
Eons of Evolution: I Am God

God descended on the most ancient barbaric earth and primeval seas. He is the beginning of everything, he created wisdom and life, he is the Creator of all living beings. In the passage of time, stories turn into epics, epics become myths, and finally myths are buried in the years. God alone is eternal. Fanfic/Translation

Damon_Gray · 奇幻
17 Chs

Chapter 14 The Kingdom of Hiinsa

In the Palace of Wisdom, Ledley summoned his other four sons and two daughters, as well as the magnates of the God-given city. The dignitaries whispered to each other, "Is something wrong? Has Your Highness Yesel not set out yet? Will there be any changes? What will happen to the things that have been decided? Maybe the king has changed his mind!"

Among the tall and rugged palaces, the most conspicuous was Leidge's stone slabs carved on the wall. The text slate he created himself was inlaid on the wall and surrounded the palace, adding a strong civilized atmosphere to the palace and demonstrating his greatness.

Ledley sat on the throne, and his queen sat beside him. He could see that the queen was very happy and looked at her children with encouragement and expectation. The majestic eyes of the King of Wisdom fell on the son who was kneeling below: "Ens!"

The eldest son, Ens, stood in front of several people. He stepped forward and said, "King of Wisdom." Ledley looked at him. This child who was born brought him boundless joy and expectation, and the eldest son who was abandoned because of disappointment.

"I told you, I will give you all a chance. I am your father and your king. The king's promise will never break the contract, to the gods, and to you my bloodline." Ledley stood up from the throne, and his tall figure and majestic momentum made everyone bow down. He walked down from a high place step by step and as he explained the reason for today's summons.

"Last night, I begged God to give you my power, and God agreed. He sprinkled the brilliance of power on you. Starting from today, you will bathe in the glory of God and become the priests of God."

While speaking, Ledley also descended from a high place to the princes. Everyone saw the light on Ledley body, as if countless fireflies had overflowed from his body. It was sacred, dreamy, and awe-inspiring.

All the people paid close attention to what Ledley said. They could see the shocked expressions on the faces of those present, as their pupils dilated in an instant. They did not expect the king to bestow his unparalleled power and great wisdom to others. What does this mean? The true Sanye royal family is about to emerge, and bloodline is everything. The power of the king of wisdom will not be taken back by the gods as he disappears, and the power of wisdom will always reign over the Sanye people.

Ledley, the king of wisdom, placed his hand on the head of his eldest son, and his once stern eyes softened into a peaceful and warm gaze. "I have bestowed my strength upon you, and may the power of wisdom flow through your veins. The sea and the abyss can no longer impede your progress. Mountains and land are no longer the limits of your journey. My children, the God-given city is just the beginning. Travel to the farthest reaches of the sea and land to create your own world!"

Ledley uttered the words of magic, "The gift of power." The light spots resembling fireflies dispersed in an instant, rotating above the palace like a sea of stars, before finally integrating into Ens' body. However, Ens did not see the peace and expectation in his father's eyes. At this moment, he was completely immersed in the ecstasy of gaining strength. He felt powerful and extraordinary, no longer a mere mortal born to the great king of wisdom, but the controller of wisdom and power.

Everyone fell to their knees and cried out hysterically to the king of wisdom, "Praise be to the God! Praise be to the King of Wisdom!" They longed for the light of the king of wisdom to shine upon them, even if only for a brief moment, for it was the supreme power bestowed by God.

Ledley divided most of his strength into six parts and gave them to all his sons and daughters. However, only the part of the power of wisdom that could communicate with all living beings, and the power of the king of supreme wisdom, which controlled all the Sanye people, remained with Ledley.

In a corner of the God-given city, a powerful man carved this magnificent picture on a slate. A few days later, the painting hung in his mansion, attracting countless people to admire it. The slate became the most precious treasure of this powerful family, and the painting was named "King's Blood" by the people of the God-given city.

With the conclusion of the gift of power, His Royal Highness, who had intended to leave the God-given city to establish their own land, multiplied from one to four. The entire God-given city was in uproar because of this. The eldest son, second son, and eldest daughter of the King of Wisdom would venture out to the sea to find a warm sea or island to establish their territorial city. When they were ready, the remaining princes would follow suit to become new pioneers.

Ennes or Ens, the eldest son of the King of Wisdom, led his followers to leave the God-given city on a fusion monster. "Yesel! I will not lose to you! I am the future king of wisdom."

A large group of Sanye people departed from the God-given city and ran towards the sea in different directions, opening a new chapter in their civilization.

Groups of people left, and the once bustling and crowded God-given city became much quieter

The sun is shining, and huge waves are crashing in the sea. Giant beasts of different shapes have appeared on the sea, some resembling sea urchins, and others resembling starfish and jellyfish. All of them belong to the same race, the mythical life fusion monster. Many Sanye people stand on the head of each giant beast. The leaders are the princes and princesses who left the Divine city to expand their territory. They control the giant beasts and navigate the sea to reach the islands in the distance. After many years, they have returned to their hometown, a land blessed by the gods.

As Ens looks into the distance, he is slightly distracted and says, "I've return Father."

Yesel turns his head and smiles at his followers, "We have returned with glory."

A Sanye woman leads her children and says, "Hope father is doing well."

They have returned on this day to celebrate the birthday of Ledley, the king of wisdom. Ten princes and princesses have come to the God-given city as lords to meet the king of wisdom and offer their gifts. They also inform the King of Wisdom that they have completed their task and opened up a new territory. The city governed by the King of Wisdom has expanded from one Divine city to eight, and everything is moving towards a brighter future.

The ocean, once taboo to the Sanye race, is no longer frightening. Going to the deep sea to explore new, unknown areas has become a favorite topic among the young people. The once city-state has expanded and has become a kingdom.

A nobleman from the God-given City steps forward, kneels down, and salutes. "The great King of Wisdom! The God-given city has become the capital of the country. It's time to give a name to the country you have created."

"It just so happens that all the princes and princesses are here today. Please name your kingdom," he continues.

Ledley looks at his children with a proud and satisfied expression and says, "You have done a good job. You deserve to be my descendants. There is no shame in the power given to you by the gods and the supreme glory of the priest of God." He stands up and raises the scepter in his hand. "The Kingdom of God. From today on, you are a part of the Kingdom of Hiinsai."

The Kingdom of Hiinsa means to believe in the kingdom of the gods.