
Emma Blood

Emma blood after countless years of sitting on the throne to protect her own was finally betrayed. With slight relief, she closed her eyes for the last time. Who knew fate had other plans for her. Follow Emma on her journey and new life. How would she live this time?

DaoistAmJoe · 奇幻言情
5 Chs

Chapter 1 - Death and Rebirth

The majestic throne room no longer looked as majestic. The huge columns were broken and barely holding up the roof. The huge and heavy golden-laid doors were completely blown off its hinges. The state of the room was testament to the terrifying battle that had occurred in the room. Emma sat atop her broken throne that barely had any seat left to sit, leaning on her knees.

Her old body was bathed in blood and pieces of meat. It was difficult to tell how much of it was hers and how much belonged to her enemies. Emma's eyes drooped slightly. It was a mixture of her fading consciousness and the sadness she felt looking at the bodies of her 'enemies' scattered on the ground. Her own. Her blood. She had expected the other regions to target her at some point. Heck, she was praying and hoping it would happen. The Blood Queen. The Barbarian Queen. The War Princess. Unlike others, her monikers held true. Even though she ignored them, she did not hate them. They did a good job at deterring the other regions after all.

That was why even though she did not wish war upon her empire, she hoped it would happen. Her family had gotten soft, weak minded and complacent with the peace that had existed for the hundreds of thousands of years that had passed. She hoped it was serve as a reminder for them that although their family was considered the strongest in the realm, there was absolutely no need to relax. What was that saying? A mountain beyond a mountain?

Even if the war did come, she would probably go stand at the frontlines by herself like always. Not because she was afraid some of her family would die. No. There was no way in the nine realms she was going to let someone take her prey. A large army was enough to satisfy her craving for blood and battle. She was born of war, and war she would die. She had never once though of herself dying in that silly royal chair. The chair she had never once vacated. A royal family with one matriarch to rule forever.

Her Blood family was supposed to be the strongest. A sad sigh escaped Emma's lips. How did things turn out the way it did? Why couldn't they just sit back and allow her to protect them like she always had. Why couldn't they just sit back and get fat and lazy and greedy as they always had with content. Emma chuckled weakly, turning to the headless body that had been impaled to the hard floor with her trusted long spear. He was the only one that at least had some ambition among her grandchildren. Or was it great grandchildren? She could not remember. At least he wanted the throne. She was only disappointed that he had to use such underhanded tactics like poison and allying with their enemies to try and take it.

She would not have cared much if he poisoned her and then challenged her. Her disappointment lay in the fact that he colluded with their enemies to usurp her throne. She would have happily stepped down or even died knowing her family was in an even stronger hand. She was too old after all. She had been expecting it, but after years and years passed, those that were like her, battle junkies, had no ambition to succeed her. As for the rest, a bunch of fat bellied fools who were content with eating and drinking and satisfying their lower parts.

And now? Now everything had been laid to waste. There was nothing left. Maybe she should have stepped down earlier. Maybe her desire to protect them by continually staying the matriarch was naïve on her part.

Emma smiled weakly as she closed her eyes. At least their enemies would not become the hegemon after she died. She made sure of it. A new power would rise. None of her regrets mattered. She was an older generation. With her death, a new generation would rise. "Unfortunate. I will not be able to fight the new fighters that would come. I was quite looking forward to it." With her words that were barely a whisper to herself, Emma Blood breathed her last breath, seated on her broken throne with a slight smile on her face.

Darkness. Emma was somewhat aware of where she was. Although she had no control of herself, she felt guided for some reason. Emma was a little confused. Everything was not like she knew. When cultivators died, their spirits and bodies dissipated, adding to the energies of the universe. It was just like the mortals. From earth they were born, the earth they feed off, and the earth they return. In the same way, cultivators absorbed energies from the universe, and as such their bodies and spirits tempered by those energies returned to the origin.

The situation, however, was not like it was supposed to be. What she was experiencing was completely different. She should know. With how many lives she had taken, she had personally seen some cultivators' body and spirit dissipate. Except for those that trained in the undying bodies. Even then, most of the energies within those bodies still returned to the universes. Yet, why was hers different?

Emma had no answer to her predicament. Maybe that was what really happened to everyone. Maybe it was her punishment. To get trapped in the darkness the constant darkness. Alone with her thoughts.

"Oh well. Guess I get to sleep. Did not get much of that previously." Emma 'shrugged'. At least that was what she felt herself doing, although she did not feel a body of her own. There was no reason to think about something she had no power or control over. She had always been that way.

Emma made herself comfortable and fell asleep. She did not even think twice about it. Time slowly passed with her doing nothing but sleep. She had no way to count the time, and even if she did, she would not want to.

As time passed, a light suddenly shone in front of the sleeping Emma. A sudden tug forced her towards the light without her realizing. Even if she knew, as always there was not much she could do about it. She did not have her body nor her cultivation. She would just go with the flow. As a woman that felt she had already lived, Emma felt there was no need for the struggle. Just like that, Emma passed through the light, peacefully with her eyes closed.

'What now?' Emma frowned. She had been hearing faint panicking sounds for a while. If that was all she wouldn't have bothered with it. What was even more annoying was the stinging feeling she had been feeling for a while, and it had been increasing with the panicked sounds.

'Wait. Feel? I can feel?' Emma slowly opened her eyes. The first thing that greeted her a worried face of a beautiful woman, who was sitting up with some difficulty in a delivery table. Her silver hair, although wet, did not do anything to dampen her beauty. The relieved look on the woman when Emma opened her eyes made Emma feel odd. She had never had anyone look at her with that kind of love. She was an orphan in her previous life, and even with her companion, she never really received such attention. She only mated with him because he was the only one who did not fear her to the point of running away from her. Plus, her could receive at least one of her serious punches without passing out.

As Emma and the silver haired woman silently stared at each other, a resounding slap echoed out through the room. "Ouch! What the hell is wrong with you?" Emma screamed at the midwife that was holding her, but only crying sounds came out of her mouth. The midwife handed Emma to the silver haired woman in relief, all the while receiving glares from Emma, who was promising revenge.

By now, Emma had already realized what was going on. For some odd reason. She had been reborn, and it seemed she had almost slept through it. Emma closed her eyes and began to slowly suck on the nipple that had been shoved into her mouth. Although she was hundreds and hundreds of thousands old, she felt there was nothing to be ashamed about. It was a necessity. She was no longer the old lady she was. She had been reborn, and this time, she had a family. At least, she had a mother she knew about.

'Go with the flow'. She said to herself. Emma wondered if such a laid-back attitude was supposed to be her true nature. It was probably the circumstances that forced her to be a battle maniac. Maybe she was just a peaceful and loving person all along.

"Maybe there'll be some strong people to fight this time." Emma fixed her position into a comfortable one and closed her eyes, enjoying the milk that flowed into her mouth.