
Chapter 10 Demon Lair!!(5)


Name: Alex Shaw

Level: 7( 4175 exp to next level up)

HP: 700

MP: 70

Grace: Shadow Monarch

Skills:[Mana Manipulation, Mana Sense, Simple Regeneration(10 SP to upgrade)]

Grace abilities:()

Arnament:[Silver Raptor(D), Impish Shroud(E)]

SP: 4


Observing his status, Alex saw the new arnament [Impish Shroud]. And his new gains in exp.

'I'm leveling way slower than before, hopefully this arnament can help me out with that.'

[Name: Impish Shroud

Description: An armour arnament received by the Shadow Monarch when he slayed a Greater Imp. The Shroud is made from the leathery skin of a Greater Imp which gives it a slight resistance to heat.

Rank: E

Enchantments: Fire resistance(E): This armour is resistant to fire damage to a certain degree. Fire enchant(F): This allows the wearer to burst their weapon into flames dealing fire damage to their opponent.]

'The enchantments look useful especially [Fire resistance] since I'm going to meet more Greater imps but the [Fire enchant] won't be much help against them since they are most likely resistant to fire.' Alex thought with his hand on his chin.

Looking down at the three people below him he pretended to still be asleep while listening to there conversation.

"How exactly are we going to leave the dungeon." Xavier asked as he looked at Robert expectantly.

"Well there are very few portals inside the dungeon but they are very hard to find except the one that appears after you kill the dungeon boss but that will be quite hard." Robert said

"So do we look for one of the portals or do we fight the dungeon boss." Carla asked

"Obviously we're going to fight the dungeon boss. As Mr. Robert said it is hard but it is not impossible right and besides if things go wrong we can use that Alex guy as bait and run." Xavier said with a smile plastered on his face.

"And what would we do about the sword arnament we are supposed to bring back to master." Carla asked with a raised eyebrow

"We'll have to find some way to take it from him or trick him into giving it to us willingly." Robert said while looking at the mana stone in his hand.

"Yeah, I mean how hard can it be to trick a rat from slums." Xavier laughed

Deciding on what to do, the three of them started planning on how they are going to take down the dungeon boss while Alex, still pretending to be asleep, was making plans of his own plans.

'I'll make sure that none of you bastards make it out of here alive.' Alex thought as a cruel smile appeared on his face.

Twenty minutes later Alex made the others know that he was awake as he yawned loudly and jumped out of the tree. Looking at the three people infront of him Alex showed them a sincere smile on his face which stunned the three of them.

"Goodmorning all, I hope you've had a wonderful night." Alex said to the stunned trio infront of him.

"I have been doing some thinking last night and I have decided to return the sword." Alex said making their mouths almost fall to the floor.

"Why?" Robert asked in genuine surprise.

"As I said I thought about it occurred to me that your master is probably a noble, am I right?"

"Yes." Robert replied proudly

"I would rather not have any problems with a noble and hanging onto this sword would do just that. So I'm going to give it back to you." Alex said with a sad sigh.

Satisfied with his explanation Xavier smugly held out his hand.

"Not yet obviously." Alex said causing Xavier to want to slash him in two.

"What the fuck you mean not yet!!" Xavier shouted angrily

"Calm down, the sword is the only weapon I have currently if I give it to you now I'll be weapon less so I'll give it to you once we leave the dungeon." Alex replied calmly

"Okay fine we'll let you keep the sword until we leave the dungeon but you better keep your word or else." Xavier snorted as he stomped away towards Carla.

"Ahem, now that that's out of the way we need to find to find the dungeon boss. Does anyone have any idea how we can do that?" Robert asked

"I think we should follow the river downstream." Alex said

"Why do you think that?" Robert asked curiously

"Yesterday when I found you guys I was following the river and that was the first time I saw a E ranked monster and if I had to guess then wherever the boss is there has to be a lot of them." He replied

"Okay then does anyone else has any other idea as to where we can find the boss." Seeing that no one else had any suggestions there next course of action was decided.