In a world where humanity has conquered the stars through advanced technology, the discovery of an ancient ruin sparks a devastating conflict, leading to the birth of a new human race and a new path forward. Amidst this turmoil, we meet Marcus Sword, a 16-year-old student longing to become an Energy Manipulator - a powerful individual who wields control over mysterious forces. His dream is to enroll in a military academy and receive the training necessary to unlock his full potential. However, when a tragic accident leaves his body ravaged by illness, his hopes and aspirations are shattered. Now faced with a bleak and uncertain future, Marcus must summon his inner strength to break free from the chains of his miserable destiny. Will he rise to the challenge and emerge as a force to be reckoned with, or will he succumb to the weight of his own despair? Join Marcus on his journey of self-discovery as he navigates a world in turmoil and fights to claim his rightful place in the universe.