ourselves? What was it you said, 'Life is about living, and by not enjoying its experiences due to other peoples preconceived notions of how one should live, just means you'll day with regrets."

Sara smiled as she did recall telling Masako those words, although little did she expect that the woman would take them to heart quite as much as she did. Still recalling the blissful expression on the brown-haired woman's face whenever she went to rouse her a morning after one of her sexual escapades , Sara couldn't help but admire how her friend had decided to live life on her own terms where she wouldn't have any regrets.

Truthfully, what had kept Sara from following suit after her husband had passed was her hope that her Dream Warrior would find her someday, and while she knew Naruto wouldn't have judged her if she had taken lovers as Masako had. She had wanted to wait, in the hopes that it would make the experience all the more memorable. She did feel a small thrill in knowing that her sexual future would likely cause even her friend to grow envious, but at the same time there was a sense of culpability that she had denied her daughter the same.

"Mmm, speaking of blond and good looking."

Sara followed Masako's gaze to Naruto as he approached looking slightly concerned. The former queen excused herself to approach him in order to ask away from prying ears, "Is everything okay?"

"I'm not sure," Naruto admitted. "Have you seen Seramu? I wanted to speak with her about..."

"Us," Sara supplied.

"Not exactly," Naruto admitted, "I figured you'd want to be present for that. I just didn't want her to think I avoided her last night. But, I haven't been able to find her this morning."

Sara frowned, feeling a sense of dread that her daughter might have already known about Naruto and her. Guessing how Seramu might have reacted to such a discovery, her gaze drifted to the ruins of Roran standing in the distance before asking, "Did you leave a means to Hiraishin to Roran?" Naruto nodded having done so when he thought Mukade was still alive just in case he needed to return quickly. "I think I know where she is, can you take me there?"

Naruto inclined his head so Sara left word with Masako to get everyone moving to the next destination before having her lover return her to her former kingdom.


Seramu felt like a fool as she sat in the garden of Roran. She was singing the song that her mother had taught her there having wanted her daughter to learn it in the same place Seramu's grandmother had taught her. It made her feel better, even if it didn't alleviate her depression or how disappointed she was in herself for her reaction.

After crying the night away from her mother stealing the man that she had wanted for herself, she had grown angry to the point where she had decided to run away. It hadn't been until she reached Roran that she began to think her decision was rather childish for a woman who had just celebrated the birthday that her people felt signified her becoming an adult. However, by the time she had begun to feel that way it had been too late to head back without someone noticing, which was compound by her inaction as by now she was sure that it was almost certain that her disappearance would be noticed.

Her eyes grew wide as a second voice began to sing along with her. Seramu looked towards where it was coming from as she trailed off and felt her anger return as she saw her mother approaching with Naruto at her side. Her gaze morphed into a glare as she addressed them, "Oh, it's you two."

She saw that Naruto looked upset at himself for hurting her feelings, although she didn't see much guilt associated with it over the fact that he had slept with her mother. Her mom on the other hand wore a blank expression as she studied her before saying, "I figured that you must have seen us last night."

Seramu leapt down from the toppled over stone pillar that she had been sitting on as she replied angrily, "Yes, I saw you two going at it last night. Imagine my surprise that the person I was interested in ended up choosing my mother of all people on my birthday."

"Seramu..." Naruto said sadly, but Sara held up her hand to cut him off.

She watched her daughter for a moment before saying, "I'm not sorry that it happened; only that it did on your birthday. But, if you wish to play the, I saw him first game, then I'm afraid that I've laid my claim to him long before you."

"What are you talking about? I was the one that hired... no it can't be."

Sara smiled as she said, "Yes, I believe you are still carrying the memento that was his."

Seramu brought around the chakra blade that Naruto had forgotten in the past before looking at her mom to say, "H-how? He's half your age..."

Naruto wasn't exactly relieved seeing the blade due to the horrible condition it was in. But pushing that aside said, "My mission that brought me here ended up transporting us to the past. The reason your mom didn't recognize me or I here afterwards was due to a jutsu that blanked our memories."

Sara smiled as she said, "But he left a big enough impact that I couldn't completely forget him."

Seramu sat on the ground as she said, "Figures, he would be your Dream Warrior. I guess I can't stay angry if that's the case, but it's just..."

"He's your Dream Warrior too," Sara said stepping closer to Naruto.

Both Naruto and Seramu were shocked as Sara's hand began to rub the front of his pants. The younger woman gasped as she watched the outline of Naruto's cock appear as it filled with blood in response. "Mom?! W-what are you doing?" the younger woman asked in astonishment, which grew as her mother dropped her henge to reveal her youthful appearance. "Mom... you're so...pretty."

"Thank you," her mother said as she began rubbing Naruto's package faster, "Your aunt Masako reminded me that life is meant to be lived in happiness, not wondering what could have been."

"But...you...I mean...I thought..."

Sara smiled at her daughter's confusion before stepping away from Naruto to approach her. Kneeling across from her, Sara reached out to cup her daughter's face. There was nothing sexual about the contact as she said, "I can understand why you desire Naruto, which is why if you truly want to be with him then I will not be the one that stands in your way."

"Y-you'd really give up on him?"

"I never said that," Sara said her eyes glittering in amusement and Seramu thought perhaps lust, although it wasn't directed at her so much as what she was suggesting. "What I said is that if you want to be with him, then don't let the fact that I am stop you."

Seramu's mouth opened and closed several times before she managed to stammer, "H-How can you even suggest that with a straight face? I-if he's your Dream Warrior... shouldn't you want to be the only woman in his life?"

Sara stroked her daughter's cheek with her thumb, before standing and returning to Naruto's side. Sara then pulled her lover into a deep kiss and watched out of the corner of her eye as her daughter looked at them flabbergasted before looking away with a slight blush. Sara ended the kiss to reply to her daughter's question, "It's true that most people don't dream of sharing their great loves with others. But, in this case both you and I are too late to the party to stake a sole claim to him."

"You mean..."

"The women I am traveling with are also my lovers," Naruto said wrapping an arm around Sara's hip as she rested her head on his shoulder. He groaned as Sara began rubbing his cock through his pants again forcing him to clear his throat as he added, "I've taken many lovers spread throughout the Elemental Countries and I will continue to do so."

"W-why? Shouldn't one be enough or all they all just notches in your belt," Seramu said not sure how to react to finding out her crush was tied to so many women.

She had a small glimpse as to why so many women would agree to be his lover as Naruto smiled down at her mother who looked at him adoringly. In his eyes, she could see that he didn't consider his mom to be just another sexual conquest, which his words conveyed as he said, "Yes, one would indeed be enough. If I hadn't known my other lovers, that is. If that had been the case then I could easily be happy with any one of them, but having been blessed to have all of them. I'm sure you can understand why I could never just say one is enough now. All my lovers are precious to me, and I will spend every day of my life making sure that they never regret choosing to be with me."

Sara looked at her daughter to say, "I spent over twenty years waiting to be with my Dream Warrior. For the period that I had your father, I was truly happy and even should I have met Naruto then. I would have remained your father's woman. I even shared your father with Masako on occasion, after she lost her husband. I did so because your father desired Masako and because I loved him was willing to share him with her. We even brought up the idea of him marrying her a few times. But well, you know how your aunt is."

Seramu did smile as she knew exactly what her mother was alluding too so said, "She became too much for him."

"For both of us," Sara replied lightly. Growing more thoughtful she continued, "I would love to have Naruto all to myself, but knowing what he means to me and having longed for him for so long. I could never deny others the right to be with him as I can only think he means as much to them as he does to me. That is why you must decide if sharing him with others is too difficult for you or not."

Seramu stood and stepped closer to the two before zeroing in on her mom to say, "But what about us? Won't it change our relationship?"

"Most likely," Sara admitted, "But, I went from a Queen to the head of a tribal caravan. From a life of luxury to one where every day is a challenge and to be honest although it was a difficult transition, I'm so glad it happened. Change can be frightening, but it can make our lives so much more rewarding as it opens us to new experiences that we might have denied ourselves." Sara stepped away from Naruto before moving behind her daughter and seductively whispered, "Besides, didn't you want him to deflower you. I can promise you that his other women aren't just with him because of his good looks and loving personality. He'll ruin you for other men."

Hearing her mother talk so brazenly about her wanting to give her virginity to Naruto and in such a throaty whisper, had a stimulating effect on Seramu. She vaguely noted that her mom's hands were wrapped around her waist lightly as she replied, "That's good because I wouldn't want another man."

Sara smiled as she said, "Good," before loosening the cloth holding her daughter's orange robe closed.

Seramu although nervous allowed her mom to remove her robe which revealed the tight green sleeveless shirt and black skirt beneath it. Her mother stepped back as Naruto approached and reached out to cup her chin before saying, "I was looking for you this morning because I wanted to thank you."

"T-thank me," Seramu said surprised by the apparent change in topic.

Naruto nodded as he explained, "I had a feeling you wanted to seduce me last night and a few of the women of your tribe confirmed as much to my other lovers. I'm honored that you thought me someone special enough to give your first time too."

Seramu shook her head before saying, "You misunderstand. I didn't want to give you my first time. I want you to be the only man I know in such a way."

Naruto gawked slightly and Seramu quickly leaned up on her toes to press her lips against his while resting her hands on his shoulders. The kiss remained chaste at first, but then Naruto slid his hands around her waist to pull her body tightly against his. He pressed his mouth harder against hers and parted his lips which Seramu mirrored allowing his tongue to enter her mouth. Seramu's hands slipped over his shoulders to encircle his neck as their tongues twisted and rolled around each other.

A thread of saliva linked their tongues once they separated to catch their breaths. They stared at each other with hooded eyes before Seramu stepped back and then copying her mother began to rub Naruto's cock through his pants. Naruto pulled Seramu into his side so that he could fondle her ass while she continued to tease his dick through his clothes. She moaned as Naruto gave her butt a firm squeeze before sealing his lips to hers again.

The red-head mewed into his mouth as Naruto pulled her skirt up over her rear and then slid his hand into the rear of her panties. He ran his hand over her firm butt cheeks before reaching down further where he began to rub her cunnie directly. Seramu, broke the kiss as she cried out from Naruto's teasing of her pussy. She brought her hands back up to his shoulders as she held onto him for support due to her legs feeling wobbly from the unfamiliar sensations.

Naruto brought his other hand up to cup her chin and tilted her face to gaze into her eyes before saying, "That's quite the strong reaction from me just giving your pussy a little rub. Don't tell me you've never played with yourself before."

"I...I've never... really tried to...before," Seramu panted as Naruto began to slide his middle finger up and down her slit.

"Then there's a whole world of pleasure for me to introduce you too," Naruto said sliding his middle finger into her tight pussy. Seramu's moan was cut short as Naruto kissed her again while he worked his finger in and out of her. She felt something building within her as their tongues danced while Naruto's finger created sensations the young woman never knew existed and found difficult to explain. Her grip on him tightened until she was balling up his clothes as she exploded into a state of bliss.

The strength in her legs failed her, but Naruto scooped her up in his arms before carrying her to the foot of a collapsed pillar in a grassy area of the garden. He sat down in the grass holding her in his lap until she recovered her wits. Upon doing so she pulled free of his grip to straddle his waist and then kissed him deeply. While they explored each other's mouths with their tongues, she unzipped his orange jacket and pushed it down his arms.

He wrapped them around her waist once he was free, before pulling up her green shirt ending their kiss just long enough for her to slip free. Naruto raised his left hand to cup her tit causing her to mew softly in response to his flicking his thumb over her hardened nub. Ending the kiss, he placed one on top of her chest before kissing down to her right nipple which he began to suck on eliciting a loud gasp from Seramu.

She felt his cock straining to be freed of his pants so pushing him back said, "L-let me make you feel good too." She then pulled his shirt over his head before kissing down his chest and stomach. As she proceeded further south she gripped his fly pulling it down as she traveled back and down his legs. Her eyes grew wide as his dick sprung free causing her to wonder how such a large thing could possible fit inside her.

However, she figured that would be an issue for the near future as she first wanted to make him feel as good as he had made her. Gripping his pleasure stick she looked up to meet her first love's eyes as she said, "I...I've never done this before. I probably won't be as..."

Naruto smiled gently cutting her off, "I'm not going to compare you to anyone but you Seramu. All that exists right now is you and I. I might have other lovers but this is my first time with you as well. You'll find that both of us will only grow better and better at pleasing each other as we both learn more about one another."

Seramu felt the pressure she had put on herself fade from Naruto's words as she ceased wondering how she compared to other women in his life. Lowering her face to his member, she licked the underside of his shaft like an ice-cream cone. Naruto moaned as he leaned back against the ruined stone pillar as his newest lover's daughter began licking his dick like it was a tasty treat.

Searching out said lover, he spotted Sara sitting on the same rock she had been on when he had awoken in the past within the very garden he intended to be the spot where he claimed her daughter. She stared at them entranced at the sight of her daughter pleasuring the man whom she had desired for over twenty years. To Naruto's surprise, Sara brought one of her hands up to her breasts and began to fondle through the robe that she wore to protect her skin from the harsh sun.

Marveling at his life, he focused his gaze down towards Seramu who was running her tongue around his cockhead and said, "That's good Seramu. Now try taking it into your cute mouth."

"Okay," the young woman replied tucking a strand of hair behind her ear before swallowing a third of his length. Naruto groaned as she bobbed her head in his lap eagerly the sounds of her sucking him echoing off of the stone walls.

She found a steady rhythm as she used her hands to stroke what she couldn't swallow. She'd let him slip free of her lips occasionally to flick her tongue against the tip before engulfing him once more. Feeling his release coming he warned, "Seramu, if you keep that up I'm going to blow." He smiled pleased as she began to bob on his length faster so placed his hand in her hair before exclaiming, "Here it comes!"

Seramu stopped as he erupted in her mouth. She quickly drank his seed without really tasting it finding it difficult to keep up at first. Several spurts later though she caught the last of it, and pulled her mouth free with a pop to prevent from spilling any. Then still holding his cock between her hands she began to swish his cum back and forth over her tongue to truly savor it. From a few of her friends' experiences she had expected it to taste rather bitter, but while a little salty she couldn't describe it as unpleasant, especially due to the pleased look she saw Naruto wearing due to her swallowing it.

Stroking his cock, she said, "Naruto... I want you inside me."

The blond man nodded, pulling Seramu towards him and stole her breath away with a passionate kiss. Rolling them so that Seramu was on her back, he pulled her boots and skirt off before unbuckling his pants. Shimming out of them, he leaned over Seramu kissing her softly on the lips before staring in her eyes to ask, "Are you sure?"

Seramu closed her eyes and nodded so Naruto placed his cock against her entrance. The young woman tensed so he thrust in quickly tearing through her hymen as he claimed her virginity. "Ouch, it hurts."

"I'm sorry," Naruto said gently kissing away the tears that appeared, "but it'll get better. Tell me when you're ready."

They remained connected but unmoving until Seramu felt the pain begin to lessen, which she communicated to Naruto with a soft kiss to the lips and a whispered, "I'm ready."

Naruto withdrew slowly causing his newest lover to hiss in anticipation of the pain returning, but instead the first glimpses of pleasure began to appear. Feeling strangely empty as more and more of his cock retreated from within her, she moaned softly in loss which grew in volume as he pushed forward once more. Naruto began slowly, but like an engine which was building up momentum he was soon pistoning within her at full steam.

Sara watched as her daughter moaned loudly and locked her ankles behind Naruto's back as he drilled his length inside her. Her own robe had long since been discarded along with the pants she wore underneath. Her fingers rubbed over her pussy as she pleasured herself to the sight of the first man she had slept with since her husband now deflowered her daughter. Outside of how erotic she found it, she also thought it was a rather bittersweet moment as well since her little girl had blossomed into a beautiful woman.

Naruto leaned back pulling Seramu up with him as he kneeled while sliding her up and down his cock. She wrapped her arms around his neck as his dick plunged into her deepest spot with every thrust. Looking over his shoulder, she saw her mother rubbing her pussy, causing Seramu to grow ever more aroused. Her orgasm began to build as she met her mother's eyes and she hoped her own gaze shown with the gratitude for letting her have Naruto as well.

Turning her attention back to the man awakening her to the ways of pleasure she cried, "I...I'm so close Naruto... I want to finish together..."

Naruto nodded, lowering her back to the ground as he began wildly thrusting inside her. Bottoming out inside her, as he clutched her tightly against him, he ground his crotch into hers stimulating her clit which caused her pussy to convulse around his love muscle. Giving it the cum that it was milking him for he flooded her womb with spurt after spurt of his seed.

Naruto breathed heavily before pulling back enough to stare at his newest lovers face. He smiled as he saw her eyes closed, her orgasm proving too much for her. He rolled off of her, onto his back to find Sara standing before him. Spreading her pussy for him to see how wet she was the red-head said, "I want you too, Naruto."

The jinchuriki held his hand out to her causing Sara to quickly mount him. She moaned loudly as she sank down on his cock, and began rocking her hips back and forth. Naruto placed his hands on her hips as he laid back to enjoy the fruits of her actions.

Seramu awoke from her state of bliss to the sight of her mother moaning atop Naruto. Her whole body blushed as she realized that the first thought she had was, "She's so beautiful." But a moment later, she gave a mental shrug as she realized they were both tied to the same man, and she'd probably be seeing her mother in such a state a great deal now.

Picking herself off the ground, she crawled behind her mom and cupped her breasts causing Sara to cry out surprised, "Seramu!!!"

"Mom, you look so hot right now," the fairer haired red-head said as she began to pinch her mother's nipples. She kissed her mother's shoulder causing Sara's pussy to clench even more than the teasing of her nipples had. She grew a small smirk as she teasingly added, "But don't you think it's rather rude for you to horn your way into my first time with him after I only got to enjoy his dick once."

Sara began bouncing on Naruto manhood moaning out, "I... I'm sorry. But, watching him with you just made me so horny."

Seramu licked up her mother's shoulder and neck to nibble on her ear as she whispered, "I can imagine. But, you need to cum now so I can go." She brought one of her hands down to her mother's pussy and began rubbing her clit causing Sara to tense as her world went white. She collapsed forward onto Naruto's chest breathing heavily as she felt him pump her full of his cum.

Naruto sat back resting his back against the collapsed pillar as he slid her mother off of him but still held her close. Seeing, this caused Seramu to pout cutely as she said, "Don't tell me we're finished."

Naruto smiled as he shook his head while saying, "Don't worry. I still have plenty of energy, but I just want to take a breather to bask in this moment."

Seramu smiled as she nodded before cuddling into the side opposite her mother. Looking down at Seramu, he again said, "Thank you for choosing to be with me, Seramu."

He kissed her lovingly on the lips. The both laughed as Sara cutely pouted similarly to her daughter, "What about me?"

"I'm pretty sure I thanked you last night," he replied amused.

Sara smiled as she said, "Oh yeah," but nonetheless closed her eyes received a kiss from her lover as well.

As soon as the kiss ended, another pair of lips were pressed against hers. Her eyes opened wide as she realized that they belonged to her daughter. Pulling back she gasped, "Seramu!"

"Let me thank you as well, mom," her daughter replied before kissing her again. Sara didn't resist as she felt her daughter's tongue enter her mouth as it began to engage hers. Instead, she grew hotter as she felt Naruto's eyes burning into them as their kiss grew more and more passionate. The two broke apart a trail of saliva still connecting their tongues before they both looked down to see their shared lover's cock standing at attention. Sharing a look, they both lowered their faces down to it to begin cleaning it with their tongues tasting their combined essence which still clung to it.

"Of fuck," Naruto groaned as they ran their tongues up to the tip each taking a side before once more kissing wetly above his prick, allowing their drool to drip down and coat it. Sara slid away allowing her daughter to mount Naruto next and as her daughter rode him to another orgasm couldn't wait until she climaxed to find out how his dick tasted with only Seramu's pussy juice coating it. She began to finger hers cunt as she soon began to imagine herself also cleaning her daughter's pussy of the cum Naruto would surely deposit inside.

As such, when her daughter climaxed and Naruto pushed Sara onto her back to insert his cock inside her before she had a chance to suck him some more. She was greatly pleased when Seramu climbed over her head and lowered her cum dripping snatch to her eager tongue.


Kushina writhed over Sara's face as her tongue explored her tight snatch in search of the cum her son had deposited inside her. She moaned with the taboo thrill, that it was the girl's mother doing the deed. A thrill she could feel that Seramu shared as she reached down to fondle her mother's tits while moaning from just how eagerly her mom was sucking Naruto's cum from her.

A thrill that Kushina could feel was shared by the mother as her perspective shifted to Sara. Kushina's own pleasure spiked through the roof, as she felt her son's dick plowing her pussy even as she drank his seed from Seramu's flavorful cunt. The former jinchuriki and current Bijuu basked in the feeling of having her son fuck her and although once it was over she was sure she'd feel guilty again despite how liberating both Seramu and Sara felt as they began to explore each other's bodies with less and less reservations. She at least knew she would no longer feel guilty from memories of her life before her soul had been sealed into her son. Something for which she was glad as she came powerfully along with Sara as Naruto sent liquid heat inside her womb once more.


Naruto crossed his arms over his head as he blocked a downward kick, but was sent staggering back as his opponent then kicked out with the other one catching him in the chest. He watched as Mikoto landed gracefully and tried to steady himself as he waited for her to attack again, but found doing so mentally was rather difficult as a disgruntled voice said, "Well, you must have found this trip to be quiet the successful one. How many more notches did you add to your belt?"

Naruto adjusted his gaze slightly to see Karura staring at him expectantly. His gaze snapped back to Mikoto as she used the distraction to charge him, but Naruto stepped out of the range of her kick before throwing a punch towards her face. Mikoto ducked it countering with a palm strike towards his chin, but Naruto moved his head enough to avoid it and grab her by the wrist. He then pulled her off of her feet before slamming her into the ground, but was forced to let go as she lashed out with a kick which he blocked. She rolled away before he could stomp down on her, she quickly got back to her feet.

Naruto looked over the Uchiha's shoulder to see both Ayame and Koyuki sparring against one of his normal shadow clones. The two civilian women training to become kunoichi were breathing heavily as even working together they had yet to score a hard enough hit to get it to dispel. His gaze drifted back towards Mikoto as he answered Temari's mother, "I didn't add any notches to my belt. But, my family did grow by three. Considering that your daughter is also a part of that family. Wouldn't it be better for you to phrase your question in a less disparaging way?"

"It would be better for me," Karura replied as Mikoto once more attacked the blond jinchuriki, "if Temari would wake up from the delusion that she is a part of something special and realized you are simply using her."

"I'm growing tired of you insisting that I am," Naruto said as he blocked several of Mikoto's strikes.

"Yet, you don't deny that you did target her for her strategic value," Karura countered quickly. She frowned as a smirk appeared on Naruto's face causing her to say in a huff, "I said something that amuses you."

"A little," Naruto admitted while still defending himself from Mikoto's attacks, "I originally wasn't going to take Temari as a lover. I felt that Gaara being my friend would help with my ambition. It was my other lovers that brought us together, and Temari herself who asked me too."

"Which I haven't regretted since you did," Temari said stepping from the rear entrance of Kiyomi's mansion onto the private training grounds she had built in back.

"That doesn't make it right," Karura stated turning towards her daughter.

"Just because you disagree, doesn't make it wrong," Temari replied coolly meeting her mother's stare with a challenging one of her own.

A challenge that Karura was ready to take up as she said, "I think more people would agree with my take on this so called relationship of yours then not."

Temari shrugged as she countered, "Your and their opinions do not matter to me."

"Then why keep it a secret?"

"You know why mother," Temari said, "The best way to bring the villages together is for them to believe it is a natural action. If people find out that there is a conspiracy to do so they will resist if only because they believe they are being manipulated into it."

"They are being manipulated, just like you are."

Temari sighed crossing her arms over her chest as she responded, "I was manipulated into sleeping with Naruto by his other lovers. They created so much sexual tension between us that I couldn't help but give in." Karura's face looked aghast, but a smile appeared on Temari's face as she added before her mother could speak, "But, all they did was take advantage of my own desire to experience pleasure at a man's hands. Just as we are taking advantage of a natural desire for peace to grow between all the shinobi villages. No one worthy of being a Kage wants to send their shinobi off to die; therefore we are creating a situation where a path to peace can be found through mutual cooperation. Much like his lovers created a path for me which led to Naruto's bed."

"Manipulation is still manipulation Temari," Karura stated.

"Perhaps, but what I think you will find is what upsets people is if they feel used in the end," the younger woman stated. "I'm not being used, I was given a choice. Just as the shinobi of the villages can choose to take the path we are creating or not." A devilsh smirk appeared on her face as she added, "Besides, Naruto's cock feels too good as it stretches my pussy or ass for me to give it up now."

Naruto's gaze quickly shifted to his lover causing him to receive a punch to the jaw from Mikoto due to his sudden distraction which sent him to the ground. Temari laughed as both Naruto and her mother wore similar disbelieving looks at her speaking out in such a manner. Karura recovered from her stupor first as she quickly said judgmentally, "Temari! That's not how you should speak with your mother present."

Temari stepped away causing her mother to grow angry as she at first only shrugged as she approached her lover. Kneeling next to him as Mikoto finished apologizing she said, "Then stop trying to stick your nose in our business if you're going to continue being so disapproving. I've already told you all the emotional reasons why I'm with him, but you keep questioning him and me about our relationship. Therefore, all that is left for me to explain is the physical." Temari punctuated her sentence by kissing her lover hungrily. She felt Naruto tense due to her mother's gaze, but he relaxed into it as through her actions she showed him that she didn't care. Ending the kiss she apologized, "I'm sorry you got hit because I distracted you."

Despite Karura's presence he said amused, "Well if a kiss like that is what I can expect after a punch to the jaw, I might get in the habit of getting punched more often."

Temari laughed lightly before standing as she said, "I'd prefer if you didn't. That handsome face of yours is another thing that keeps me around." Temari felt giddy at how Naruto beamed from her compliment especially since she knew he took them to heart. It amazed her that he still remained humble enough to be pleased by a few simple words when he had women crawling over themselves to be with him on an almost nightly basis.

Turning, she saw that both her mother and Mikoto weren't looking directly at them, but both sported discolored cheeks. She walked passed her mother without a word as Naruto got back to his feet to get back to his training with Mikoto. She looked over her shoulder and smiled widely as she saw Mikoto struggling to handle Naruto as she was probably still unbalanced by the kiss she had witnessed. Having taken stock of all of the women in Kiyomi's home that remained unbound to Naruto, and where their opinions might lay in remaining that way. Temari was rather sure that the Uchiha would likely be the next to fall, and considering the friendship that was growing between her mother and Mikoto, felt that should that happen then pushing her mother into her lover's bed would be child's play.
