
Elden Ring: Cursed In The Lands Between

Imagine being thrown into the world of 2022’s Game of The Year. Well, this happened to an unfortunate young man. He was “taken” by a mysterious entity that claimed to be a Goddess and thrown to The Lands Between and was cursed to reincarnate every time he died. Tasked to become Elden Lord, The Newly Appointed Tarnished sets out in a journey. The cover is a fanart I found online, I do not own it. I mean, this is a fanfic so I don't make money out of it regardless.

Drive_Night326 · 游戏衍生
4 Chs

The Beginning

(3rd Person View)

The Goddess looked at the young man and smiled warmly.

She then snapped her fingers. Suddenly they both teleported to a dark room.

The young man looked around frantically. He noticed that the room had cracks in the roof and moonlight shone through them.

"Relax, my child." The Goddess said with a soothing voice, "This is the beginning of your journey, but before you start, I must fill you in on the rules."

The young man looked at her, "There are rules?"

"Yes. This is a video game world." The Goddess explained, "There are certain limitations you must abide by. Now, allow me to say the most important one: You can tell nobody that you are from another world. Besides, in this world, I doubt they'll believe you."

The man nodded, "Uh, okay.."

"Okay. In this world, there is a leveling system." The Goddess stated, "And you need a currency known as Runes. To get runes, you can either find them in the world or just kill enemies."

"K-Kill?" the man stammered

"Yes. This is a brutal world." She said, "But worry not. Here, you are technically immortal. You die, and you respawn at the last Grace you rested at."

"What's a Grace?" He asked

"It is essentially a checkpoint. Resting there will revitalize you, heal your injuries, and refill your resources which will be your flasks. You can also warp to other graces across the world." She explained, "Quite fun."

"So what's my goal?" He asked

"Become Elden Lord." She said, "Pretty much the whole premise of the game. But it is very difficult to do so. I would tell you how to do that, but that would be cheating. You have to figure it out yourself while you're in there."

"Uhuh..." he said

The Goddess smiled, "Now! Your name and class." She said, "Once you choose that, you can start."

"I don't even know what my name is..." he said

"We'll come back to that." she said, "What class would you like?"

Before the young man would answer, the Goddess suddenly jerked in joy.

"OH!" She shouted, "Would you like to do something different???"

"Different?" the man asked

"The Convergence!" She exclaimed

"What is that?" he asked

"A modification to the world." She said, "It is completely optional though."

"I guess not. I don't even know what this world is like normally, why would I want a modification?" He asked

The Goddess got near to his face, "New classes, new weapons, new spells, a new and better experience..." She said with excitement

"I...think....I'll pass..." he said, "I don't know if I can do that."

She sighed, "Okay." She said, "As you wish. What would you like your class to be?"

He shrugged, "Something basic I suppose." he said, "Can I just swing my sword around?"

The Goddess nodded, "Vagabond it is." She said, "Probably the most basic of the classes. If you wish to do melee only, I could give you Warrior, Samurai, or Hero but Vagabond is the better choice for newbies."

She snapped her fingers and suddenly the man was donned with the vagabond armor and equipped with a sword.

"Oh..." He said, "Its a bit...okay..."

The goddess nodded, "Okay so here's the thing." She said, "I have added a modification. Think of it as 'tasks'. You'll find letters around the world giving you said tasks. Once you complete them, they'll give you juicy rewards. It'll give you a serious advantage. But because of that, they'll be tough to do! Completely optional to do."

The man nodded, "Okay."

"Alright are you ready?" She said

"What of my name?" he asked

The Goddess placed her hand on her chin, "I guess we can go with something Knightly..." She said, "Oh, I know!!"

"Rickard The Bold."