
Echoes Of Sin

At the end of the year, the Seven Mythical Tales shall rise once more. Thus a war shall bring forth destruction to every nation in Xethos Continent.

WilddRedd · 奇幻
15 Chs

Hopeful Lillies

December 4, 1974

In the midst of bloody, grueling, cold war one single man stood alone near a pile of corpses with not a single emotion appearing on his face.

"One thousand seven hundred and fifth eight," he silently muttered.

Soon after Abnormalities started coming out from the ground with only one thing in mind. To kill every living thing they see, yet the man still kept an emotionless .

Each Abnormality had a twisted grin on their faces with drool dripping from their mouths, even some sharpened their claws, some started to growl, and some stood there waiting.

"How many must die?" asked the man.

Back to present time Edward is seen dodging waves of water shaped like tridents that are being controlled by Kieran. The sky above them was gloomy, dark thunderstorm which amplified Kieran's power tenfold, with each step Kieran took made a loud thunderous booming noise.

All the while trying to kill Edward who still managed to dodge every attack, and with a tired look Edward activated his Echo again. Slowly the crimson colored fiery hot aura formed around his hands again with both top of his hands having the symbol of king wearing a crown of thorns while hanging from a noose.


In just a second Edward was already in front of Kieran which caused Kieran to slightly back away, but instantly getting punched in the face.

"Sorry my dear apprentice." Edward apologized.

Boom! Boom!

Thunderous boom noises came out with each punch Edward gave to Kieran who was being beaten up like a ragdoll. Bloody and bruised Kieran formed water in his hand which took the shape of a razor sharp shuriken using it to slice Edward's hip.

Blood came out of the wound of Edward causing him to back away from Kieran who created two blades made out of water but with electricity forming around the blades. Anger, fury, and a thirst for revenge was all Kieran could think while Edward simply thought of what he was going to do next after beating Kieran.

A thunderous water-like aura draped around the shoulders of Kieran forming a cape and his hands were surrounded by water forming razor sharp claws.

Kieran's eyes flickered as they changed from the perpetual white to cat-like yellow with even his own body becoming a bit more muscular. Yet Edward's face stayed the same not even allowing a single hint of surprise or smile to be seen.

In a downward arc Kieran slammed both his fists toward Edward who blocked it and countered with a kick to the face. Edward's suit was torn from the shockwaves of the attacks caused either by him or Kieran or both so he removed the overcoat, and tie tossing them to the side. 

The fiery crimson colored hot aura surrounding Edward's arms got hotter and grew bigger in which completely burned away the sleeves of his shirt. Spiky-like fins appeared on each side of his arm and also on both sides of his legs.

"Tale Of The Hanged King: Forboding Flame," said Edward.

(Author's note: I changed the name of Edward's Echo from Tainted Kingdom of Anguish to Tale of The Hanged King.)

The area around them has completely been destroyed with the corpses of the agents from the Golden Tooth Mafia scattered everywhere either missing limbs, organs, seperated from the body it didn't matter as the debris and blood covered them anyways.

To these two they were just collateral whose lives meant nothing to them just like ants. As the stared down each other, the two were ready to unleash hell upon each other.

"Die you fucking traitor!" Kieran roared out as he rushed towards Edward.

"Bye, bye dear apprentice," Edward said calmly.

Both rushed at each other with killing intent and just about when they're fists were about to collide a blonde man wearing green tinted glasses stopped them with his palms. The man wore a white business casual suit underneath a yellow shirt with gold dots on them.

"I'd like it if you two keep yourselves alive." the blonde commanded.

Quickly, Edward backed up and stared down the blonde while Kieran still in a fit of rage sent down a storm of water spears towards him.

Yet the man simply countered them with regular spin kicks after countering he fixed his tie and looked at Edward with a sly smirk.

"We'll be seeing you soon Mr. Hanged Man," the blonde said with a hint of arrogance.

With that he walked away while Kieran still in fury tried to attack Edward again but a golden barrier appeared in front of him and another to his left another to his right and another at his back and one above him. Which slowly enclosed him into a small golden cube.

The young blonde returned and picked the cube up and spoke again with the same smirk.

"By the way I'm Jensen Marlowe."

Finally he walked away this time as he actually he left the scene as cops started arriving all the while Edward laid on the ground on his back due to the exhaustion of using his Echo.

30 minutes after the devastating storm created by Kieran, Edward is seen sipping a cup of coffee in his office with his left arm bandaged due to strains of water from the attacks of Kieran.

After returning back to the station his chief demanded answers in which he replied coldly.

"Golden Tooth"

The infamous mafia that controlled the southern district and shipping docks of all Tundor city and even some of restaurants around the eastern district. But there was more to them that even the chief doesn't know except for Edward.

Even after the failure of getting any information about the Wyrm Howl cult Edward still took his weekly absence, but he only did this once a case started to interest him and that would be the Wyrm Howl cult case.

Somewhere in Tundor City, 7:45: PM

15 people were currently tied and were forced to kneel by people wearing red cloaks and hoods which covered their faces. One of them spoke in ancient Ithris.

"Praise the Scorched Wyrm!"

Instantly beneath the 15 people's feet trembled as it slowly ripped apart in half allowing all 15 people to fall and be devoured.